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Mr Giles Barnes


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If in Niges shoes would you be tempted to bring back Giles?

Okay before the majority (Probably 99%) jump in ans say NO because of his MASSIVE ego and thinking hes the dogs bo**cks i ask you to think what he could still offer

Lets get 1 thing clear,we fluked the play off final v West Brom.Battered by a much better side on the day and they was totally more prepared for a Premier League place.

What happened that day,the Dwarf sent on Giles and he goes past there LB like a dream lays the ball across the box for Pearo to tap in.NOBODY in our side that day could have done that!

Hes had his injurys (Dickinson pre season being 1)

He had a much failed Fulham adventure (Nobody more than me enjoyed that.Built his knee or whatever it was with trips to America costing the club a fortune only to up sticks when fit)

He had average time at West Brom (Jumping around like a mad man celebrating the promotion by playing 4 TIMES!What was that all about???)

Now at Donny on a 6 month contract and from what i seen on Saturday id be tempted to take a punt.

He looked quite dangerous in what was pritty much a average side put him in/around our side i think he could only do well for us.

Dont get me wrong ive heard a few things other fans have said about him when meeting him and what a complete to**er the lad is but hes not the young talent he was and that he aint gonna be the superstar he got into his head.

So i put it to you.....

If after the 6 month deal at Donny and Giles was 100% fit and come out saying the right things "I know i messed up at Derby and would love to play for them again im a lot more mature than i was years ago etc etc"

Would you take the punt??

Another 6 month deal like the one he has at Donny?

Me id take him.Let him get his head down and try and churn out a decent career back at the club that help make him.

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If his ego was sorted and Nigel thought he was worth it, then sure. Did pretty well for Donny against us yesterday, he did sky his one real oppurtunity but he went past 203 of our players on more than one occasion.

So yes, but all depending on how his head is. If he's still up his own backside then no.

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The whole point of this team Nige has put together is about players with similar temperament and desire to do well for the CLUB. Why would Nige bring back some big ego muppet he told to get lost once before? That would go against everything he has been trying to create here.

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i didn't think he was much cop yesterday.

a few look-at-me turns but it looked like the stuff you do in a pro-celeb friendly. he doesn't look fit to me. no engine. can't sustain any prolonged work.

billy got it right

10 mins as an impact sub was his limit.

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If in Niges shoes would you be tempted to bring back Giles?

Okay before the majority (Probably 99%) jump in ans say NO because of his MASSIVE ego and thinking hes the dogs bo**cks i ask you to think what he could still offer

Lets get 1 thing clear,we fluked the play off final v West Brom.Battered by a much better side on the day and they was totally more prepared for a Premier League place.

What happened that day,the Dwarf sent on Giles and he goes past there LB like a dream lays the ball across the box for Pearo to tap in.NOBODY in our side that day could have done that!

Hes had his injurys (Dickinson pre season being 1)

He had a much failed Fulham adventure (Nobody more than me enjoyed that.Built his knee or whatever it was with trips to America costing the club a fortune only to up sticks when fit)

He had average time at West Brom (Jumping around like a mad man celebrating the promotion by playing 4 TIMES!What was that all about???)

Now at Donny on a 6 month contract and from what i seen on Saturday id be tempted to take a punt.

He looked quite dangerous in what was pritty much a average side put him in/around our side i think he could only do well for us.

Dont get me wrong ive heard a few things other fans have said about him when meeting him and what a complete to**er the lad is but hes not the young talent he was and that he aint gonna be the superstar he got into his head.

So i put it to you.....

If after the 6 month deal at Donny and Giles was 100% fit and come out saying the right things "I know i messed up at Derby and would love to play for them again im a lot more mature than i was years ago etc etc"

Would you take the punt??

Another 6 month deal like the one he has at Donny?

Me id take him.Let him get his head down and try and churn out a decent career back at the club that help make him.

Had such a smug face when you were talking about the playoff final ;)

Barnes was ok for us, he came on a few times last year and looked a tad lively and that was about it, he could do a good job for you lot in the Championship. Talking of transfers as well, its good that you didn't take Ishmael Miller, he's about as good as me in goal.

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What happened that day,the Dwarf sent on Giles and he goes past there LB like a dream lays the ball across the box for Pearo to tap in.NOBODY in our side that day could have done that!

Really? Have you watched it recently? It is the ball from Howard (I think) that makes the goal. Giles simply latches on and kicks it across goal- hardly rocket science (although Shane Long could probably do with with a few lessons).

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I don't think Nigel would be interested (and neither would I) as he is building a team around work ethic and togetherness - doing the simple things right to be as effective as they can be. Yes it would be great to have a real spark of creativity and I'm sure at some point it will be added but only when the rest of the squad is in place and certainly not at the risk of upsetting the team spirit.

I wish Giles well but somewhere else for his sake. I don't think it would be the right thing for him or the club for him to return.

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What happened that day,the Dwarf sent on Giles and he goes past there LB like a dream lays the ball across the box for Pearo to tap in.NOBODY in our side that day could have done that!

Aren't you forgetting that Barnes' cross was actually a miss-hit shot.....? ;)

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"Call my agent celebration"

Don't need anymore excuse than that. Don't wish death on the bloke. But i've disliked people for less. For example, i don't like Lampard because he's an overrated diving blue eyed boy of a shambolic England set up.

I'm probably a bit miserable. But i just don't feel the need to have a good reason to dislike someone. Barnes is a knob. For that reason. I'm out. If someone was to say to me "but you don't even know him" then i'd say "what was Osama Bin Laden like?"

Still got the talent though. As a footballer i'd have him.

But that comes with the attitude and a double chin. No ta.

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I still dont understand why people dislike Giles so much, he came up through our youth system and was/is a clearly talented player but injuries have pretty much stopped him acheiving the level he may have got to. He helped get us promoted and if he didnt then get as many injuries we may have got more points than we did in the prem. Yes he is cocky etc but what 20 odd year old isnt really. He felt a bit of a superstar but he was one of our best players and we were all loving it when he was scoring goals like away at Leeds and that skill at sunderland.

Now he has moved on and no we shouldnt get him back as he doesnt fit into what this manager wants and isnt the player he was.

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