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Why do the Dirty Leeds hate Bates so much?


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A severe lack of investment this summer. They've replaced Amdy Faye with Michael Brown which is an improvement, but they've not really signed anyone at all.

They replaced Kasper but most are annoyed that he left in the first place. Plus their defence is what's holding them back, yet they didn't strengthen it.

I'd be annoyed if I were them too. They'd be delighted to have signed 9 players like we have.

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I think the owners have managed to put together some convoluted plan to make it look like Bates is the owner.

Its all tied up in offshore tax havens. Private Eye magazine did a piece a while back on this but its very complicated, involving "shell" companies, head office addresses that turn out to be shared by 60 other companies, etc, etc.

From the previously published information, one could surmise that master bates is one slippery character.......

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I think the owners have managed to put together some convoluted plan to make it look like Bates is the owner.

Its all tied up in offshore tax havens. Private Eye magazine did a piece a while back on this but its very complicated, involving "shell" companies, head office addresses that turn out to be shared by 60 other companies, etc, etc.

From the previously published information, one could surmise that master bates is one slippery character.......

Sounds like something from dispatches.

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