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Paranormal activity


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Now some people believe in it, some don't. But you often hear stories, some made up, from people who have personal unexplained experiances in this subject.

Have you got a ghost story? Or un explained happening?

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I have at Old Trafford Manchester, Costa Rican striker Paulo Wanchope ghosted past the United defence making them look utter muppets then fired home, it's making me moist just thinking about it

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I've seen a ghost, a woman. Dav was very scepticle until he saw the same woman a few months later...

Was it my mind playing tricks? Don't think so, I know what i saw

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Come on explain some more, was the woman leaving the bedroom whilst your hubby was getting dressed?

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She was an old lady who used to live in our old house. We didn't know anything about her until the neighbours mentioned her one day.

She had a white dress on, which had embroidery on the front, long silvery blonde hair and was about 4 foot tall. I thought it was me daughter at first but she's a few inches taller and obviously a lot younger. Dav wasn't convinced by it when I told him but a few months later he saw her on the landing and described her just the way I did. I think he was more inclined to believe me then.

My sisters old house used to be a monastry and she used to see one particular monk almost daily. I never liked going in that house, particulaly on the top floor. I love all things supernatural but that was really creepy and wierd. I didn't like being there when she first moved in before we even knew it was haunted.

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