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On the Ram Page

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Everything posted by On the Ram Page

  1. Possibly daft, daft penalty given away at Oxford and maybe could have done better with Peterborough goals 2 & 3
  2. He is responding to questions asked of him by press/reporters etc. would you rather the questions weren’t asked or that he gave a “no comment” answer? He is a truthful guy with honest principles and telling you how it is, in terms of trying to sign the right players. The name Derby County no longer gives a guarantee we should be able to sign anyone we like. There are so many different factors to be considered by players when transferring to a new club. He is right in that thousands of players would sign for us, but mainly not the ones we want to improve us.
  3. I haven’t read the Matchday thread as I don’t want to get depressed, so I am not sure if any comment was made about the pitch. This looked in very poor condition - dry, bumpy, grass less in some areas - and I think contributed to our poor start to the game, as we couldn’t control the ball very well. I know we warmed up on it beforehand but that is without the pressure of an opponent breathing down your neck. I know the weather hasn’t been kind recently but we need a decent surface to play on during the last half of the season, so we can make our perceived “class” count against inferior teams. We need a surface where you can trust the roll and bounce. Surprisingly looked very dry in parts and noticeable the water was turned on at half time. hopefully the groundsmen can work wonders and get it rolled flat. Really surprised as I thought we had one of the best playing surfaces in the division.
  4. Elder and Sibley have already proved they can play at that level and I think Wildsmith should be able to.
  5. How can you make such informed comments if you are not even watching the game. Ridiculous
  6. So the only managers we’ve had that deserve any credit are Clough, MacKay, Cox, Smith & Davies?
  7. Less any leavers. Hopefully players out of contract will be looking to impress to get a new contract in the Championship.
  8. Can’t say I agree with a lot in your first 3 paragraphs. But if you say we play like an Aldi version of Liverpool whilst we are in League One, I will take that. When and if we get promoted we can improve to Sainsbury’s and then the season after to Waitrose. Even in recent blind tastings with Sainsbury’s and Fortnum & Mason, Aldi came out top on quite a few products.
  9. I personally don't like the terms Warneball or Hoofball - I don't think they exist and think they are derogatory. We were all disappointed with the way we started the season, after doing pretty well in the pre-season friendlies. But maybe there were reasons for the poor start: We have added 12 new players to the squad this season - time is needed to bed in, get used to other players, how the manager wants to play, get used to the demands of the supporters. This was not helped with injuries (pre-season & since) to Elder, Ward, Wilson, Rooney, Barkhuizen, Bird, Washington, Waghorn, John-Jules, Smith Thompson, Sibley & Embleton. Selection was limited at times, especially early season. Individual errors in the first few games (Bradley, Nelson, Wildsmith) didn't help to breed confidence. Pressure built on the team and management from the fans, due to some very unconvincing displays. Warne likes to play with pace, athleticism, aggression with lots of crosses into the box and pressing high to win the ball back (Liverpool, Man City Arsenal spring to mind as good examples of this), Unfortunately, he didn't have the players to produce this, especially with all the injuries. The players struggled and above all else our passing was terrible. Gradually, as some players have returned from injury, our performances have improved, our passing has greatly improved (but still a way to go yet). For all the criticisms we are the second highest scorers in the league with 47 goals (averaging nearly 2 a game) and the second best (equal) defensive record. Still - as everyone says (Warne, players & fans) there is still scope for significant improvement in performances. There have been 2 or 3 really disappointing results or performances - Cheltenham (new manager syndrome and look how much they have improved since - ask Portsmouth) - Stevenage where we were out-bullied and Peterborough who beat us with athleticism, pace and the quality of their passing. But we are doing ok and I hope we have a good transfer window to fuel improvements. Despite all his detractors, I think Warne & his team generally get "it right" - they obviously look very carefully at the opposition before we play (Forest Green the latest example with high balls into the box) and try to counter this. Whether that was the real reason he went to 3 at the back, or because of Nyambe's absence only he will know but it did help bolster the midfield which was badly outrun by Peterborough in the previous game. A bit shaky at times but it worked out well in the end. It could be argued, I suppose, they take too much account of the opposition instead of just concentrating on our own game, but generally they get it right. We are doing well enough with the current squad we have. We all want great performances every week with a 5-0 win, but we need to be realistic with the current squad we have - still lack of pace and aggression in some areas. A bit of patience is required. Lets all hope we have a great second half to the season and get behind all the "team" (particularly the non-favourites Bradley, Collins, Warne, Hourihan et al)
  10. Bolton & Peterborough still left in, so no guarantees.
  11. Good team then! Still don't get your point unless its another sly dig at Paul Warne? When Man U were somewhere near their peak - coach was McClaren and Manager Ferguson - but we all knew who was in charge.
  12. 3 defeats in 9 League games which was the subject of the post.
  13. Not so, 3 defeats in 9 matches under Resenior
  14. Following our defeat on Monday, a little bit of cheer maybe, if you compare this season to last. Derby beat Accrington 4-0 at Pride Park, making it 15 unbeaten in all competitions. League Tables 2022/23 P W D L GF GA GD PTS Plymouth 25 17 5 3 46 26 20 56 Sheff W 25 15 7 3 45 18 27 52 Ipswich 25 14 8 3 47 25 22 50 Derby 24 11 8 5 33 17 16 41 Bolton 24 11 7 6 30 20 10 40 Barnsley 23 12 4 7 30 21 9 40 2023/24 Portsmouth 25 15 8 2 41 20 21 53 Bolton W 24 16 3 5 45 24 21 51 Peterborough 25 14 7 4 50 27 23 49 Derby 24 14 4 6 44 23 21 46 Oxford 25 14 4 7 42 29 13 43 Barnsley 24 12 7 5 46 28 18 43 Although you cannot read too much into the tables at this stage, we were 11 points behind the 2nd place team. This year we are 5 points behind 2nd and if we win our game in hand, only 4 points behind the leaders. Interestingly, despite losing our prime goalscorer McGoldrick, we have scored 11 more goals than at this stage last season but after conceding a few in the last 2 games, have conceded 6 more. So all to play for. Possibly much will depend on the relative successes of Clubs in the Transfer Window. We had a poor Window last year and lessons were learnt but whether we can actually get the desired goods through the door remains to be seen. Peterborough have already lost an influential player and captain of their team. Rumours are West Ham may be interested in Ronnie Edwards, which would leave a massive hole in their team. It will be very interesting to see who spends/gambles or loses prize assets. Lets all be optimistic we can get the job one this year.
  15. Paul Warne called it before the game - he thought Peterborough were the best side in the Division. Unlike most of us, I am sure they had looked at all their recent games and realised the threat they posed, particularly up front. I sure most fans are a little surprised by their quality. I expect he wanted to put our his current most strongest eleven, and therefore went unchanged from the last 2 games - I guess hoping that the occasion would lift they players and we could get some sort of result (a draw would have been decent). If everyone is totally honest, I think the majority of us would have gone with an unchanged team (without the benefit of hindsight). I was happy with the decision. Regardless of what team we had put out, (possibly with the exception of Fornah), we would have been outrun, such was the athleticism of the Peterborough team. For all their effort Thompson and Sibley are not pacey and not strong enough in the tackle. As I said previously, Fornah may have been useful in the squad, but I can understand why Warne kept the same squad. I think Peterborough were excellent and epitomises the type of squad Paul Warne would like to develop, given the time and opportunity - young, athletic, pacy. All the speculation is that he is looking for a younger, more dynamic midfielder (and striker) in the transfer window -lets hope he is successful. Without wanting to criticise and call out players, I have been a little disappointed with Joe Wildsmith during the last couple of games. As an ex-goalkeeper, I agree with the old saying "you have to be a bit mad to be a goalkeeper"! It was certainly a moment of madness in the first couple of minutes at Oxford, with the needless penalty. The free kick was also a great opportunity to score but having set his wall up to cover one side of the goal, he has to cover the other side. If the ball goes over/through the wall, then there is not much you can do about it. But as the free kick is taken he makes a slight movement to his right, shifting his weight (as if anticipating the ball going over the wall), so there was no way he could save the free kick to side he was covering, which admittedly was beautifully struck. Against Peterborough, I thought he was excellent early on - a very good save 1st half and caught a number of crosses second half to take the pressure off the defence. It looked as though he could have done better with the second goal, but like everyone else was not ready for the quick cross. Probably, could also have been more dominant/braver in the lead up to the third goal too? As a goalkeeper, only a slight error or misjudgment can be so costly. But he also needs to be a bit more canny with his time wasting activities. It looked as though he may have made a lot of a hand injury in the first half, which allowed Warne and Barker to have a word with the players, resulting in a reorganisation of midfield, which was very necessary at the time (good dark arts?). But after we had taken the lead, he started wasting time with goal kicks and was eventually warned by the referee, who pointed to his watch to indicate he would add time on. Lo and behold, last minute of added time! I like him generally as a goalkeeper, but I do think he could be a bit smarter with his decision making at times and his "winding the clock down" activities.
  16. What’s the relevance? We were 1st Division Champions twice in the 70’s
  17. I think he is the type of player who will blow hot or cold and excite and frustrate at times. Hope fans stay patient with during the frustrating times as he appears to be a “confidence” player. Opposition teams have already taken note of him and are doubling up against him. He will need to keep developing as others learn his current tricks and movements. Very good signing though - well done Mr Warne - I would guess the perfect manager for him.
  18. Think you should read the thread again re Bird, Hourahane an Barkhaizen in particular
  19. Take your points but still think he is relatively inexperienced as a manager. He was appointed Caretaker Manager in Nov 2016 at Rotherham and I am not sure he expecting to take over and fully prepared for that role. He was appointed in Jan 2017 to manage to the end of that season, during which relegation from the Championship was confirmed. Despite the relegation he was appointed Manager for the following season, which indicates to me that he had made an impression. Promotions and relegations then featured. Being appointed Head Coach at Derby is a different kettle of fish to the Rotherham role, with due respect to Rotherham. I am sure he has probably learnt more about football management since being at Derby, than his previous tenure (my assumption). As such I believe he is still relatively “young” as a Manager had has scope to “grow”. My point about the transfer window relates to keeping our best players, who will be out of contract shortly (not his fault) like Cashin & Bird. Maybe we need the funds from these transfers to be able to get the strikers/midfield players we possibly need. As supporters we don’t know the financial situation at the club - we ONLY DEMAND PROMOTION no matter what it takes. No one can guarantee the players he feels we need will come to Derby or indeed be allowed to by their current club. That’s why it is a difficult window. I just think he needs to be given some leeway and time to develop himself, the team and the club - especially bearing in mind all the financial constraints we have been under and the decimation of of academy.
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