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Found some money?


You've found a tenner.  

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Last night my mate told me this;

He was at the sports centre waiting for his kid to finish his activity, and was sat in the bar area. He saw a tenner on the floor. Before he could pick it up another chap stooped down for it and took it.

My mate noticed he handed it in at the reception.

What do you think my mate did next?

Yes, "erm, excuse me, has a tenner been handed in? I was just about to get my lad a drink and noticed it was gone from my coat? I knew I should have brought my wallet?"

The scankin sod took it!

But who hands in cash?

Would you?

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I've found two wallets in my life both of which have contained around fifty quid and a whole host of personal cards etc.

Handed them both in to the coppers.

Anyone that wouldn't is dishonest, plain and simple.

What the hell kind of world do we live in where one would choose to keep another persons belongings.

You lose your wallet it can turn your life upside down.

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Found a fiver once on Matalan floor, nobody was around so picked it up and pocketed it, had I found a wallet on the floor with a fiver inside I'd of handed it in. Tbh wouldn't even have opened the wallet just hand it in let them deal with it, lost mine before proper pain in the arse.

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Working on the Falklands just after the war.in a bar." The globe" only one in Port Stanley .my wallet was lifted.. or fell, dont know!! but i vowed never to be honest in that department again...saw a bloke 2 years ago at east mid airport drop his wallet..oh boy it was fat.(the wallet)didn't even open it, tapped him on the shoulder, said "you dropped this"..." oh ta" was his answer, and that was that.....Human nature,.. it really does allude me.

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I once had my purse nicked from my bag at an antenatal class of all places. Only a couple of quid in it but what got me was the photo's of Dav and the kids that went.

Pregnant women do tend to be a tad emotional and I cried all the way home, then had to cancel me cards, just because some tea leaf stole me purse.

So I'd hand it in straightaway, it causes all kinds of cruel stress.

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I would do what I would expect to be done if i lost some money. If it was obvious that someone had lost it and i saw it i would tell them any anount of money. If it was in the street on the floor then finders keepers in my book. I found a purse in vic centre car park and handed it in the problem was i was on my out and had paid for my parking so i drove out then back in. I paid the extra parking out my own pocket.

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That's what you call being a good citizen, you never hear enough about them, it's always the dross who nick the headlines.

Saying that though, I've just remembered a story which was on RD last week. An old lady had her bag grabbed from her hand by a bloke and a teenage lad took him out and got it back. Went a long way to restoring her faith in the younger generation. I like that, cos there's too much pond life nowadays.

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I handed in a purse I found on the floor outside of a curtain shop in Nottingham just before Christmas, it was full of credit cards and money but handed it back to the shop. My own naive thinking is that someone would do the same if ever I dropped my wallet.

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