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Watford v Derby County


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didnt sound too bad in the end. we've been undone by poor defending errors again. you dont deserve to get anything out of a game if you cant do the basics right. now the whole playoffs thing is over, i hope nigel uses the following games to prepare the team ready for the next season. get some more of the young lads on at half time and give them some experience.

Its not acceptable that after 4 years at the club, Clough still cant instill basic defensive competency. Sorry but my patience is finally running out with Clough...

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Its not acceptable that after 4 years at the club, Clough still cant instill basic defensive competency. Sorry but my patience is finally running out with Clough...

I am actually amazed by you saying that. I do think its a poor show on his managment that after all this time we still are so bad at the back, Keogh need a quality partner someone who will compliment him. He keeps going on about the honesty stuff what about someone who actually stops crosses and players who can head them away

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You played very well indeed, although we did miss three sitters in the first half.

The penalty award was the work of the devil, to be sure. There can be no other reason that it was given. The commentators were astounded. I shall study it more closely this evening during the 15 seconds of highlights they'll no doubt show on Mr Manish's 'Filbert Street Focus' TV programme.

The final 10 minutes or so were a real test of faith. The verger and I lit many candles and spent the last minutes on our knees in silent prayer, but fortunately the lord saw us through.

Now it's just left to call Mrs Prodworthy from the flower arranging committee to come over for the evening for a few glasses of celebratory medicinal communion wine.

And perhaps a kebab later. See you next season!

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