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Everything posted by MadAmster

  1. He's played Sibs there earlier this season and got slated. Why would you expect any difference this time?
  2. Right... and nobody would have slated PW for picking an attacking player at LB... of course they would. Time to stop playing NML behind the striker. He's much better out wide in his favoured position. Poor last night, poor at Barnsley. Plus, not having him out wide has seen us not create chances in front of goal.
  3. ... and, of course, nobody would have slated PW for that... of course they would. PW can't win with many fans.
  4. Who would you have played at left back then? Would that have made a better back 4 than the one chosen?
  5. I've seen this comment a lot and it doesn't make sense to me. About as much sense as the folk on social media last night and this morning slating PW for playing a back 3 which was actually a back 4 of Nyambe (Wilson after Nyambe got injured), Nelson, Bradley and Cashin at left back. Who else was going to play LB in a back 4 with Elder and Foz unavailable? Made perfect sense to me. Criticise by all means, however, critique without offering an alternative is negativity for negativity's sake. PW is getting stick for going with the back 4 most fans want. How else would YOU have structured a back 4 last night, one better than the choice he made? The only alternative for a back 4 would have been Bradley on the bench, Nels and Cash in the middle and Sibley at left back... IMO, the choice made was the best one. He could have gone back 3 but that would have seen 90% of the fanbase on his back.
  6. What a strange 90 odd minutes. For half an hour we bossed the game. Won all the second balls, applied the press very successfully causing them to give up possession. Lots of nice passing combinations and some of the best "proper" football we've seen all season. Unfortunately, it led to nothing as our 1st shot was on 18 minutes from Nyambe out wide and about 30 yards from goal and went 4 yards wide of the near post. Our 2nd was another hit and hope by Smith from outside the box. Our only other attempt on goal in the first half was the corner from which Cash scored. Honesty demands that I add, if we'd had VAR, it would have been disallowed for Nelson's headlock on one of their defenders preventing him from jumping for the ball. The last 15 of the first half, was pretty even, apart from the goal. 2nd half we never got going. They got all the 2nd balls, their press worked and we, as with them 1st half, failed to string 3 passes together. They started to play long balls into the channels to try to undo us with their speed which caused the backline to defend deeper, dragging the MF back and the front 4 as well. Despite their having taken control, as with us, 1st half, that dominance didn't turn into decent attempts on goal. Then JW had his rush of blood, should never have gone through with the challenge, defenders and MF's were getting back and the Charlton player was going away from goal. Silly challenge and a penalty all the way. Then JW made a 2nd mistake. All that stupid jumping up and down and left to right, far from putting the taker off, actually gives him an advantage, one he seems to have gladly taken. When utilising these antics, the keeper's feet are off the ground more often than they are on it. When they are off the floor he can move neither right no left. The little jumps tend to be at a constant frequency. Time your run so you strike the ball when the keeper's feet are off the ground and anywhere towards either post will go in with the keeper totally stranded. had the ball gone straight down the middle and he'd stopped it, it would have been retaken as JW was off his line too soon... that would have been a 3rd error. Their 2nd goal, poor pass from Wilson to Adams who, therefore, couldn't control it and the ball fell to Aneke who ran on, decent pass to a colleague whose shot was well parried by JW but the rebound fell to Anderson who smashed it into the roof of the net. We well and truly shot ourselves in the foot. To those looking no further than when Charlton last won... their previous 2 games were a 3-3 draw at Bolton (level with us on points with a game in hand) and a 0-0 draw at home to Pompey (7 points ahead of us). Jones has them hard to beat and capable of decent play. But no, they haven't won for ages... new manager, current form... passed you by did it? Plus, as I've seen all too often in the 63 years since my first Derby game, teams on a long run, be it a winning or a losing one, often see that run ended when they play Derby.
  7. TV 1Wildsmith 6 35Nelson 6.5 5Bradley 7 6Cashin 6.5 2Wilson 6 4Hourihane 5 7Barkhuizen 5.5 32Adams 6 12Smith 6 20Elder 6 24Nyambe 6 8Bird 🐦 6 17Sibley 6.5 25Gayle 6 11Méndez-Laing 5.5
  8. Somebody posted about this on FB. They contacted the club and the answer is that it's a safety thing. Any complaints or requests to resume parking on Derwent Parade should be addressed to the Council as it's under their control...
  9. That's what I've thought about it too. Did he simply not look forward? Did he think he'd never get caught? Did he think a year, maybe 2, of a life of luxury "Walter Mitty" life would compensate for spending the rest of his life behind bars? We'll never know.
  10. He gets sentenced in June and could get as much as 170 years jail time if the various sentences are to be served consecutively rather than concurrently. What I don't understand is Comrade 86 saying he DID have the money and DID transfer the funds and then, in a reply to C86, Sage says he didn't have the money. Which of the two is correct?
  11. Watched the game on RamsTV as per... I have to say it was a thoroughly enjoyable game to watch. Both sides looking to play attacking football, both defences playing well enough to allow only 16 shots the whole game, 6 for them, 10 for us. Both sides had 4 on target and they enjoyed 58% possession. I was happy to see Bobby Madley had been replaced as the ref to avoid any semblance of bias. His replacement did well. Not a perfect display but he was even handed with what he let go. Towering header from Bradley for the 0-1. Good goal line header to prevent Cash getting our 2nd. Header away from Cash then fell to Phillips 20 odd yards out and nobody on him, easy chance put away well giving JW no chance. Same player headed home their 2nd. A game either side might have won, they did, IMO a draw would have been the right result. Results elsewhere didn't "punish" our loss. Back 3 or 4? In a 4 Cash and Nels have been immense all season. Bradley is finally showing why we bought him. A 3 puts Nyambe out of the equation which is a shame as he's a very good RB. 3 allows us 2 wing backs and more attacking options and gives us 2 up top (strikers hunting in pairs, the way I like to see them). With players starting to become available again following injury, PW will have a fair few selection headaches. 4 of the next 5 games are at home. Blessing or curse? Hopefully we'll see big crowds getting behind the team and a plethora of points. We start with Charlton and Port Vale and I'd be looking for 6 points from those games. Brizzle Rovers away another 3. Reading at home, yes, they do seem a bit of a bogey side but time to lay that one to rest. Then it's Bolton, 32K crowd, buzzing stadium, simply a don't lose game. I'm looking at either 13 or 15 points from the 5 games and that would keep us in with a good shout of top 2.
  12. occasionally. Been to Ajax, Almere City, Utrecht and den Haag. I suppose, if pushed, I'd say Ajax as they always try to play attractive football... or did until the new German, Sven Lislintat, took over as director of football in the summer. Sold all the best players, replaced them with lesser players who cost the fees/wages of world stars... this season has been a disaster. Mislinstat got sacked, as did the manager.
  13. Latest news https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/derby-county-injury-updates-barnsley-9118633
  14. No bickering on here, thus far. I haven't had a ST since the 83/84 season as I knew I was moving to the Netherlands early on in the 84/85 season. I saw the opening 8 League games, home and away. The last one being Millwall away on Tuesday October 2nd and we lost 2-1. If I bought one for next season (65+) in the East Stand it would set me back £402.75 which works out at £17.51 a game. If I lived in England I'd buy one in a flash. As it is I'll buy match tickets per game when I'm over. I want one, I can afford one but won't be buying as it doesn't financial sense.
  15. My fault, I wasn't clear in the post to which you replied. I meant Gayle. I do, however, agree with you about Collo, he will get targeted on his return but we'll hopefully, have Gayle and Waggy as well. Washington? I'm starting to doubt we'll see him again this season.
  16. Here's hoping there's still some life left in the old dog.. he looked sharp in the training video the club posted...
  17. IMO, PW doesn't do things by accident. Whether this gets back to Madley or not, you can bet he has warned the players not to skate on thin ice. There will be no risks being taken when it comes to behaviour or "taking one for the team". Don't give the bloke a choice to make...
  18. IMO, as a former ref (retired aged 68, 2 years ago) I cannot remember a single game where either of Madley brothers reffed DCFC and I came away thinking "what a good ref, even handed and got the calls right". Watch PWs pre match interview on RamsTV, even he went so far as to mention that "looking at where the refs from" is not something they do... so they must be aware...
  19. I ad us dahn forra win cos them's crap at om n ween magic aweh. Then ah seen as Madley's reffin'... 2-1 fo them.
  20. Isn't the biggest part of their gripe that the changes to working practice the rail companies want to bring in are not conducive passenger safety? Isn't another problem they have that the companies want drivers to work more weekends and nights but also decrease the premium payments for working weekends and nights?
  21. As would I but people preferred to stand rather than risk embarrassment or an argument.
  22. Our last 12 fixtures against Barnsley have seen us lose 3, draw 2 and win 7. Having said that our last win there was back in 2017. Time to put a stop to that little run. 0-2 NML and Gayle
  23. ... and without it we'd be up the creek without a Padel 😉
  24. Travelling back to the airport from Derby Station to Brum on Sunday, I was fine as we had reserved seats. There were a lot of people standing. In the coach we were sat in there were half a dozen seats taken up by luggage. Ridiculous when you have people standing. Some folk have taken selfishness to a new level.
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