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Luckiest thing to ever happen to you.


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Normally I'm just an unlucky so and so but recently I bought some hugo at xmas and won an ipod. Ca ching. After getting it in the post, 2 weeks later they send me another bloody one by mistake. I went through my whole life not winning a thing and and then two ipod touch in the space of a couple of weeks. Always interested to hear about quirks of fate and luck so anyone else have any stories?

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spinning across the a38 into the barriers...missing all the traffic.....rebounding across all the lanes.....missing all the traffic....car was a write off.....walked away. No-one hurt.

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When I was about 8 I put 35p into a vending machine to buy some Softmints and as the coils were turning it accidently knocked out another packet. 2 packets of Softmints for 35p, Brilliant!

I've also had bad luck aswell.. Car got robbed in Miami in a public carpark surrounded by cameras and security guards.. Yet amazingly no-one saw a thing.. Down on around 7ks worth of goods. Passports, Clothes, My Brothers Laptop, Camera, Mums wedding ring (Which was given to her by her sick Mother), plus cash.. I was devasted for my Mum.. As for the rat who stole the ring, it was worth no more than $200 to him/her, but for my Mum it was worth the world. Invaluable as they say..

But not to put a damper on the thread, luck should be associated with good things that have happened to you..

I'm extremely lucky, I have kind parents, amazing friends and a beautiful girlfriend.. I'd be greedy to ask for more.

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Can honestly say have never won so much as a game of bingo in my life. Odd bits, found a fiver on the floor, won a few bets for about 50 quid but nothing of any note whatsoever. As my Dad says about my family, "son, if we didn't have bad luck, we wouldn't have any luck at all".

Never bought a lottery ticket in my life because I just know I might as well shove the quid up my arse. I can't even play monopoly without landing on jail every time I go around the fecking board.

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Allestree garage (a very long time ago), filling up my car, the 'pounds' sign wasn't flicking over very quickly, kept going, thinking it was stuck - till petrol pi55ed out of my car - full to the brim - cost me £1.25. Drove home, told me mum, who did the same. :)

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A few years ago me and my mate found a change machine in the arcade that thought a 5p was £2. :) It gave us £1 and 10 10p's for each 5p we put in. As we only had a few 5p's each we kept having to buy cheap chocolate with the 10p's and getting the 5p change. We pocketed all the £1s. In the end we were so full we had to hide the chocolate and just collect the 5p's :). We went down the next day too , but after that they fixed it :mad:.

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When I was a baby I think about a year old or so not sure. My mum took her eyes of me to answer the phone so I climbed a wicker chair to see where she went and tipped it it flung me head first through a window. The doctors said it was pure luck that the angle the glass went into me missed my eyeball by mm and left me with nothing but a scar above my eye.

Another one when I was about 5, my mum was driving me home from my aunts in swad heading to ashby in her van for work, she kept smacking my legs and telling me to put them down and 'sit properly' cause o would lift my legs up and hug my arms around them. It was late at night and a lorry was parked at a roundabout with no hazards on and no light around it and my mum didn't see it till late and ploughed into the back of it. Apparently the fireman said if my legs had been down they would have had to amputate them to get me out but luckily I was disobedient and walked away with a few light scars on my face.

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meeting ladyram

Babes, you say the sweetest things - and I have to say my luck definitely changed for the better, the night you walked into that bar hobbling along on your walking stick ;)

Now, what ya after?? :rolleyes::D

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