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  1. Clap
    atherstoneram got a reaction from May Contain Nuts in The Administration Thread   
    He is playing on the fans nerves by getting the media to do his dirty work for him.
    "I have offered x amount but the administrators have declined it,now the club will be liquidated"
    Doesn't like being on the losing end of takeover talks me thinks.
  2. Clap
    atherstoneram got a reaction from LERam in The Administration Thread   
    He is playing on the fans nerves by getting the media to do his dirty work for him.
    "I have offered x amount but the administrators have declined it,now the club will be liquidated"
    Doesn't like being on the losing end of takeover talks me thinks.
  3. Clap
    atherstoneram got a reaction from DCFC1388 in The Administration Thread   
    Folks are saying it could be done in days,the man has got the wedge,now it's obvious he doesn't want to pay what CK was otherwise he wouldn't be going to the media. If his offer is less the administrators can't simply accept it,they have to put it back to creditors who may say he offers the same or we don't accept.
  4. Haha
    atherstoneram got a reaction from Derby4Me in The Administration Thread   
    If his offer doesn't realise more money than selling all the contracted players in liquidation then he either increases his offer or shuts up.
    Just standing behind the media to do his shouting for him hoping that someone will crack doesn't give a good feeling.
    He will want to pay peanuts but knows it won't be accepted so is making out he is the hard done to party.
  5. Like
    atherstoneram reacted to Gritstone Tup in The Administration Thread   
    From memory the difference between CKs bid and the others was he was paying the creditors more. The administrators job is to accept the best deal for the creditors which might not be the best for the club!
  6. Like
    atherstoneram reacted to Phoenix in The Administration Thread   
    Sorry if this has been already dicussed. Too many pages to digest everything.
    I was under the impression that the stadium now has a 'local' buyer. That being the case, whatever Ashley bids will be for just the club, not the stadium, and the stadium could be rented.
    If that's not his intention, it would imply that he's just after the real estate, and sod what happens to the club.
  7. Clap
    atherstoneram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Folks are saying it could be done in days,the man has got the wedge,now it's obvious he doesn't want to pay what CK was otherwise he wouldn't be going to the media. If his offer is less the administrators can't simply accept it,they have to put it back to creditors who may say he offers the same or we don't accept.
  8. Clap
    atherstoneram got a reaction from Barney1991 in The Administration Thread   
    He is playing on the fans nerves by getting the media to do his dirty work for him.
    "I have offered x amount but the administrators have declined it,now the club will be liquidated"
    Doesn't like being on the losing end of takeover talks me thinks.
  9. Like
    atherstoneram reacted to RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    I find MA low balling the offer or making a lot of noise without actually laying down a figure acceptable more believable than MA being unfairly excluded from the process. Can't say that for sure though, obviously and given Q's apprent lack of, well, everything really, it's not impossible.
    my perceptions at the moment are:
    CK: nieve and where is the money? and why do this deal and not make payroll of your actual company employees?
    MA: gamesmanship, low balling and a media offensive - but, he gets his deals done and has done for years.
    AA: A sensible and conservative bid most likely, probably never front runner, probably won't get restarted in time v Ashley anyway. Could probably actually run the club.
    Morgan: Ran Wolves so probably up to it. Unlucky Alf says it's him.
    Gadsby: Not being mentioned, but could see him having some stake in a non-Ashley bid.
    Q: not impressed. Not surprised the EFL aren't either. but it's easy to give them a kicking.
    EFL: not impressed. But are seemingly reluctant to actually throw us out until they have to.
    MM: get in the bin.
  10. Like
    atherstoneram reacted to May Contain Nuts in The Administration Thread   
    You would think that, but all of the evidence suggests the complete opposite. 
    The smear campaign was already ridiculous, but now its gone into overdrive. 
    The letter from MASH...
    4.1bn turnover, could save DCFC for 0.35% of that , squabbling over paying 0.05% in either direction because he doesn't want to pay the admins something like 0.004% of the money and thinks they only deserve 0.003%
    ...doesn't even mention a proper offer just the usual 'interest' or approach. Same old bluster.
    Apparently they should have been crawling on their hands and knees, begging him to take over. 
    Cue the usual 'why should he pay more than its worth' posts. Maybe he shouldn't, I'm just putting the rough numbers in some sort of context. 
  11. Like
    atherstoneram reacted to LERam in The Administration Thread   
    My bid isn't as high as the others but it is 100% safe, so go for me now and know it will be sorted or I'm out of here 
    We shouldn't expect the owners to care as much as us but it shows his total non attachment to the club and fans. He isn't bothered if the club go under or not. 
    Then again we had local boy and massive fan Mel so does that matter?
  12. Like
    atherstoneram reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    Exactly angie, total lack of class from Ashley. I can't believe mainstream media journos cannot see they are being played and as you say Sky in particular.
  13. Like
    atherstoneram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    If his offer doesn't realise more money than selling all the contracted players in liquidation then he either increases his offer or shuts up.
    Just standing behind the media to do his shouting for him hoping that someone will crack doesn't give a good feeling.
    He will want to pay peanuts but knows it won't be accepted so is making out he is the hard done to party.
  14. Like
    atherstoneram reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    Ed Dawes mentioned £28 m. The letter seems to confirm the offer wil include the stadium, which is £22m to £24m asking price to cover the secured MSD loan. So leaves nothing for the unsecured  creditors of the club really.

    Do you really think Quantuma would not have picked Ashley if he had offered enough?
  15. Like
    atherstoneram reacted to I know nuffin in The Administration Thread   
    Let's see 28 million, 23 ish for stadium, 2 for admins, 3 for all creditors including HMRC. Think that is a goer. No wonder admin don't want to talk to him
  16. Clap
    atherstoneram reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    I agree in principle,  but it's hard for us to simultaneously find the actual news among the drivel on here, mod the insults and libellous posts and post on the updates thread.
    From what I can see, most of Dorsett's, Percy's and Nixon's tweets have been speculative at best. That Sky are running this as a major news story is appalling journalism, imo, and if anyone wondered before why Quantuma were reluctant to engage with Ashley, they surely aren't now, if this is the way he does business. Looks to me like he is trying to bully his way into ownership.
  17. Clap
    atherstoneram reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in The Administration Thread   
    My favourite thing about Ashley's teams statement is where it says "It is not our clients intention to comment upon any press reports at this stage", in a statement that has clearly been leaked to the press to report upon.
  18. Clap
    atherstoneram reacted to RipleyRich in The Administration Thread   
    Can't lose sight of the fact that Quantuma's first responsibility is to secure the best deal for the creditors.
  19. Clap
    atherstoneram reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    "It is not our client's position to comment on press reports "... only  to stir up trouble in the media by leaking confidential discussions to the press. Ashley can duck off right now.
  20. Like
    atherstoneram reacted to FlyBritishMidland in The Administration Thread   
    Totally agree.  Regarding their fees, yes they will cost a lot but they seem to be in right area.  The last set they published quoted £2.1M to get to the point of exiting administration.  I assume that be around now, late May early June as both they and CK quoted this once it was confirmed he was the PB.  That would be just over 8 months.  Wigan’s administration fees were just under £2.3M for the same time period.  And they didn’t have all the nonsense we’ve had with the spurious claims, ground issues, size of debt, etc.
  21. Like
    atherstoneram reacted to RipleyRich in The Administration Thread   
    Preferred bidder or not, a purchase will have to go through a similar process to CK I would assume.
    Bid acceptable to Q, access granted to full accounts, bid confirmation, proposal to creditors, proposal to EFL, Fit & Proper Persons Test, Contracts drawn and exchanged, funds transferred etc.
    Previously quoted as taking 6 to 12 weeks I believe?
    Alongside that, the Stadium has to be sorted in whatever guise that will be with the bidder/s.
    Time is critical now, and satisfying EFL re funding for the season is the most urgent issue to resolve as I see it.
  22. Clap
    atherstoneram reacted to May Contain Nuts in The Administration Thread   
    To be fair, Nixon has no contractual obligation to anyone but himself, and can reveal whatever the hell he likes without it potentially having any impact on proceedings. 
    It's also hardly a new thing that people within football tell journalists things they don't tell the fans, but some fans are acting like they've never seen this sort of thing before. 
    We don't have the right to be told anything before anyone else, never have had, never will have 
  23. Clap
    atherstoneram reacted to May Contain Nuts in The Administration Thread   
    The 'work' they've done is to keep the club running on a day to day basis despite the business being left in such a state that.. well a state that it needed administrators called in!
    Don't underestimate that job in itself. There's a reason Administrators fees are as high as they are, and there's a reason Administrators don't tend to be at the top of everyone's Christmas Card lists. It's not a job you do to make friends. 
    If another interested party comes forward now they benefit from the 'work' that's been done. They know the amount of money they need, there's an agreed (provisional) structure for how and when that money will go to creditors, there's an EFL approved business plan that can be used as a template, any new candidate knows what the budgets are going to look like, what's acceptable to the EFL. 
    With a bit of tweaking everything is already in place for someone to stump up the money CK was supposed to pay and the club is theirs.
    Up until recently there's been no veritable evidence that CK had no chance of getting the deal over the line. He's surrounded by entirely reputable people who have backed him up every step of the way.
    Proof of funds is proof of funds. I doubt the checks made on this by the admins are any different to the checks any other admin would make. 
    It's simply a fact that he has or had the money somewhere. That it appears to have gone missing now is a separate matter and I'd agree with people saying that there should have been some sort of 'test run' perfomed much earlier to prove that the money would arrive. It still remains though that there was no legal, no formal reason for anyone involved in the process to think he couldn't pay up - cynicism from supporters doesn't cut it, feelings don't come into it - there needs to be firm evidence presented as a reason not to proceed. 
    The crux of the second half if your post is "if you believe MA's representatives".
    That'll be a firm no. There's no point discussing MA further at this point except to say if you believe the PR that's coming from the biggest game player of the lot, we'll that's your prerogative. 
    If the administrators are in it purely to line their pockets and drag everything out intentionally, why did they even bother go to the EFL with a bidder and the cross claim cram down thing to get a PB in place for January?
    I suppose you could accuse them if doing that for show, to make it look like they wanted this all over months ago... but then you're not just calling them incompetent you're literally accusing them of illegal activity. 
    If that's the case it will all come out in the wash, but they've been convicted already by Derby fans. 
    If their fees are 'crazy' surely someone can prove that they aren't simply in line with what anyone anyone else would charge for the job? Mike Ashley refusing to pay someone their due doesn't make it any less due. 
    None of this is to say they haven't made some big mistakes, but some of the stuff that comes out of people's mouths about the administrators while they simultaneously wax verbal about other parties (with their own agenda) and swallow every PR fluff piece designed to make them look like some sort of victim in all of this is... I don't even have the words tbh. 
  24. Like
    atherstoneram reacted to w8sey in The Administration Thread   
    He can. He would just need to resign. 
  25. Clap
    atherstoneram got a reaction from RipleyRich in The Administration Thread   
    I thought the ground would only be bought if Kirchner got the club.
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