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For some reason there's hope


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Anyone else getting a bit of hope back regarding the club. I know it was just one statement from the club so I could very much be getting carried away. With the statement, however, they've put themselves in a do or die position. By the end of the summer GSE will either get a thumbs up or a thumbs down, there will be no in between anymore. Whatever my view on them in the past may be it has made for an interesting end game and I actually believe them. Rambler seems overall ok with the accounts, which means they're ok with me.

We wait and see if they fullfil their promise of signings and if they're right to stick by Nigel. Fingers crossed GSE have known what they were doing all this time and there's something to cheer next season.

Come on GSE and Nigel prove most of us (including me) wrong.

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I must admit that I feel pretty good at the moment for just having a bit of hope for the future. It has been so long only negative things associated with the club. Of course things may go wrong but there is always the possibility of that. Now at least there is something to wait for. And I totally agree it`s now do or die for GSE and if they can`t deliver for next season, everybody can make more drastic moves against them without any hesitations.

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Feeling FAR more excited being a rams fan after that statement than for a long time before it. It's just easy for everyone to start picturing a wave of players coming in and seeing a real stride towards the team we all want to see on the pitch week in week out.

I'm just desperately trying to keep at least one of my feet firmly on the ground. I've read previous posts about Derby perhaps scrapping their reserve team next season (Didn't think that was possible AND we're doing well in reserve league :confused:) and also the fact that we have to remember this is a business (Whether we like to admit it or not). Every single transfer will be scrutinised and every penny will try to be saved. Whilst this stands us in good stead, I don't want to see us settling for 3rd/4th or even 5th choice players being plucked off the shortlist whilst our primary targets are embraced by clubs more willing to roll the dice and stretch their wage budgets.

I dunno, I'm no expert on anything financial or football for that matter. But I have had my hopes raised and I wait with all fingers and toes crossed for May 4th onwards (Think thats when window re-opens?!?!)

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I think we have done our role as supporters of the club a great service in pressing the board for investment and impetus on the footballing side and asking difficult questions regarding the aims of the board. I think they are under no illusions now that they can take us for granted and have by making this statement made themselves fully accountable to us. I'm fairly sure the board are doing this to placate the fanbase and get us back onside but I'm comfortalbe with that providing the improvements are made. I want this all to work out, the investment to come, Nigel to succeed and the board to sell for their profit back in the Prem. CYR.

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I think we have done our role as supporters of the club a great service in pressing the board for investment and impetus on the footballing side and asking difficult questions regarding the aims of the board. I think they are under no illusions now that they can take us for granted and have by making this statement made themselves fully accountable to us. I'm fairly sure the board are doing this to placate the fanbase and get us back onside but I'm comfortalbe with that providing the improvements are made. I want this all to work out, the investment to come, Nigel to succeed and the board to sell for their profit back in the Prem. CYR.
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Would you be happy if transfers financed themselves or do you think that the investors need to be seen putting money into the club purely for buying players?
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We're not competing whilst the club is currently making a loss, if we were to become self-sufficient then with the current set-up we would imo be relegated. I don't see how it could be argued any other way inless one questions the ability of the manager in working with the budget he has.
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If those are indeed the names plus Robinson and Ward, then I wouldn't put any money on a top 6 finish. I'd say they'd improve us but not by much. Inless Nigel starts working wonders with a budget which is what is required if we are to be promoted on a low cost basis then I don't see it happening. And I don't see him doing that. If we're in the market for decent championship players then providing he can manage them effectively I can't see any reason as to why we couldn't compete. The 3 players you cite as being offloaded to make the savings would see us relegated inless we sign decent players to fill their boots. One of which is Fielding (improvement) who is going to cost something. I don't see how additional savings could be made without seriously jeopardising our league position.

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If those are indeed the names plus Robinson and Ward, then I wouldn't put any money on a top 6 finish. I'd say they'd improve us but not by much. Inless Nigel starts working wonders with a budget which is what is required if we are to be promoted on a low cost basis then I don't see it happening. And I don't see him doing that. If we're in the market for decent championship players then providing he can manage them effectively I can't see any reason as to why we couldn't compete. The 3 players you cite as being offloaded to make the savings would see us relegated inless we sign decent players to fill their boots. One of which is Fielding (improvement) who is going to cost something. I don't see how additional savings could be made without seriously jeopardising our league position.

Tend to agree.We shouldn't let them off the hook with regards to the Hulse and Commons (or Moxey,according to taste) fees-this should be a starting point of investment.If something in this region (possibly supplemented by a Varney fee) is all that is spent,then the investors would have added nothing to the pot.

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Not really, our squad is so poor at the moment, and is about to be weakened even further, thanks to the policies of the last year, that it would take 5 or 6 decent players just to get us competing around mid-table.

Assuming we are signing Fielding, we need at least 1 center half, a left back, a defensive midielder, a creative midfielder, a winger or two, and 2 or 3 strikers just for starters.

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How much do people think we need to spend?

Proven goal scorers will be hard to come by cheap, emphasis on proven. I don't see us at the moment with the current strikers on the books or the prospective strikers having the required one to two 15-20 goal frontmen that promotion challengers tend to boast. We had two and for whatever reasons people want to postulate we now have none.

Midfield needs some serious shaping up. I want to see Martin and Croft shown the door if they're not even going to have a sniff of the bench. I hope B.Davies comes good.

Defence, quality addition at left back and centre. Ship out the deadwood in this position.

Keeper- Fielding (£?)

The regrettable thing to me is this is another squad overhaul after 2 and a half years of Clough being here. Alot of what he has brought here I wouldn't mind being shown the door to be honest.

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Proven goal scorers will be hard to come by cheap, emphasis on proven. I don't see us at the moment with the current strikers on the books or the prospective strikers having the required one to two 15-20 goal frontmen that promotion challengers tend to boast. We had two and for whatever reasons people want to postulate we now have none.

Midfield needs some serious shaping up. I want to see Martin and Croft shown the door if they're not even going to have a sniff of the bench. I hope B.Davies comes good.

Defence, quality addition at left back and centre. Ship out the deadwood in this position.

Keeper- Fielding (£?)

The regrettable thing to me is this is another squad overhaul after 2 and a half years of Clough being here. Alot of what he has brought here I wouldn't mind being shown the door to be honest.

Disagree with your first point, given propert service I think Porter would bag us 20 goals a season but he is a waste of space as a lone striker.

Fielding will allegedly only cost in the region of £500k.

Full backs for some reason usually tend to be cheap, would not expect us to spend more than £500k in that department.

I would like to see us spend a sizeable fee on a creative midfielder.

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Porter 20 goals a season? What you been smoking :p?

Well he has had a good goal scoring record everywhere he has been and in the early games for Derby, when played in the correct position, he showed he has an eye for goals. Lets be honest its not like he missed loads of chances when he has played this season he has just not had any chances because every ball has been played to him head high 40 yards from goal.

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Well he has had a good goal scoring record everywhere he has been and in the early games for Derby, when played in the correct position, he showed he has an eye for goals. Lets be honest its not like he missed loads of chances when he has played this season he has just not had any chances because every ball has been played to him head high 40 yards from goal.

The thought of Porter being our main striker next season fills me with dread. If he was a horse he would have been shot by now.:rolleyes:

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As I said it all depends on the service he would get. Played as a lone striker he is a waste of space.

The reason I'm sceptical is more to do with his physical condition. I don't think he can train as freely and has to have pain-numbing injections before matches (so I'm lead to believe). I think other pros may have given up by now. A 100% CP could potentially have bagged alot of goals but as it stands I'd say no I'm afraid.

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