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Elwood P Dowd

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Everything posted by Elwood P Dowd

  1. We could always play Adams up front he might not score but the Stevenage defenders wold certainly know they had been in a game
  2. It would make sense to include him if he isn’t injured 🐏
  3. Melchester Rovers would have brought Roy of the Rovers on, from the stands, never mind the rules😂😂🐏🐏
  4. In the world of Derby Drama the vision is not limited by the laws of Physics or mere Rules 😁
  5. The supporters will be full of gloom and doom when they don't see Collins warming up before the game, then suddenly, a few seconds before kick off, from out of the seats in the front row of the Toyota stand a figure emerges and takes his coat off, Super Collo is here to save us.😄😄 Its Derby, there has to be Drama .
  6. As a supporter isn’t it nice to be able to relax near the end of a game, it’s usually the players who do that 😂😂😂🐏🐏🐏
  7. It wouldn’t do much good for our home stats 😂
  8. That’s what I want “straight up” none of this play off nonsense. 😂🐏
  9. When they scored wasn’t there a Shrewsbury player nearly standing on our goal line, he was behind wildsmith ?????
  10. It seems the Crater, hollow, dump in Osmaston Park predates WW1🤷‍♂️
  11. I know one fell at the top of Bateman Street, the Osmaston Road end. i always wondered about the depression in Osmaston park !!
  12. https://www.crichparish-ww1.co.uk/ww1webpages/zeppelinraidderby.html#:~:text=On this day (February 1,attack due to the shock. Zeppelin bombs Derby WW1 However, just after midnight on February 1, L14 was over Derby, where it dropped its remaining 21 high explosive bombs and four incendiaries at nine locations on the south side of the city. No-one knows the exact order of the raid, but from the spread of the targets – Royce’s in the south to the Locomotive Works of the Midland Railway in the north and the Etches Park gas works in the east – it suggests that L14 approached from the south, working roughly north along the Osmaston Road at about 8,000ft before bombing the Loco Works and then ending up at the gas works. For the rest follow the link above
  13. A floating role is reassuring given the weather conditions😁
  14. They had those long bamboo sticks with a hook on the end to change the poles, in wet weather the cables would spark especially when they went over a cable junction. And the penalty for spitting on a bus was 10\- Sitting upstairs on a Trolly bus watching Boker Wright and Winnie Austin fighting outside the Spotted Horse, such memories. 🙄
  15. https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/news/nostalgia/charting-final-throes-derbys-trolleybus-526201.amp Green and Cream Trolly buses
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