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Should Our Police Be Armed?


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Although there's been a call for our police being armed, I think it's just a knee jerk reaction.

In reality, the training and know how the police would have to go through to carry guns in a day to day setting would be massive.

I think the police go through enough red tape and critisism when their expert fire arms units do their job - like with Raul Moat and Mark Duggan, sparking off riots and anti police feelings, not to mention the mistakes with the innocent Brazilian man on the tube. (I can't spell his name).

I personally think it would be a big mistake to arm our police. It's awful what happened in Manchester but sadly I don't think them being armed would have made much of a difference and those saying that two policewomen shouldn't be on patrol together are just being daft - I don't think a policeMAN in that situation would have made any difference either, they were unprepared and if reports are true, just attending a burglary.

Sad times.

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The thing is, most PC's joined the job to Police not to become qualified authorised firearms officer's. It would definitely be safer to have them but why should they? If it ever came in, it should be by choice.

I don't like it when people say "Police in America and most of Europe have them, so should we" or "If we arm the Police more criminals will tool up" They've already got them and if they get caught with one, it only ends two ways - in a coffin or in a cell.

Some Cities have a couple of Armed Response Vehicles per Sq mile, others have one or two per borough, some shire forces have one or two per force area. The problem comes when a force receives an isolated firearms incident like the recent shooting in Greater Manchester, where they have no intelligence or reason to believe firearms may be present.

The bizarre obsession with trial by media a lot of people in England and Wales have would also cause big problems should a PC ever feel the need to pull the trigger on a member of scum.

It's tricky, but I think the easiest and possibly best solution is to increase the number of AFO's on the street at all times and to roll out tasers to all Officers who are willing to complete the training.

I hope this evil c*nt gets a Harry Roberts sentence.

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Im going with NO on this. I prefer however if our judges and justice system gave better protection to our police officers and general public by not letting out on bail someone who is charged with 2 murders and 4 counts of attempted murder. How this guy was out on the streets to be able to even carry out this heniuos act is something that is just very very wrong. I hope the judge that set him free in the 1st place loses his seat on the bench and better still faces crminal charges for gross negligence himself... wont hold my breath on that score though.

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Haha.....utch has had no manned police station for years.

I meant no because more police will die if they are armed. Its no deterrent in the US and wouldn't be here.

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HHHMM If there were no guns in the whole world, how many ppl would die through gun crime??? HHHMMMM my maths are not the best but Im going with a big fat [size=6]0[/size]

Sadly the crims would then all be walking around with big ferk off samouri swords...... 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

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NO. This country becomes more like America everyday with faceless "malls", fat food chains, corporate buyouts, rampant capitalism, mass immigration and ghettoisation...do we really need cops with guns as well. It'd just lead to criminals arming themselves up more and guns becoming as commonplace as knives are today. I'd be disgusted if this became police policy, the selling out of more traditional British values...wouldn't suprise me at all though.

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i'm of the opinion that these lowlifespeople are intent on getting themselves a 'life sentence'

because they haven't got the balls to face the prospect of earning an honest wage, supporting a family,

getting through life law-abidingly, a soft option is for them to commit a crime that guarantees

they wont ever be set free. Why else would a person hand himself in within hours of that henious act ?

certainly not a guilt trip, Bring back Capital Punishment, maybe some would think twice then.

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Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

With guns.

I feel this is relevant to this discussion.


Say what you will about our ridiculus gun ownership rate(I own guns for sport myself), but that's the culture we had established from the start in a hostile new land. Maybe if we have a few hundred more years and suddenly had the ability to adequately police borders that span thousands of miles/a nation a continent wide we wouldn't have developed an "armed" culture. But hey, you best bet no one would ever try to bring a war to the American mainland.

"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." -Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II.

Your police shouldn't be armed any more than they are now with those specialist units that were mentioned. Your gun ownership rate most definitely doesn't require it and there's no reason to possibly incite those levels to rise.

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