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Everything posted by YorkshireRam

  1. Ah gotcha, like premeditated patterns of play. Yeah I agree on this front, was definitely more noticeable earlier in the season that we sometimes didn't look like we knew what to do when in possession. Now i'm thinking out loud here, what if putting it into the channels to cross is just a vague blueprint which the end goal is to deviate from? As in, create that first instinct in the players so we have an established pattern of play, then trust once it's working that the players are smart enough to know when to change it up and break through the middle? There's so much about high-level coaching that I know absolutely nothing about, I'd love to spend a day amongst training just to see what goes on, gets talked about, focused on etc.
  2. I'd say we looked like a cohesive attacking unit for the first goal on Saturday- one touch stuff, neat flicks, tidy finish. That was through the middle of the park? Same with the third, though less players involved in the build-up Maybe we're still on a downward trend of seeing less of the predictable 'work it out wide and cross' gameplan. We've definitely stopped lumping diagonals as much as we did at the start of the season, so maybe this is the next step, and we're still not quite the finished article?
  3. Genuine question then: do you think stature as an ex-professional player is a more important qualification for the role of pundit, than being able to speak eloquently about football? Just wondering why the people providing commentary and analysis need to be ''relevant''? I'd much rather hear a complete nobody provide tactical insight where I learn something, than I would watch someone clumsily stumble through cliches, who's only there because they used to be a pro...
  4. 'Direct' and 'technical' are not correlated so struggling to see your point there. You don't score the 3rd v Peterborough (A) bending it round the keeper like that without being technically gifted. If you disagree, let's take a ball to the park and see how many attempts it takes us to recreate in a completely unpressured situation 😂 Who are you referring to, and what more would you need to see out of them (highlighted bit)? Barkhuizen has been handled perfectly, and his G/A seriously flatters him; I'm still annoyed at the complete apathy to track the runner and stop the cross v Portsmouth which led directly to their equaliser. Sibley I rate but hasn't done enough to be a starter yet. Just curious what you'd be wanting to see to maybe flip your opinion to a wholly positive one? More wins always help I guess!
  5. ''What's before'' was a generational playing talent in Alan Hansen saying ''you'll never win anything with kids'' and then getting proved wrong repeatedly... I want tactical and analytical insight, you don't need to be an ex-pro to provide that. I've heard more of it from Alex Scott than I ever did from Mark Lawrenson- so you also don't need to be a man to provide it. You just have to know the game.
  6. The burden of proof is on you here if you're making the assertion that their inclusion is purely tokenistic. You don't need to be an ex-pro to be a good pundit. It isn't usually down to experience, it's down to preparation. Personal insight can be useful, but most pundits don't know how to weave it into commentary effectively, which sort of negates gender as an important factor in whether someone does a good job. I'm not a huge fan of Fara William's punditry, but I am of Courtney Sweetman-Kirk's. Fara William's earlier inclusion in BBC programming will be part of the reason I get to hear from CSK, which is a positive for me. Without equality of opportunity, meritocracy isn't the fairly-weighted system it's described as being, and sometimes that needs to be forced a little bit to change overall for the better.
  7. Fornah has produced the best bit of close control/skill i've seen this season, while Ward is easily the best crosser of the ball at the club- think you're doing them a disservice by not describing them as technical. Waghorn rattling in a hattrick of classy finishes also doesn't fit this brief; it seems very much like you're trying to bend facts to suit an agenda here... No mention of the recruitment of Wilson who is a flair player that loves to nutmeg people either? NML is on track to have his most productive season to date? Bird influencing games far more thanks to Warne recognising he could be more effective as an #8 than a #4? Cashin's form under Warne has been outstanding (barring the early blip) and he's a very technical centre half, consistently preferred to marquee signing Bradley. Again, I'd argue Warne has improved our technical players as much as anyone else.
  8. I've just thought about it and the recent exception may well be Luke Plange. He's still young and plenty of time to improve, but looking at what he's done since he left, £1m looks good business to me?
  9. €1.5m was reported for Buchanan as compensation. I'm not sure Ebiowei's has even been decided yet, but they only offered us a measly £30k, which we obviously rejected and so it's gone to tribunal.
  10. Never knew the compensation included sell on clauses. That's interesting, and potentially good news for us. Suppose it means there's even less urgency to sell if we're practically guaranteed 7 figures + 20% sell on at the end of the season anyway... that's a remarkably good deal for a player ending his contract with us!
  11. I haven't got the source, but I distinctly remember someone saying the compensation from tribunal would likely be more than bids we'd receive in January, hence the club's relaxed stance about selling him and not needing to cash in this window. That implies easily 7 figures if true.
  12. Which I haven't done at any stage, I've actually been fairly careful in pointing out proper criticism always has its place. But a reminder that footballer's are human, and experience emotional responses to public criticism is important. I think it's easy to forget how public some online spaces are, and that awareness was what I was alluding to. If people had a quick thought of ''what if the subject of my post sees this?'', would they phrase things quite as harshly maybe? Essentially this: 😂
  13. How were they used to belittle anyone? It was part of a larger point about the mentality of those wanting to publicly criticise, irregardless of the medium through which that criticism is voiced. The strange part is you go on to explicitly agree with me below... For criticism to be constructive, it has to showcase nuance. This doesn't apply to some comments about Bradley i've read on here, so the point still stands, even if his 'outburst' was on a different platform.
  14. Isn't that the fun of rivalries though, the 'love to hate' mentality of it all? Also I think attendances get brought up so much because it's about the only thing in the fans' control. I know it's due to capacity, but getting bigger attendances 2 leagues below is still very funny (even if it invites the obvious, yet effective comeback)
  15. Not sure what angers me more, the idea that some fans haven't heard of Steve Bloomer, or that U f****** 2 is a better replacement for the song. This thread is an utter mess 😂
  16. Yes, by showcasing nuance within the comments. The discourse about youth progression I thought was fair game- I may disagree, but I can understand those that want more youth progression and why they don't believe this is a priority under Warne. On the balance of things recently, there isn't much to criticise Warne for. We've been the best team in the league for the last couple of months. The positives he's overseen more than mitigate any negatives. When we lose though, it feels like this balanced perspective goes out the window for some and go straight back to the doom and gloom. Sonny Bradley passively aggressively liking tweets openly criticising him last week made me sad. Why are some fans hellbent on publicly trashing our own staff? Completely counter-intuitive.
  17. I'm of the opinion that if you're calling for the manager's head, or voicing more negativity than anything else, then you're not united behind the team. Actively contributing to the negative dialogue that we have proof the players themselves see doesn't feel too supportive to me- but that's just my take.
  18. I thought that's what you meant but wasn't 100% clear from your wording haha. For a more serious response, he's not bought a player yet. I don't think he's working in these amazing circumstances under which any manager should thrive. I think he's showing more adaptability than many would have expected. To go on the run we just have is a good achievement, but we need to repeat it now. No shame in losing to that Peterborough side- best I've seen since we've been in League 1. But we need to rally back again now. I'm okay with conditional support from the Warne doubters. I think most have learned their vocal criticism early in the season was short-sighted following our unbeaten streak, and they're entitled to their critiques. I just hope we can all unite behind the side for the remainder of the season now.
  19. The idea they've had to pay even more money to get rid of him is the icing on the cake for me. There's something beautifully ironic about this whole fiasco- they came to PP and sang about us dying, only to find themselves with the exact manager we had at that time, absolutely tanking it down the league table, and with dodgy finances to go with; almost like they learned nothing from our mistakes... Long may it continue 😂
  20. You're right, I totally forgot Nyambe plays upfront... 😂
  21. The 'Minimum' column makes for interesting reading. I wonder what Washington did to get a 0? 😂
  22. I'd chuck a really cheeky lowball bid in for him, Savage, and maybe even Ehibhatiomhan. They might not be in a position to say no with the state of their finances...
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