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Player abuse has to stop


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First we had John Terrys racist slurs at Anton Ferdinand , then we had Luis Suarez insulting Patrice Evra ,, now FC Porto are going to report Manchester City for abusing their forward Hulk ,, the City fans have emotionally scarred the forward by chanting "your not incredible" ,, wow they should give all city fans life bans for that, how can he carry on playing football after taking such abuse ,,, PC gone mad - [url=http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/4148575/Man-City-v-Porto-Porto-to-complain-over-City-Hulk-chants.html]http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/4148575/Man-City-v-Porto-Porto-to-complain-over-City-Hulk-chants.html

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what the hell!? Surely this is a wind up? Are we not allowed to sing "you're not very good, you're not very good......" either? Jesus, I wonder why the crowds aren't making a noise anymore?

oh, just noticed it's the Sun and therefore most likely complete and utter boll*cks

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what the hell!? Surely this is a wind up? Are we not allowed to sing "you're not very good, you're not very good......" either? Jesus, I wonder why the crowds aren't making a noise anymore?

oh, just noticed it's the Sun and therefore most likely complete and utter boll*cks

Although the Sun has fantastic reputation for telling the truth , Sky Sports are now covering the story , [url=http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11679/7539763/Porto-prepare-Hulk-complaint]http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11679/7539763/Porto-prepare-Hulk-complaint , for anyone wanting to send flowers, chocolates or messages of support to Hulk through this difficult time can do so by posting to Estádio Do Dragão, Entrada Poente - Piso 3 ,4350-415, Porto , Portugal ,,,, hang in there little fella
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They feel hard done by after accusations of racist chants, so come back with this. Incredible!

Can't believe nobody noticed your little pun or they were ignoring it cos it wasn't very good? Maybe some have turned green with envy........

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