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Full english


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Settle down boys, I'll sort this one for you.

Bacon and eggs the core of it, with plenty of golden brown crispy fat on the unsmoked back bacon (not so thin it shrivels, but not too thick - you don't want gammon), 2 fried eggs, finished under the grill so you get a runny yolk but none of that uncooked egg white crap on top.

Two or three Lincolnshire sausages fried off until brown all over, rough chopped pork and loads of herbs in there. Thats one of you 5 a day by the way.

A pile of mushrooms, cut in half and fried in the sausage and bacon fat until soft. Large portion.

A slice of old white sliced bread about 3 days old, fried in the remaining bacon fat until golden brown both sides. Add a bit of butter to finish it if you run out of fat on one side of the bread.

One or two tomatoes out of a can. Another one of your 5 a day.

Two bits of toast, buttered, on the side with a bit of marmalade to finish off with if there's any left after you finish the fry. The oranges count as one of you 5 a day an'all, honest.

Two mugs of strong, hot, milky tea with two sugars, one mug after the other to wash it all down with.

There you go. 3 of your 5 a day and you haven't even been for a poo yet. (Poo before Breakfast Boycie? You disgust me by even raising the question.) That pleasantly full feeling, the morning paper and a spot of serious defacation? Heaven.

I think you'll find that settles the debate without the need for any form of potatoage, blood based foodstuffs or, heaven forbid, baked beans. I am now officially starving hungry.

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Settle down boys, I'll sort this one for you.

Bacon and eggs the core of it, with plenty of golden brown crispy fat on the unsmoked back bacon (

I stopped reading when I saw unsmoked - my Dad has it that way, seriously I travel all the way back from Borneo to see them, look forward to getting my first proper breakfast in a year and I get unsmoked bacon, disgraceful. Thankfully they have heeded my complaints and they now get proper smoked bacon in for my visits....

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Right going to get shot down for this. A local cafe does a "full English" for £4, get coffee, two toast, beans, bacon, sausage and .......chips. Lovely. Daveo calls me a tramp/student for eating chips at breakfast but I DON'T CARE! :-)

Excuse me! I'm a student and I hate chips with my breakfast!

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unsmoked bacon is too wishy washy.

It's like a fart with no smell.

A waste of effort.

Scandalous statement. I much prefer farts that don't smell to farts that do.

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