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It is a "free" way of gettgin exercise, before you know it you have walked for 3 or 4 hours.....and some of the cache's, you have just got to hold your hands up and say well done.

Go for it, if you have a iPhone download the app, it's really good.

Samsung galaxy 3, can you get the app for that?

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My eldest loves his guitars, his next plan is to make a replica Red Special (the one what Brian May uses) but at the min he's just setting up house so for now it's on the back burner. I'm sure he'll get round to it one day.

I always thought you were about my age! Wood's expensive, worth it though when you've got a home made guitar!

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Much like your dogging, geocashing is an outdoor recreational activity. Where it differs to the past time of your choice is that as opposed to finding,.. erm, .. what one finds when going dogging, geocashers look for treasure/prizes using GPS systems and ting. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

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I like collecting and renovating old clocks, have several wall clocks dating back

to circa1910..Ive spent this afternoon working on three non-workers, and have

successfully got them all working, albeit it will take a few days to collaberate them

but very satisfying to put 'life' back into them.

What Hobbies do you have ?

I could do with knowing you.

I've got 4 clocks and none of them work properly.

Used to take them to smiths, but they keep them for 6 months, and they usually go wrong again within a week of getting them home.

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I could do with knowing you.

I've got 4 clocks and none of them work properly.

Used to take them to smiths, but they keep them for 6 months, and they usually go wrong again within a week of getting them home.

i'm either lucky, or gifted, but i do seem to have a pretty good success rate of getting 'em going..

PM me if you need assistance, altho location may pose a problem, i'm in Swad..

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