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Leicester Ram

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Posts posted by Leicester Ram

  1. 27 minutes ago, SantosHalper said:

    "Clueless" is an understatement, Leicester. I can say that, apart from Watchmen (which was okay), every other film he's made has been superficial junk of the highest order. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that he thinks he's being profound. That, for me, makes him worse than even Michael Bay, who at least doesn't feel the need to apologise for his awful brain-dead and bombastic films. 

    I am now officially done with superhero films. With a few honourable exceptions, most of them have been *****. The big studios are now taking us for suckers. 

    I get what you mean with Snyder, I massively dislike what he does with DC and I'm dreading Justice League. Man of Steel is even more unforgivable now I've seen BvS. But I think you're very premature to write off all these superhero films.

    While it is becoming pretty tiresome with the only increasing amount of superhero stuff coming, it has become a vehicle for some directors to do extremely interesting stuff with a big budget. Just look at Guardians of the Galaxy, really interesting film made by an exciting, young director. Ant-Man would have been great if it hadn't gone pear shaped with Edgar Wright, Favreau's first Iron Man flick is still brilliant, Winter Soldier has opened up an entire new world of possibilities for the Russo brothers and even DC have Suicide Squad is looking promising under David Ayer.

    There's a world of directors out there who will produce some great stuff with Marvel/DC, it's just a matter of sitting through the bigger, committee directed dross.

  2. 11 minutes ago, rynny said:

    Agree on Superman, plus he should be the best super hero ever and he always falls foul to blatantly obvious traps, not like he has x-ray vision, move as fast a bullet or owt <_< 

    He's extremely difficult to write for, particularly when you look at the film version of Superman who is just completely invincible. The more modern superman is different, less powerful and more human.

    To wrote a good superman, you have to approach him as a guy from Kansas with these powers who's just trying to do the right thing amongst all the politics/espionage of the modern world. Captain America: Winter Soldier is a perfect superman film. Cap's working for SHIELD who he thought were the good guys but it turns out they're not and its about how he reacts to that. 

    Unfortunateky, Zach Snyder's a bit clueless with characterisation.

  3. 3 hours ago, r4derby said:

    Spoiler free review? 

    Seen it twice now

    It's got some serious problems, really poorly cut together with about twice as much plot as it needs. Suffers from being a film setting up all the Justice League films, as shown by a very stupid sequence with an email. I still don't feel like I know this version of Superman at all, in all his scenes he's either brooding (like Batman should) or threatening people (like Batman should). Henry Cavill has a good Superman in him, but the writing for him is turgid. I think Zach Snyder isn't the right man for these projects, hasn't learnt a single thing from the criticism of Man of Steel and he basically can't tell a good, cohesive story.

    Also, Jesse Eisenberg (a casting I defended when it was announced) is absolutely laughable as Lex Luthor. Awful performance.

    BUT, Batman is great, Affleck is perfectly cast as him. It's a really comic booky Batman with a great Batcave and Bat gadgets, also makes it completely plausible as to how he could fight Superman. Jeremy Irons is a brilliant Alfred. Some great action scenes (and some not so great, very generic action scenes), Wonder Woman is really good in it and Gal Gadot is just ******* gorgeous. I enjoyed it more the second time and while it does have problems, once you get past some of them it's enjoyable enough.


    But be warned, if you're not a comic book fan there are some scenes in there, particularly any nightmare sequences, that are utterly incomprehensible. I vaguely recognised some of them and I have an above average knowledge of this stuff, which says a lot. Prepare to be confused.

  4. Deadpool- 8/10

    Saw it a while back, seen it twice now. Exactly what the comic book genre needed before we jump head first into this comic book heavy year of BvS, Civil War, Dr Strange, X-Men etc.

    Don't like the talk that the lesson Hollywood are taking from this is that people like R-rated superhero movies, not that they like ORIGINAL content from a harmonised creative team. Deadpool is lightning in a bottle in that it combined the correct writers, a driven star in Ryan Reynolds, a self-aware take on a genre that's quickly becoming tired and one of the most inventive marketing campaigns of all time.

    A lot of studios are probably about to waste a lot of their money and our time on trying to re-capture what Deadpool's done.

  5. 3 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    The Mist - TV - Horror Channel

    Seen it before but thought I'd recommend it as a good Stephen King adaptation (of one of his short stories), with a strange mist full of monsters descending on a US town and the locals all trapped inside a supermarket.

    Don't expect a happy ending. Seriously. Don't let that put you off either, though.


    The ending is the most brilliantly depressing thing ever.

  6. Started to watch a bit of Thirteen Days last night at around 23:40, just to see what it was like. Ended up staying til 2 in the morning watching it, I was so gripped.


    Also, continuing a Costner fest, Draft Day is a very watchable and enjoyable film if you have a light grasp of American Football and the Draft. Lots of elements and roles in it that get better after the first viewing.


  7. That's worrying because I really wanted to see Martian, when you say Gravity was better I'll have to skip it.

    Gravity looked great but was more cheesy than a bag of babybells 

    Don't skip it, he's an idiot, it's much better than Gravity.


    Interstellar was an ordeal to watch, this was gripping. Didn't feel it's length and sort of works as an updated, more fun version of Castaway. Matt Damon's really likeable and the science is all legit.


    EDIT: you're not actually an idiot, Mafia, none of this actually matters and if you like Gravity more, that's fine. But if you like Interstellar more, you're a ********.

  8. Ant-Man: 7/10

    Could have been great, ended up being good. Shame Edgar Wright didn't get a proper a stab at it, an absolutely brilliant film-maker who Marvel probably should have worked harder to keep on despite their failings out.

    American Werewolf in London: 9/10

    Only just seen it for the first time, really enjoyed it from start to finish.

  9. It's now 20 years since 12 Monkeys was released, and over 30 since the original Terminator. I think that The Matrix was made in 1999, so Inception probably stands alone as the only decent 21st century Sci-Fi movie I've seen so far.

    If you haven't seen 'Moon' or 'Sunshine', you really ought to, they're both genuinely terrific. Sunshine's the most tense film I've ever seen apart from maybe Crimson Tide.

  10. Kingsman- 7.5/10, great that we've got a solid flick like this coming out in February.

    Avengers: AOU- 8/10, still loved it but it's not resonated like that first one.

    Jurassic World- 7/10, amazed it's made so much money, it's reasonably solid and fun but not much else. The original JP's too much to live up to for ANY film though.

    Terminator: Genisys- 4/10, get in the ******* sea.

    Mad Max: Fury Road- 10/10, this film is genuinely important, hope to god it sets a trend for action films.


  11. Pilsner? In Belgium? Epic fail.

    Recommendation: Drink some proper beer while you're there... start with trappists.

    I have zero idea what it was, it has the phrase pils in it so I assumed. I think I made a mistake in thinking we could drink any good stuff, I'm down to

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