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Elwood P Dowd

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Everything posted by Elwood P Dowd

  1. It was better than when Tommy Docherty decided to dump 10 tons of sand on the Baseball ground pitch, it was like Skeggy Beach.
  2. I like strawberries and I like tomatoes, they are both classed as fruits but I wouldn’t put them together in a fruit salad. Hourihane and Bird are both good players but perhaps the issue is they simply do not complement each other.
  3. Not good enough, simple as that, not just a couple of players the whole team.
  4. At least Boro are getting a good kicking
  5. Our performance has deteriorated from Lincoln and that wasn’t good
  6. We look like PW picked 11 people, at random, from the crowd and put them in this green strip
  7. We are too slow to catchee monkey 1-0 😖😖😖
  8. In Accountancy Today magazine it says that there are 3 types of finance experts those that can count those that can’t count 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  9. Thompson will give us some pace and tenacity in midfield.
  10. Perhaps it has something to do with Charltons business plan !
  11. And the sat nav keeps trying to find Chaddesden in Peartree
  12. The announcement hold up is probably the EFLs Fax machine has run out of paper 🫤
  13. I will stop looking now 🤣
  14. The EFL are probably waiting for Derby to FAX the paperwork to them, Derby are trying to find a FAX machine.
  15. It seems Derby County can't win, a couple of weeks ago we were accused of buying our way to promotion and now the accusation is we have no money and would default on transfer fees!!!!!!!!!
  16. £200 million owing to MM, by THE Club wouldn’t such a significant figure be listed fully detailed in the clubs accounts 😂😂😂 A liability !!!
  17. Paradise is a place in the mind The above is very true. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
  18. Long term memory 😂😂
  19. I did understand your Latin it looked good to me, my reply to your “we live in hope” was, or should have been, “ We do” (facimus) 😂
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