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Boycotting Starbucks


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totally agree with SillyBilly here.

Big companies cannot be trusted. Governments have to provide a framework of rules for business to be done otherwise Starbucks would sell crystal meth alongside their espresso's.

If people don't understand this, may I refer them to what happened to the banks under Gordon Brown's "light" touch or self regulation...

Yeah...forgetting Starbucks a moment, without doubt globalisation is the biggest threat to managed capitalism the world has ever seen and we're seeing the results now. Any country at present wanting to get tough would effectively sign a death warrant to its own economy unless others make the unlikely pledge to follow suit and impose the same standards. The reality obviously being other countries would welcome the investment and jobs with open arms...the implication of this is our destinies being put in the hands of people driven only by profit as governments surrender control. Multi-nationals now can wire money across the globe as they please knowing that they're untouchable - I think this is a cause for great concern. Feels like we're being held to ransom all the time. And its greed which drives this whole cycle.

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Yeah...forgetting Starbucks a moment, without doubt globalisation is the biggest threat to managed capitalism the world has ever seen and we're seeing the results now. Any country at present wanting to get tough would effectively sign a death warrant to its own economy unless others make the unlikely pledge to follow suit and impose the same standards. The reality obviously being other countries would welcome the investment and jobs with open arms...the implication of this is our destinies being put in the hands of people driven only by profit as governments surrender control. Multi-nationals now can wire money across the globe as they please knowing that they're untouchable - I think this is a cause for great concern. Feels like we're being held to ransom all the time. And its greed which drives this whole cycle.

The only thing i'd disagree with is the bit about one country getting tough ending up losing out. An important country like the UK could change that if they really meant it. We'd all be surprised I think if the moral argument was put over. Most people would back them.

Over the last 40 years the richest 1% have got incredibly richer at the expense of the rest, and they will never give that up without a fight, but, that still leaves 99% of us!

One great big open and honest debate could easily change the world i reckon.

It would take one hell of a brave and intelligent person to do it though.

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The only thing i'd disagree with is the bit about one country getting tough ending up losing out. An important country like the UK could change that if they really meant it. We'd all be surprised I think if the moral argument was put over. Most people would back them.

Over the last 40 years the richest 1% have got incredibly richer at the expense of the rest, and they will never give that up without a fight, but, that still leaves 99% of us!

One great big open and honest debate could easily change the world i reckon.

It would take one hell of a brave and intelligent person to do it though.

That rules out politicians then.

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That rules out politicians then.

Yep, it probably does.

A lot of MP's and almost all future Party leaders, are "selected" in their early 20's. They become researchers for current MP's and have it made clear to them that if they want a career in politics they must follow the party line.

A lot of them are sent to Business schools in the USA to make sure they are "on message" with the so called free market ideology.

Can anyone actually see a difference between David Cameron and Tony Blair? Both groomed to lead their parties and both can lie with conviction.

Their policies are pre-determined for them so they don't need to be that bright, just good on telly.

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Well, here's where I'm at.

Do I pay my accountant to make sure I pay lots of tax?

No, I pay him to help me limit the amount of tax I pay.

I get no holiday pay, sick pay or all the other perks that comes with a staff job.

You show me a person who wouldn't do the same in my position and I'll show you a liar.

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