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Everything posted by sage

  1. I see we have the biannual 'Sibley love in' when he scores a good goal. The fact that it's biannual should give a bit of a clue.
  2. sage

    Paul Warne

    Was it clever, or just rectifying his earlier mistake? Which in turn deserves some praise.
  3. Warne said the Smith change improved matters for 10 to 15 minutes but late the goal came out of the blue
  4. Beyong my tech skills. It was when Bradley cleared off the line. The ball got there from Nelson's elbow/forearm. The previous one has Sibley at left back and he was trying to usher a bouncing ball back to the keeper and kicked the player in the abdomen.
  5. I'd imagine around £10k pw. He got given a new contract in the championship, when we were more flush and on the back of early promise.
  6. His arm was raised to head height and away from his body. The current laws give too many handballs, for me it should be just deliberate, but under current rules and how they are applied, I'd expect that to be given. That's 2 clear penalties we've got away with in the last 3 home games. After some other games such as Bolton, we were due some rub.
  7. Yes. The quandary is...if we offer the same terms and he goes elsewhere we get compo, maybe £1m, whereas if we offer less he can go for free.
  8. It's tricky because I don't think they want to pay him the high wage he is on now, particularly if we don't get promoted. However I think if we don't offer the same terms, he can leave on a free. I think that's how it works.
  9. Yep. They are best off bought second hand. I'm a fan of Asics as well as Skechers, Asics walking shoes are the comfiest I've owned.
  10. Never suggested we didn't need a strong side, in fact I said it was needed. Just one change was needed. They didn't look in disarray.
  11. I would agree that Sibley is a better sub than starter, especially against strong teams, but the team/formation from 60 mins to 75 should have started the game.
  12. My thoughts on reflection are, it was a poor team selection in terms of lack of threat from wing back, reverting to a 2 in CM and stringing 3 across a front line which jammed up the space in front of the wing backs. We needed to be strong but trying to beat Stevenage at their own game seems ridiculous as they play it every week. We had no attempts at goal first half and were lucky they didn't score from theirs and be awarded a penalty. Bringing Smith on for Wilson and Bird to revert to their best positions and for a midfield 3 to assert control, whilst a front 2 allowed the wing backs space changed the game. Then later as they seemed to tire and their subs seemed a drop in quality, only one team looked like winning in the last 15 mins. A draw would have been a fair result but I'm delighted with a win. I think the lack of a CF finally brought back that backs to the wall response from the crowd which along with superior fitness and bench carried us through. I think the lack of tactical acumen from Warne was balanced out by achieving a high level of physical and mental resilience in the squad.
  13. Just watched the highlights. We got away with one today. When Bradley cleared the ball off the line, it was a blatant handball by Nelson. No wonder the rotund one was puce after the game
  14. sage

    Paul Warne

    Surprisingly strange. Predictably rude.
  15. sage

    Paul Warne

    Well I was beginning to doubt myself till you took a side. Cheers.
  16. Overly defensive. It's a balance between being strong but also not trying to out-stevenage Stevenage. We haven't had an attempt at goal and they have come very close 3 times. Bird is back to playing deep and vattling and Wilson looks lost. He'd have been better off at wing back. Weston on the bench would have been an idea. At home to Stevenage, 2nd in the league and hoping we can hang on to this.
  17. Opinion close down alert ! Opinion close down alert!
  18. So it's Wildsmith Nelson Bradley Cashin Nyambe Adams Bird Elder Wilson NML Barkhuizen Are we playing Stevenage at home or Liverpool away? Very defensive at wing back
  19. sage

    Paul Warne

    You imagined what I was referring to as expectations as winning the FA Cup in a mocking tone. You could have asked what I meant or read countless posts by various posters on this matter referring to a) style of play and b) progress beyond promotion.
  20. sage

    Paul Warne

    Straw man is making up an imagined scenario. I merely stopped arguing as you were being continuously rude and condescending. Not noticed this behaviour from you before and you seem to want to carry on in the same vein, so I'll say goodbye.
  21. sage

    Paul Warne

    Thank You for dismissing other people's views again and offering strawman arguments. I'll leave it there.
  22. sage

    Paul Warne

    As I said a couple of days ago, everything on here is opinion and should be treated as such.
  23. sage

    Paul Warne

    irrational and puerile, lovely. I don't think he is a bad manager. I think he is a good League One manager for a club with low to medium expectations.
  24. They won't say anything till after 2pm Saturday I imagine
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