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Everything posted by Archied

  1. There’s no doubt his actions since taking over Twitter look like fanancial suicide, it’s quite staggering when you look at the figures paid for it and being able to not give a duck if you run it into the ground , I must say he’s someone who’s quite difficult to get a grip on what he’s actually about , could be just mad rich and drunk on it 🤷🏻‍♂️
  2. May break the affirmation addiction that’s infested society 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. I normally lick my finger and stick it in the air , multiply by the hope I feel then subtract the this is derby figure
  4. Trouble is we do this all the time then somehow a 27 k crowd is always anouced 😂,, I reckon they should announce attendance and tickets sold figures
  5. You get less angry if your lucky ,, the downside is you get more cynical, don’t worry about falling out , im never gonna storm off, get abusive and call you names , we are both obviously sensible enough to stand our ground , give our opinion but most importantly be able to agree to disagree on points , it’s that quality that gives a little bit of hope in what can often seem like a cess pit of a world at times 😀👍
  6. Definitely don’t want to fall out and chances are we are 90 % in agreement, just had a look on your profile as I was interested in your age because it often has a bearing on how we see things , I’ve got a quarter of a century on you and if you had got me into a debate over the PLO when I was your age I may have come across very differently to you , age and life can tire you out a bit to the point that you find these constantly repeating horrors sickening and you just want to say duck the past , duck the old rights and wrongs , just ducking stop now 🤷🏻‍♂️
  7. Can you repost the original that I replied to with the above quote from me and I will check what it was that I felt was divisive , it seems a long while back and you have posted so much since then simply because there’s some bits I don’t see the same as you that it feels like being snowed under and I don’t remember the post I replied to or the one you were replying to , fact is in my opinion waving flags of one side or the other and arguing back and forth on who did what to who first is divisive and partisan in the current situation as I’ve stated you are welcome to your view 🤷🏻‍♂️
  8. Who is it on here that you speak of who claim to be balanced and neutral yet struggle with criticism of Israel’s action s ?
  9. Spot on ,,, , we on here remember with warmth and fondness Daniel , the things we loved about him , the things about him that made us smile but to the outside world a flag with the text you propose says everything anybody needs to know and befitting to b4 the ram 😀🐏
  10. I’m not appealing to any side of you and I will neither storm off or attack you , what’s the point of that ? of course there are many on the marches who ONLY call for peace , im not stupid and i commend that in those people as I feel exactly the same way but in my view there are very large numbers that are getting it wrong and sending the totally wrong message , after all what are / were flags about ,, they are / were waved and carried to show what side you are on or support, if people are on the side of peace then wave a flag or banner that clearly calls for that , not the flag of one side or the other involved in a conflict / cluster duck thousands of miles away ,,that’s my view 🤷🏻‍♂️
  11. I have never never once said or implied you are anti semetic , I would respond just the same to anyone arguing what’s going on now is an appropriate response from Isreal, the response was anger fuelled and not thought threw and being compounded by not taking a step back and seeing that what is going on now can no way create any kind of peace, it can only create more hate
  12. I not one for storming off, but anger just begets anger and as I say I’m only interested in how that stops , I’ve been on the verges of a couple of these marches , watched the footage from many sources and I’m seeing something very different from you 🤷‍♂️
  13. I think an angry imogi says a lot 🤷‍♂️
  14. We are obviously seeing something different 🤷‍♂️ policing of football is very different
  15. Naive , utopian? It’s very easy to be described as such but I just feel very uncomfortable to come on and defend the historical rights and wrongs of either side when innocent people are being slaughtered, I would no more be on the streets waving an Israeli flag when the first killings happened in this latest break out than I would wave a Palestine flag in response to what’s going on now , if the streets were filled with banners and chants for peace then I would be tempted to join in , ive not been on any marches but have been on the fringes ( travelling through ) and that is far from the vibe I’m picking up 🤷🏻‍♂️
  16. Perhaps when we all stop focusing and arguing over who threw the first stone , who’s thrown the most stones and make the focus stopping anymore stones being thrown , im sure that’s not what you want to hear but it’s what I see from where I’m standing and that’s coming from someone who has always been considered a weirdo for holding the belief that in the main terrorism is / has been created by pure bullying by the larger richer more powerful states who know the people of other states have not the slightest chance of being anything other than obliterated in what we laughingly call fair and clean war 🤷🏻‍♂️, as I say ,for me taking and arguing any side other than stop ALL the killing doesn’t get the job done ,it just swells the number on both sides arguing the toss whilst people are dying 🤷🏻‍♂️
  17. You ignore the fact I’ve said that those who March every week calling for an end to the killing have my utmost respect , even the slightest knowledge of my general posting over the last few years ( since I got involved in the Jim smith area ) tells anyone I’m am not in the slightest someone who falls for what the gov ( extend that to media too ) would have you believe , I question everything that’s spouted , in fact scratch the surface and you will find I’ve been called a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist regularly for being fully aware that gov ,politicians, media lie and deceive and posting as much , as I say , I have given an opinion on a part of the issue unfolding in the U.K. and in fact if you read properly it’s clear I respect and can support people on the streets calling for an end to the killing yet a few appear to want to cut loose on me / my point that certain things going on are not the right way to go about it in my view and only cause fear , intimidation and division 🤷🏻‍♂️ when the bullets and bombs are stopped ( that’s the priority ) I will be more than happy to debate my political/ ethical position on the issue
  18. My views on the historic mess that is Israel / Palestine are not secret I just feel that to unpack and debate them on here and at this particular time in light of EVERYTHING that has gone on and is going on in that region would very much take away from what I believe the current and urgent priority is now, fair enough you think my feeling regards waving flags in the street is inconsequential, I don’t , I think it very much weakens and cheapens what should and could be a very strong message from people on the streets and it attracts the wrong kind of people , is too easy to cause fear and divide , I would no more take to the streets with an Israeli flag after the 7 th than I would carry a Palestine one now when I believe that Israel should cease fire NOW, let alone not believing the course of action they have embarked on from the start was the wrong one , you say everyone is against the killing and it goes without saying ,,, sadly I don’t believe that and I’m sure there plenty turning up waving flags with bad intent and the vibe is not good ,
  19. There is absolutely nothing in anything I’ve ever said on here that could even slightly give the impression that I see both sides equally to blame or which one if any I privately feel carries more of the blame and the reason for that is that now is not the time or the place , in fact that says far more about you for forming and stating that impression of me let me make it clear yet again and it’s my opinion , take it , leave it but do me a favour and don’t twist it, if you are out on the streets of the U.K. waving Palestinian flags , chanting free free Palestine, singing from the river to the sea then you are part of the problem and a problem that will spread , if you are committed enough to be out on the streets with banners calling for our government to do everything in its power to stop ALL the killing and misery in the Middle East ( which includes release of ALL hostages of which many are women and children both sides holding some) , then you have my utmost respect ,
  20. Really 🤷🏻‍♂️
  21. Well thanks for TELLING me that , along with not reading the actual post which in no way condones , supports or excuses governments standing by , sorry mate I’m on the side of the killing being stopped and waving a Palestine flag or an Israeli flag has no place in that
  22. Glad it’s not just me Alf , bloody scary the road we are heading down, as for Galloway, his words on being elected ,, wow
  23. Whilst I agree and understand your post I do question whether it does anything other than perpetuate division and a partisan feel ( I’m sure you don’t do this purposely) , in reply the next poster can come on and give examples that can’t be denied from the other side and back and forth back and forth , the atmosphere on our streets has honestly really concerned me since the start of this latest conflict and yet I’ve not really been able to square that feeling with the fact that I’m very very anti what’s going on in the Middle East and trying to work it out I’ve kind of come to the conclusion that it’s the manner of the protests , im seeing Palestine flags , free free Palestine chants , river to the sea chanted and I think that’s it for me , if I was seeing massive anti killing banners and chants for our gov to do everything in its power to bring pressure to bear on ALL parties to stop the killing , return hostages and perhaps even a United Nations force on the ground to police things until some workable peace can be found then that intimidates no one , taking to the streets waving flags of another country thousands of miles away doesn’t feel that comfortable to me , it feels more like side taking in a situation that is historically a mess and hugely sectarian based , im sure the vast majority are sickened by the deaths and misery going on but there is a vibe that is frankly quite scary
  24. Ok here goes ,, surprise surprise, I have a bit of a gripe/ concern today even after a win which I’m really pleased with but my issue is not this I don’t like warne style football or I much prefer liam style stuff , I’ve already said today that if I saw a flaw and fair stick to beat the manager with it’s the home results and yes I know we won today but I really was surprised we went in at 2-0 half time because I really thought here we go again after we went 1-0 up and I thought we were poor first half , ive not really been able to pin down where or why it’s been going wrong at home but it came to me very simply during that first half that warne and the staff really need to put a rocket up these players backsides at time and my concern is whether he is too nice a bloke to tear them a new one when needed , I realise I may be miles off the mark and it’s just guess work or gut feel on my part 🤷🏻‍♂️, there’s so much anti warne that I’ve taken a look at what it was I liked about his sides when he first came and all the games I’ve really enjoyed where some just don’t like any ,, well here it is , when it’s right the gas’s out idea of warne and being super fit covering the ground is was all about pressing the poo out of teams , not giving them a second to breath on the ball and when we get the ball back and or get in front going for the opponents throat for 90 mins , we hunted in packs and by hell I really enjoyed that , for some reason we have lost or gone away from that , even the simple thing of our throw ins shows it clear as day , no bugger is moving ,demanding the ball and the thrower is left standing like a lemon and all too often launches a long 50/50 throw up the line , get back to the game style you like mr warne because plenty of us fans enjoy that , it’s gets us off our seats and right behind the team , for me game management is not about slowing it down and trying to play tika taka keep ball that just invites teams on to us and we start panicking and hitting loose passes , has warne lost his way a bit under criticism of not playing pretty pretty football? If so I hope he goes back to type for the rest of the season because if he does and gets the players fired up and back on it this squad will be top two
  25. Ok here goes ,, surprise surprise, I have a bit of a gripe/ concern today even after a win which I’m really pleased with but my issue is not this I don’t like warne style football or I much prefer liam style stuff , I’ve already said today that if I saw a flaw and fair stick to beat the manager with it’s the home results and yes I know we won today but I really was surprised we went in at 2-0 half time because I really thought here we go again after we went 1-0 up and I thought we were poor first half , ive not really been able to pin down where or why it’s been going wrong at home but it came to me very simply during that first half that warne and the staff really need to put a rocket up these players backsides at time and my concern is whether he is too nice a bloke to tear them a new one when needed , I realise I may be miles off the mark and it’s just guess work or gut feel on my part 🤷🏻‍♂️, there’s so much anti warne that I’ve taken a look at what it was I liked about his sides when he first came and all the games I’ve really enjoyed where some just don’t like any ,, well here it is , when it’s right the gas’s out idea of warne and being super fit covering the ground is was all about pressing the poo out of teams , not giving them a second to breath on the ball and when we get the ball back and or get in front going for the opponents throat for 90 mins , we hunted in packs and by hell I really enjoyed that , for some reason we have lost or gone away from that , even the simple thing of our throw ins shows it clear as day , no bugger is moving ,demanding the ball and the thrower is left standing like a lemon and all too often launches a long 50/50 throw up the line , get back to the game style you like mr warne because plenty of us fans enjoy that , it’s gets us off our seats and right behind the team , for me game management is not about slowing it down and trying to play tika taka keep ball that just invites teams on to us and we start panicking and hitting loose passes , has warne lost his way a bit under criticism of not playing pretty pretty football? If so I hope he goes back to type for the rest of the season because if he does and gets the players fired up and back on it this squad will be top two
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