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20 goal a season striker?


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Thought it was interesting that on the day Cardiff City were promoted no player in their squad had reached double figures for the season, never mind anywhere near 20.


Perhaps the concept of a good old 20 goal a season striker is a bit outdated if you can develop a squad with multiple contributors?

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I was just looking at the same thing.


Neither Hull nor Brighton have a player in the top 15 scorers either.


Seems several of the teams who are going to be very much also rans or worse have the "best" strikers, or ones in the top ten goalscorers:


Burnley - Austin

Wolves - Ebanks-Blake

Blackburn - Rhodes

Blackpool - Ince

Leeds - Becchio


Some youth called Steve Davies at Bristol City is 11th...

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I do miss Steve Davies :(


Good point though CrimsonRam, certainly a very interesting one.


I always thought we were quite good at getting goals from all over the pitch. We've got Keogh, Buxton, Ward, Bryson, Hendrick and even Sammon and Coutts (recently) chipping in.


The 20 goal a season striker would certainly be the icing on the cake though!

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Messi has contributed to around 43% of Barca's La Liga goals this season..


But of that other 57%, not one of their players has reached double figures.. They've all chipped in with 7 or 8 each..


It's always healthy to have alot of goals from midfield.. I did a summary last season of DCFC goals and we only had around 15 from midfield which was one oif the lowest in the NPC..


This season we have 8 goals from defence which is better than last season.. 20 goals from midfield which is better than last season.. But only 20 goals from our strikers..


Whilst a 20 goal a season striker isn't always necessary in our position we do lack goals uptop.. But then again we've scored more than Hull this season.

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We create many chances, yet don't have that clinical finisher to score more often than not.

We also score many and concede just as many.

If we are to get higher up in this league we either need to:

       1) Score more goals than we are conceding at the moment i.e. bring in someone who scores more goals then our current strikers.

        2) Keep the same forwards, and add a couple of defenders a bit more experience to the team in the hope that the events of throwing away 2 goals leads at Sheffield Wednesday etc and costing us quite a few points this season aren't replicated next season.

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Messi has contributed to around 43% of Barca's La Liga goals this season..


But of that other 57%, not one of their players has reached double figures.. They've all chipped in with 7 or 8 each..


It's always healthy to have alot of goals from midfield.. I did a summary last season of DCFC goals and we only had around 15 from midfield which was one oif the lowest in the NPC..


This season we have 8 goals from defence which is better than last season.. 20 goals from midfield which is better than last season.. But only 20 goals from our strikers..


Whilst a 20 goal a season striker isn't always necessary in our position we do lack goals uptop.. But then again we've scored more than Hull this season.


There needs to be a new version of Godwin's law for talking about Barcelona on football forums.

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Messi has contributed to around 43% of Barca's La Liga goals this season..


But of that other 57%, not one of their players has reached double figures.. They've all chipped in with 7 or 8 each..


It's always healthy to have alot of goals from midfield.. I did a summary last season of DCFC goals and we only had around 15 from midfield which was one oif the lowest in the NPC..


This season we have 8 goals from defence which is better than last season.. 20 goals from midfield which is better than last season.. But only 20 goals from our strikers..


Whilst a 20 goal a season striker isn't always necessary in our position we do lack goals uptop.. But then again we've scored more than Hull this season.



20 goals from our strikers? wait i'm confused?


Ward 12

Robinson 8

Sammon 7

Tyson 4

Martin 1


which is 32 goals from upfront...


Hendrick 6

Bryson 4

Coutts 2

Davies 3

Jacobs 2 

Hughes 2


which is 19 goals from midfield... 


Buxton 3

Keogh 3

Brayford 2

O'Connor 1

which is 9 goals from defence.. 


You're wrong on all accounts.  :lol: 


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20 goals from our strikers? wait i'm confused?


Ward 12

Robinson 8

Sammon 7

Tyson 4

Martin 1


which is 32 goals from upfront...


Hendrick 6

Bryson 4

Coutts 2

Davies 3

Jacobs 2 

Hughes 2


which is 19 goals from midfield... 


Buxton 3

Keogh 3

Brayford 2

O'Connor 1

which is 9 goals from defence.. 


You're wrong on all accounts.  :lol: 



"http://assets.diylol.com/hfs/e0e/5cd/8ce/resized/skull-ben-meme-generator-you-shouldn-t-have-done-that-c4ca83" alt="skull-ben-meme-generator-you-shouldn-t-h">

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20 goals from our strikers? wait i'm confused?


Ward 12

Robinson 8

Sammon 7

Tyson 4

Martin 1


which is 32 goals from upfront...


Hendrick 6

Bryson 4

Coutts 2

Davies 3

Jacobs 2 

Hughes 2


which is 19 goals from midfield... 


Buxton 3

Keogh 3

Brayford 2

O'Connor 1

which is 9 goals from defence.. 


You're wrong on all accounts.  :lol: 



I missed off Theo's and Tyson's goals.. I totally forgot about them..


As for the defender/midfielder mix-up.. That wasn't my fault, yesterday's goal got credited to Coutts from one source and Brayford from another..

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Its goals conceded that has cost us not goals scored

Wendies twice




that's 12 points that crap defending and silly mistakes cost us - would have us in the play offs that.

And under NC we have spent the most in defence/goalkeeping compared to the other positions.

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I was just looking at the same thing.


Neither Hull nor Brighton have a player in the top 15 scorers either.


Seems several of the teams who are going to be very much also rans or worse have the "best" strikers, or ones in the top ten goalscorers:


Burnley - Austin

Wolves - Ebanks-Blake

Blackburn - Rhodes

Blackpool - Ince

Leeds - Becchio


Some youth called Steve Davies at Bristol City is 11th...


They have scored around the same as us but conceded less. Tactics? 

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We haven't had the same threat since Theo left. :ph34r:


It's true though.


That's because he carried a real goal threat in the system that we played. He'd miss a few, and his overall technical ability is poor, but his end result is strong.


That's his purpose. People judge him for other abilities when it's not his job. What's the old Einstein quote? "If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it'll grow up thinking it's an idiot?" Something along those lines.


That's the point. Theo scores goals at a consistent and strong rate, as long as you can create chances. Martin and Sammon are enablers, not finishers, and Sammon's a poor one at that.


There is no end piece to the puzzle. There is no finisher. Our strongest form upfront has been when Theo has been on the pitch and Wards purple patch. You cannot rely on Ward to stay fit, or to keep up that level of form (or indeed stay upfront). Theo is as good as gone given Nigel's previous record with players leaving, usually that's the end of them, so it's no good hoping he'll be played again.


What we do need is someone with his finishing ability, or atleast his nack for positioning. Then playing Martin, or indeed Sammon is we absolutely have to, has some point to it.

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20 goals from our strikers? wait i'm confused?


Ward 12

Robinson 8

Sammon 7

Tyson 4

Martin 1


which is 32 goals from upfront...


Hendrick 6

Bryson 4

Coutts 2

Davies 3

Jacobs 2 

Hughes 2


which is 19 goals from midfield... 


Buxton 3

Keogh 3

Brayford 2

O'Connor 1

which is 9 goals from defence.. 


You're wrong on all accounts.  :lol: 


Ward scored goals when he wasn't playing up front. 

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Ward scored goals when he wasn't playing up front. 


I would say at least 9 of the 12 have come from forward positions. We need better players first and foremost.. people talk about Theo Robinson as if he was deadly, he still took about 5 chances to poke one home, but he got the chances - that's the point. 


Any half decent finisher with the desire would of done well this season, Theo Robinson has done what I expected though - gone to a team with a less productive midfield and their fans are wondering how he earns a wage playing the sport, when at best... looks semi-professional (and that's being kind) 

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I would say at least 9 of the 12 have come from forward positions. We need better players first and foremost.. people talk about Theo Robinson as if he was deadly, he still took about 5 chances to poke one home, but he got the chances - that's the point. 


Any half decent finisher with the desire would of done well this season, Theo Robinson has done what I expected though - gone to a team with a less productive midfield and their fans are wondering how he earns a wage playing the sport, when at best... looks semi-professional (and that's being kind) 


That's one thing I began noticing...his positioning. At first when I told people I didn't know if it was intelligence or dumb look. But after a few more games I pointed out how he was making these checks, timing his acceleration. We were just disappointed with his conversion rate. With that in mind someone like Hughes and Theo's timing and positioning and enough chances will get created. If Theo played every game this season for us I can honestly say he would have got 20. 

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