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Academy Grades Next Year


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I have just read the interview with Darren Wassell who was talking about playing Arsenal and he mentioned that we had beaten Liverpool and Sunderland who would be a category A academy next year.

It got me thinking what would our Academy be? how how does it work, we admitted to voting for the EPPP as it would hopefully benefit us with growing a squad from the academy, which basically means we can go and poach talented players from lesser academies, rightly or wrongly.

Does the grading work on how much is invested into youth development? or how reputable the youth coaching/facilities/progression is. I assume the higher category we fall into the better for the club on paper, more than anything.

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According to what they were saying over the last couple of weeks...

I assume the higher category we fall into the better for the club on paper, more than anything.


Does the grading work on ... how reputable the youth coaching/facilities/progression is.


Does the grading work on how much is invested into youth development?


Guess what? It favours the bigger clubs...

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Favours the bigger clubs?

That can't be right. I read an FA article that it would benefit football in general. Surely the FA would not tell bare faced lies in order to suck up to the Premier League big boys, why, that would be unethical, immoral and lead to less players coming through academies so hurting the national team in the future.

The FA would never allow such a thing.

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Favours the bigger clubs?

The Elite Player Performance Plan (EPPP)

is set to be introduced in English football next season with criticism that it will benefit the big clubs.

Fixed compensation packages will replace the current tribunal system which dictates the size of fees when clubs cannot agree a transfer for home-grown young players.

EPPP will lead to the introduction of a four-tier academy system ranging from category one "super academies" down to category four status.


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Favours the bigger clubs?

That can't be right. I read an FA article that it would benefit football in general. Surely the FA would not tell bare faced lies in order to suck up to the Premier League big boys, why, that would be unethical, immoral and lead to less players coming through academies so hurting the national team in the future.

The FA would never allow such a thing.

£150,000 payment for your best young talent. The big boys are peeing themselves laughing.

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Academies will be independently audited and given a Category status of 1 to 4, with 1 being the most elite.

Up to 10 different factors will be considered in the grading, including productivity rates; training facilities; and coaching, education and welfare provisions.


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Apparently you need at least 17 full time youth coaches to be a 1 or 2.

Currently clubs have either an academy or a centre of excellence. If you have a centre of excellence you will be more than likely a 3 with the really small clubs being a 4.

To be a 1 you need to spend £2.5 mill a year on youth. So i'd expect us to be a 2.

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