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Call of Duty: Black Ops


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I think that is spot on the average shooter KD. Anything about 1 is alright, 1.2 is a decent score.

I used to play with people who would have thousands and thousands of kills on other shooters with K/D's of 3.5 etc. They play WAY too much :D

Back on CoD4, I had over 150k kills. Was in the top 3,000 at one point, which doesn't sound great, but considering there were over 10m people on the leaderboard, I thought it was alright. Especially considering that the top god know's how many people on that leaderboard have hacked their way there to begin with.

I'm relieved that there IS somewhere that records your overall K/D. It's not massively important to me, but it's still nice to know! :D

Finished SP campaign earlier. Only started it at around lunchtime. Taken about 5/6 hours, so par for the course for CoD games I guess. Overall, really enjoyed it. There's a lot of variety in the SP missions, I can't even remember all the stuff that I got to fly, drive etc. Much preferred it to W@W's SP, and MW2's as well to be honest. Might not be quite as strong as CoD4's , but still, it's decent.

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I've never bothered to look at the overall leaderboards as like you say they always get hacked, apparently they are keeping an eye on it this year and banning any hackers.

I've got 4 mates online so I only tend to look at that leaderboard and enjoy the banter with what goes with that.

My K/D has creeped upto 1.21 now, bought that Calil last night and went Rambo style on everyone, I have to say tho I don't feel much difference between the Famas and Calil, just look and sound different.

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Back on CoD4, I had over 150k kills. Was in the top 3,000 at one point, which doesn't sound great, but considering there were over 10m people on the leaderboard, I thought it was alright. Especially considering that the top god know's how many people on that leaderboard have hacked their way there to begin with.

I'm relieved that there IS somewhere that records your overall K/D. It's not massively important to me, but it's still nice to know! :D

Finished SP campaign earlier. Only started it at around lunchtime. Taken about 5/6 hours, so par for the course for CoD games I guess. Overall, really enjoyed it. There's a lot of variety in the SP missions, I can't even remember all the stuff that I got to fly, drive etc. Much preferred it to W@W's SP, and MW2's as well to be honest. Might not be quite as strong as CoD4's , but still, it's decent.

That's a cracking achievement! Better than just 'alright' :D

K/D is hugely important to some people, especially 'clan' players, as it shows you your teammates levels and if you should perhaps find a better team etc. There are some guys who go to MLG events who I know and if theirs falls below 2.5 they play all night till it's above it again.

The first mission wasn't too bad, I haven't played the rest of it. I don't think any CoD game will match CoD4's story line to be honest, they got it spot on with that one. Especially the 'death' scenes.

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Tried to play online with a mate earlier and we were just spawn camped by noobs with better guns than us. Got slaughtered.

I am partially colour blind, with similiar coloured 'skins' the opponents blend in to scenery on some maps. At first I thought it'd been sorted, MW2 was a real problem for me, but there are one or two maps I really struggle with. I was getting pasted by people just stood still camping, I run right by as I can barely see them.

Still, the cars add an interesting (if eventually annoying) element to the online game. Not found a gun I like yet, also part of the problem, was just using the basics. Only on the friends profile+1 though, so not really the best playing conditions.

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Unlocked the crossbow earlier, was on cracked and found this kid just sat in a corner of a room, rank 3 or summart. Went in there and blew him up with me bow, went back about 30 seconds later and he was sat in the same spot again so I proceeded to blow him up again. Without dragging this story out I found him another 4 times sat in exactly the same spot and yup I blew him up.

Since that game I've had several messages that his dad works for Sony and he's going to send a virus to my PS3, oh and he's going to hunt me down and shoot me for real as he's got a shotgun and licence for it.

Got to love the COD community :)

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Unlocked the crossbow earlier, was on cracked and found this kid just sat in a corner of a room, rank 3 or summart. Went in there and blew him up with me bow, went back about 30 seconds later and he was sat in the same spot again so I proceeded to blow him up again. Without dragging this story out I found him another 4 times sat in exactly the same spot and yup I blew him up.

Since that game I've had several messages that his dad works for Sony and he's going to send a virus to my PS3, oh and he's going to hunt me down and shoot me for real as he's got a shotgun and licence for it.

Got to love the COD community :)

Hahaha that is brilliant, I actually burst out laughing!!

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Unlocked the crossbow earlier, was on cracked and found this kid just sat in a corner of a room, rank 3 or summart. Went in there and blew him up with me bow, went back about 30 seconds later and he was sat in the same spot again so I proceeded to blow him up again. Without dragging this story out I found him another 4 times sat in exactly the same spot and yup I blew him up.

Since that game I've had several messages that his dad works for Sony and he's going to send a virus to my PS3, oh and he's going to hunt me down and shoot me for real as he's got a shotgun and licence for it.

Got to love the COD community :)


Loving the crossbow. Got it earlier myself. It's quite effective on Cracked, I racked up a few decent scores on that map with it (and the Stoner).

Best game though, was on Crisis. Caught two snipers camping, snook behind each and just planted a sticky on the back of their heads with the bow. Tick....tock.....boom! :D

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You do get camping, but nowhere near as much as you did on MW2, and so far, I think it's fair enough, as people are still getting used to the new maps.

Most games this time around are mayhem, with people running around all over the place.

Plus, kills from killstreak rewards don't count towards your next reward, and there are no ridiculously overpowered rewards either. Hence, there's less incentive to camp this time around.

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Gunship and Chopper Gunner are pretty much game winning killstreaks tho, you get one of those and your teams going to win.

I don't find that at all. If anything, the games we've been in, those that have had got the high killstreak rewards have ended up losing the game. Largely because to get that many kills in a row you have to NOT be completing an objective. Hence, in Domination, people end up concentrating on getting the kills but not taking the flags as there's a good chance that this will end up getting them killed. We had a Hind against us last night. Very, very powerful, but by the time it was inbound we were already on the verge of victory.

I think that's better than MW2, where they truly were gamewinning streak rewards, especially considering that your KSR kills counted towards your next one.

3 days in though and we've only encounted CGs 3/4 times. Compared to MW2 where you could have that many in just one match.

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