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May Contain Nuts

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Everything posted by May Contain Nuts

  1. Fair's fair, so you could say the same about his promotion record. The covid season was ended early and final positions decided on PPG, avoiding the effects of a late season slump - they had only won 1 of their last 5 fixtures that season so very well could have got lucky it was cancelled when it was and not a game or two later.
  2. I'm certainly not losing any sleep about missing out on Ruben Rodriguez. Absolute pony.
  3. I'm aware of the dictionary definition, I'm also aware that the English language is a beautiful thing and common use of a word or phrase can differ slightly. Not that there's only one valid dictionary either - an alternate definition for mantra is 'a word or phrase that is repeated often or that expresses someone's basic beliefs' - I'd very much say that the description matches Warne's beliefs about how to play the game, all the evidence is there even if you choose to ignore it. Nobody said the mantra alone covers all aspects of our play, and obviously it doesn't define our defensive performance. Again you're looking for criticism that isn't there, and constructing arguments which haven't been made in order to then dismiss them. If you can't see that the main part of our attacking gameplay often is, and was today based on working the ball into wide areas then I'm not really sure what to say, because it's clear you'll argue that black is white toward off any perceived criticism of Warne, whether it's actually there or not
  4. 24 Championship appearances this season, now up to 12 goals & 4 assists.
  5. What are you even on about? Nobody said that Paul Warne has said the phrase "my mantra is to run harder, get it out wide and cross it". You're arguing a point that wasn't made, asking for proof of something nobody claims was said. Not a fair assessment? Really? You're trying to deny that the core principles of Warne's approach are running hard (pressing) and getting lots of balls into into the box from wide areas (crossing)? Even though that's literally what we do more of than anything else? You're denying that while in the same breath pointing out that our main chances today came from doing both of those things 😅 It can be derived from his interviews and is evident on the pitch that these are the 2 biggest tenets of our game, and today, key to our success. It's not even a negative comment.
  6. Nope, it's a fair assessment of what Warne values based on both spoken (direct from the horses mouth) and presented evidence. You can see it perfectly in today's first half - we've pressed relentlessly (with hard running) and all the goalscoring chances we've created ourselves have come from getting the ball into the box from wide areas. Sweep, sweep, sweep.
  7. Wigan have no answer at all to the press and they've cocked up every possible breakaway, as good as we've been they've been they've been bad, you'd have to expect them to get a bollocking at half time and I'm not sure if we can continue pressing to this degree all game. Interesting second half potentially.
  8. All going to plan so far. Strangle them with the press, pounce on any mistakes, bombard them with crosses.
  9. Pretty sure it wasn't meant as a direct quote, but it's hardly a stretch to say that doing a lot more running than the opposition and getting lots of crosses into the box are unquestionably the main foundations of Paul Warne's approach. He's talked about the importance of both at length when doing long-form interviews and that podcast, moreso than other on-pitch details.. Hene the infamous "gas out" stuff and us being right up there for statistically for the number of croses put in, and the desire over the summer to buy for a wing back system in which putting in lots of crosses is rather inherent. We can't just deny things which are objectively true just because stating them can be perceived as criticism. Or perhaps we can. All part of the big sweep.
  10. Yep that happens but again I think it's only one poster who actually claimed that, just like it's only one poster who said they hate Warne and a few of the players! I think it's blown out of proportion, and what gets annoying is feeling like you're being grouped in with that more baseless or extreme stuff. It's like anyone negative about Warne's long term prospects has the same blanket thrown over them regardless of how they're presenting their view. Some of the stuff on your list of complaints / criticisms, which I assume you think are unreasonable or unfounded, are perfectly valid points for consideration imo.
  11. There are maybe 3-4 posters who will put up a heavily exaggerated post or two during the course of match thread which do go OTT with the negativity, but honestly I think that's done intentionally as a bit of a wind up, potentially borne out of frustration of having prior, more sensibly made criticisms rubbished out of hand by a similar number of posters with a broom in each hand, and one up their jacksie, ready to sweep any and all criticism under a gigantic rug. Those OTT posts during the game are a bit annoying but are very much in the minority, but certain not enough (never enough) to claim that the whole thread has been turned into one full of negativity. They're quite easily ignored if one so wishes. What you've achieved with the above post is similar. Take a criticism someone has made of Warne, remove all nuance and thought put behind it to present it as 'mostly fabricated' (as if 95% of the discussion on here isn't based on supposition and predicted outcomes) and 'plucked out of the air' to make out there is no validity behind it, thus reducing it to whatever form you find most easy to dismiss. To top it off of course there's the usual stance against boring repetitive criticism in the form of boring repetitive anti-criticism, which actually comes across more as anti critical thought.
  12. Not sure that meshes, because surely they couldn't have a sustained attack without coming out. People will point to our second goal as the turning point but what happened a minute or two before that was equally important - they'd worked the ball into a really good position to break on us, with men over, just one Derby player 'in the way' who would have been easily bypassed with a half decent pass, they'd have been in on goal with a very good chance of making it 2-1 and a tough game. As it happened they contrived to kick it straight at the Derby player, completely wasting the chance, the opportunity was lost, we scored almost immediately afterwards and the game was effectively over.
  13. This thread has certainly done a good job of revealing which posters must look like dodgy f******, with a knack for catching the eye of security staff, and which look like butter wouldn't melt.
  14. Cross our fingers that either Ian Evatt or John Mousinho leave their respective clubs in the next 3 months.
  15. ignore me, wasn't paying attention and/or completely misunderstood the post!
  16. Took a couple of photos of the new rail setup on Saturday. You can can tell some people weren't happy with the way it was handled just by looking at their faces!
  17. The only surprise is he didn't combine the stories and say we were looking at a swap deal involving Bird & Hogan.
  18. I only counted 10/100 I have watched in their entirety, even some of them weren't really through choice but just because they were on the Tele and either someone else was watching or I was incredibly bored The Wizard of Oz. Psycho. Forrest Gump. ET. Lord of the Rings. Titanic. Jaws. Jurassic Park. The Exorcist. Rear Window.. Only 1 of them (Jurassic Park) at the cinema and none of them (or any film for that matter) twice.
  19. We started to get results when NML was given the ball in wide areas, prior to that we focussed on giving Wilson the ball, who was having a poor game on both flanks and Ward was unable to offer anything other than crosses from (good ones, but not likely to produce a goal given what's already been said about Collins being the only one up there) because he couldn't / can't get past his man on the outside. For most of the match the the only time we gave it to NML, who continues to be our most effective player and main threat, it was central and with his back to goal. Yes the opposition did things to stop us playing but we could have effected a change earlier to facilitate our most in-form player.
  20. ...because it disrupts the flow of the game and allows the team wasting time to control the tempo, making it harder for the other team to build up any momentum, something which can play a crucial part in a good performance. It all gets added on at the end, yes - but yesterday was an example of that benefitting the team who'd wasted the time, which is when it really sticks in the craw.
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