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Posts posted by beardyjim

  1. There's so many which have been hampered by injury. Quite tragic when you think that all they've focused on is football and not school. Not that getting a degree has done me much good! 


    I would probably go for Michael Johnson from.City. He was a special talent. Shame.

    Tonton, Adu, Samba etc were all FM legends but not sure they have a great deal in the tank. 

    Special mention for Wilshere. He would have been a Ballon d'Or winner had he been able to keep fit. 

    On a Derby note, Christie would have been a splendid striker had he not crippled himself. I remember playing FM (or ChampMan as it was) back in the day and he was incredible, England regular, golden boot etc. Not that FM is gospel but it's close. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Anon said:

    No. I think it's utterly vacuous. I appreciate the anger about the working conditions in Qatar, but if you genuinely feel that strongly and want to make a statement, don't go. Don't broadcast it. Don't watch it. I won't be watching a second, but I have 0 respect for footballers and football associations thinking they're making any kind of relevant statement with their toned down shirts and rainbow armbands.

    It's a legitimate point and I'm sure many agree with you, as I actually do, but what are the individual FAs meant to do as an alternative? If they refuse to play they'll be banned from future tournaments and no doubt be sanctioned. 


    I am in no way saying this is the answer, but surely it's a better step than nothing? 

  3. World Cup 2022: Denmark to wear 'toned down' jerseys in protest at hosts Qatar - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/63066393

    Do we like this? I for one thinks it's fantastic but I'm a woke lefty guardian reading millenial liberal so would be intrigued to get all perspectives. 

    Btw. Would love Hummel to be our kit manufacturer in the future. Those mid 90s international kits were brilliant. 


  4. 3 hours ago, David said:

    Liverpool obviously.

    Bars, music, shopping all within close proximity with super friendly people.

    What more do you want?

    Most that knock the place haven't been recently, or even at all and just jump on the stereotype bandwagon.

    Would love to live there. 

    Having lived in Liverpool previously I can honestly say it's an amazing place to live. Loved it. 

  5. I work for a reputable economical magazine (you join the dots) and he was on the radar for quite a while. How he made it as far as he did is beyond me and my colleagues. 

    We 'admired' his balls for going with it for so long. Properly Wolf of Wall Street sh*t housing. 

    What made us more concerned was that the powers that be let this saga go on for so long. If it was any other business they would have pulled the plug and said enough is enough. Yet somehow it was left to go on and on and on. 

    When we got the news that he has not only been suspended but also sacked we were delighted. Then we realised that due to his self indulgent egotistical ways there were many people who didn't get paid at Slync.

    We worried about our football club and rightly so, but there were people in the US who couldn't pay their mortgages thanks to this absolute j*** stain. 

  6. 47 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

    You’re having to make up possible situations to defend a guy ditching us in one of our darkest times. I can criticise him because he has done this - there’s no speculation. He literally used a loophole to tear up his contract with us. 

    On the other hand Bobby Duncan just isn’t being played… 

    How do you know it is not one of his darkest times? He's clearly a lad with an abundance of talent and sometimes there comes pressure. Maybe it got too much for the lad. 

    He's not been a tool on social media, he has kept quiet. Sometimes silence speaks volumes. 

    Shame on anyone who's jumped on the HMP bandwagon without knowing the facts. 

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