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Early Bird renewal deadline extended!!!!!


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Not seen this on a statment fromthe club or on here yet but just been checking the season ticket pricing details and noticed that the early bird renewal date has been extended to May 15th, thats 1 week after the end of the season and 1 full week of the club being able to sign players.



On the Glick on the train thread it is mentioned that he said to expect an announcement on Fielding on May 9th. Could be we announce ward and Robinson and maybe some other targets in that week to encourage renewals.

Sorry if this has already been posted, I cant rememebr reading it or my brother talking about reading it and I am sure I would have.

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I've not had my pack but already decided to renew.

No matter what we have been given the titled of the most loyal fans for turning up week in and week out whats different now. The tide will be changing. Discussed with me brother potential signings.

Matt Oakley (replacement for Sav should never of gone will not get in a t Leicester)


Tyson (why should we not get someone who will do what every ex-derby player does against us against the enemy)



Billy Jones (PNE)

the lad from Ipswic.

and last but not least Fielding.

Out of these the only ones who will cost is Fielding, Ward, Robinson the others will be free, Oakley and Howard may be nominal fee.

Now you may notice 4 strikers baring in ming Clough has stated Theo will be one of 5 or 6 strikers at the club and we currently have one in Davies. These players have all played at championship and may cost the club something in region of £1.5million max to bring in.

So you can see I am optimisitic. I will be renewing. Blind faith call it wat you want I am a Derby fan who wants to support his time throuh not only gd times but the bad.

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