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Is Mr Nigel Clough tactically good enough at this level and should he go?

Davey B

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I like the big who-argh about Shackell going, end of the day we got 1million+ for him, the better and more influential player who was supposed to partner him in Barker is out for the season and we get nothing - also, may not play again.

Shackell was a good player, and will be a good player - proven at this level, as is Keogh. I think watching early games it seems that Keogh is more of a much needed replacement for Barker, than Shackell. I have no hard feelings for Shackell, and the move was clearly not one he had anticipated which is a shame, but we start the season with a good selection at centre back - Buxton has proved time and time again he is more than capable of this level, and Keogh has proven himself being named POTY every year he has spent in this division!

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Derby fans may moan, but they are also the most patient. What Blackburn fans did last season wasn't right, but it puts things in perspective. I have been supporting Derby since 1965, but gave my season ticket up last year because of our shocking lack of ambition, Clough's refusal to challenge the board and the poor team tactics and selection. I still go and have been to some of the away pre-season games and will probably go this year, but thing's aren't right. Shakell was our best player last year and we've sold him to a smaller club! Rant over, but I really hope Clough changes his approach or we change the manager.

How do you know Clough doesn't challenge the board? And how relevant is club size in the modern game?

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Personally i have 2 main gripes about Clough's tactics:

1 - Subs seem to always be set in stone before the game and how the game is panning out seems to have no effect until someone gets injured. I can't recall ever hearing anyone say Clough's substitutions were good after any game in his 3 years but on the bright side he does seem to have gotten over his pre-90 minutes fear.

2- Not so big but again its been 3 years and needs sorting in my opinion and that's our clueless throw-ins! Its alright if we get it taken quickly but as soon as the immediate option is gone its so clear nobody has a clue what to do, we are going to get 20/30 a game so learning to at least retain possession will easily prove beneficial.

While the team has got better with receiving the throw-ins its a personal annoyance to me having always taken them when i play and good organization from them leads to goals. I easily get 5 or 6 direct assists a season and more coming from resulting plays. With decent teamwork and an understanding of what the thrower is wanting to do puts the team in much better positions.

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Personally i have 2 main gripes about Clough's tactics:

1 - Subs seem to always be set in stone before the game and how the game is panning out seems to have no effect until someone gets injured. I can't recall ever hearing anyone say Clough's substitutions were good after any game in his 3 years but on the bright side he does seem to have gotten over his pre-90 minutes fear.

2- Not so big but again its been 3 years and needs sorting in my opinion and that's our clueless throw-ins! Its alright if we get it taken quickly but as soon as the immediate option is gone its so clear nobody has a clue what to do, we are going to get 20/30 a game so learning to at least retain possession will easily prove beneficial.

While the team has got better with receiving the throw-ins its a personal annoyance to me having always taken them when i play and good organization from them leads to goals. I easily get 5 or 6 direct assists a season and more coming from resulting plays. With decent teamwork and an understanding of what the thrower is wanting to do puts the team in much better positions.

Throw ins? Really?

By the way if you're only getting 5 or 6 assists a season from 30 throw ins a game? I'd be working on them myself if I were you.

It's pretty easy.

You throw it to me I knock it back to you, you swing it in for the lads in the box. Bish bash bosh, goal.

No organisation needed.

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Throw ins? Really?

By the way if you're only getting 5 or 6 assists a season from 30 throw ins a game? I'd be working on them myself if I were you.

It's pretty easy.

You throw it to me I knock it back to you, you swing it in for the lads in the box. Bish bash bosh, goal.

No organisation needed.

assists are one touch... like a Rory Delap throw

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Do you think they should stop play every time the ball goes out in training, line them up and say ok lads when this happens in a match this is where you stand and this is how we want you to react?

How many play lists do you think they'd need to make that work? the ball can go out anywhere on the pitch at any time.

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Do you think they should stop play every time the ball goes out in training, line them up and say ok lads when this happens in a match this is where you stand and this is how we want you to react?

How many play lists do you think they'd need to make that work? the ball can go out anywhere on the pitch at any time.

What a strange argument. Do you think they train free kicks by playing a game and waiting for a foul?

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Yes that's exactly what I think the professional footballers should do, you only need to explain it once not every time. They should be able to do it by themselves once they all know what they are doing.

do you think that getting everyone working together from a very common situation is a waste of time?

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What a strange argument. Do you think they train free kicks by playing a game and waiting for a foul?

Of course not Gboro. Give me a bit more credit than that. What I'm saying is it's a rubbish part of the game to focus on. Especially when no-one can show me or you any proof of the fact our throw ins are better or worse than any other teams.

Our throw ins havent improved for 3 years? It must just be me and a lack of patience but I think that's the wankest complaint I've ever seen on a football forum.

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Of course not Gboro. Give me a bit more credit than that. What I'm saying is it's a rubbish part of the game to focus on. Especially when no-one can show me or you any proof of the fact our throw ins are better or worse than any other teams.

Our throw ins havent improved for 3 years? It must just be me and a lack of patience but I think that's the wankest complaint I've ever seen on a football forum.

Throw-ins are a very important part of the game which do require a certain amount of attention. Some teams rehearse them well and get the reward, though probably at the expense of something else.

Either way, whether you agree with the poky or not - and I don't think I do as we seem to keep the ball with most of our throw ins - it is a ligitimate point of concern.

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Yes that's exactly what I think the professional footballers should do, you only need to explain it once not every time. They should be able to do it by themselves once they all know what they are doing.

do you think that getting everyone working together from a very common situation is a waste of time?

i would imagine quite a few footballers need it explaining many times before they get it.

not sure our throw ins are that bad

i'd like to see us have the long throw option now and again - but that relies on someone worth throwing it to.

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Are our throw ins worse than other teams?

That's the point from my side. If he can tell me yes they are, then I'll admit he has a valid cause for concern.

Until then, sorry but what a loads of testicles.

Who knows any of that sort of information against our rivals? I can't tell you if our corners were better or worse than Brighton. Or if we had more headers on target than Palace. I don't know if we're better or worse than those teams, but I know corners, headers and throw ins are very important parts of the game and fans should be allowed to have the opinion that their own team is not doing a good enough job in any of these aspects.

Our throw ins are decent enough and we need to improve out set pieces before we start to look at that. But my point is you're going over the top with dismissing it.

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I remember John Gregory having a thing at throw-ins where he'd walk away disinterested then suddenly turn and get the ball then play it back to the thrower and make a bit of space for a return pass. The thrower would obviously be waiting for the turn to throw it to him.

He did it at every throw in. It always amazed me how after about 15 times in a game the opposition still didn't cotton on to it and get in front of him when he turned.

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I did say in my original post that its not a big thing and that its just a personal feeling. I know some people just see throw-ins as a formality so expected people to think its unnecessary to do anything about them but some of you seem to think I'm calling for a throw-in boot camp at the expense of all other areas of the game. Get the players on the same wave length and have a designated throw-in taker e.g the full backs and they will sort them selves out as the season progresses, hence my surprise at little progress over the seasons.

For me loosing the ball from a throw-in is the same as any other loss of possession and should be avoided if possible.

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