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Elwood P Dowd

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Everything posted by Elwood P Dowd

  1. In Accountancy Today magazine it says that there are 3 types of finance experts those that can count those that can’t count 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  2. Thompson will give us some pace and tenacity in midfield.
  3. Perhaps it has something to do with Charltons business plan !
  4. And the sat nav keeps trying to find Chaddesden in Peartree
  5. The announcement hold up is probably the EFLs Fax machine has run out of paper 🫤
  6. I will stop looking now 🤣
  7. The EFL are probably waiting for Derby to FAX the paperwork to them, Derby are trying to find a FAX machine.
  8. It seems Derby County can't win, a couple of weeks ago we were accused of buying our way to promotion and now the accusation is we have no money and would default on transfer fees!!!!!!!!!
  9. £200 million owing to MM, by THE Club wouldn’t such a significant figure be listed fully detailed in the clubs accounts 😂😂😂 A liability !!!
  10. Paradise is a place in the mind The above is very true. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
  11. Long term memory 😂😂
  12. I did understand your Latin it looked good to me, my reply to your “we live in hope” was, or should have been, “ We do” (facimus) 😂
  13. I don't see that signing my old Latin teacher "Smithy" will do us much good he must be 120 years old now 🤣 To be fair he did frighten the life out of me when I was 10 years old however, he was good at conjugating Latin verbs perhaps PW has a new tactic to confuse the opposition.
  14. You are probably suffering from PTSD Post Traumatic Scooter Disorder
  15. It could have been much worse for us, this is a point gained
  16. Lincoln have had some great chances 😏
  17. We just seem a pass short of a goal today
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