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Football agents versus FIFA

Olton Ram

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The comments by the TFF( the agents’ organisation are hilarious! I just really hadn’t known they want to help less prosperous agents and fund small countries fight against FIFA, though their joining fees would probably cover it. And who would have thought that agents should object to being licensed and maybe pass an exam? I mean, who would want agents to be a bit knowledgeable about their job and not just be someone’s mate who fancies making a bit of money?

It all adds to the general disaffection many of us are feeling with football. I know changes need to be made and this idea seems obvious to me but so little happens that makes supporters feel anything but an ‘administrative irrelevance’ ( a hospital administrator described patients to me).

I don’t often go on a bit of a rant but football agents power in the game really gets my goat - perhaps that should be Ram!

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I'm reading the book "Football Leaks" which exposes a lot of the murky dealings that have been endemic in football. 

Corrupt, conniving and shady as you like... Even after the banning of 3td party ownership of players, the deals broked by agents look borderline criminal in many cases. 

Limiting their fees is pathetic - given the way that players are circumventing tax there will be ways found round it. 

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I really don’t mind football agents. Too many players over too many years were ripped off by clubs and managers who held all the cards.

What I really object to is clubs having to pay the player’s agent. Why? If the player wants to employ someone to represent their interests then that should be a private arrangement between player and agent, including costs. 

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