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Come on lads keep fighting


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I know last couple of games been tough to take but it is important to get back to our attacking football when roony first took over. But I kick every single ball with you at home or in the stands when we were allowed to Be. But when are allowed back in I shall be following you home and away all over the country.

I am Derby till I die.

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It’s only football mate. It doesn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things.

Except I also have spent the last 50 years following us too.

probably should have done something more worthwhile with my time, like build a giant model of the Cutty Sark out of matchsticks.

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22 hours ago, RamNut said:

It’s only football mate. It doesn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things.

Except I also have spent the last 50 years following us too.

probably should have done something more worthwhile with my time, like build a giant model of the Cutty Sark out of matchsticks.

I've spent the last few years making a giant pile of matchsticks out of the cutty sark and I feel fulfilled.... 



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1 hour ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

I've spent the last few years making a giant pile of matchsticks out of the cutty sark and I feel fulfilled.... 



Well I mean I am Derby till i die

But i have seen forward passing game when roony first took over i think we need get back to that.

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If the whole history of the Earth was represented by the length of a football field, then the penalty spot represents the moment when the first primitive animals evolved and crawled upon the Earth - and they were just little underwater creepy crawlies with little or no concept of organised team sport.

the whole period of human history is all encompassed in just the last millimetre. From when we first fell out of the trees in order to throw objects at our nearest neighbours.
The width of a hair represents the whole period since the Bronze Age when the first primitive goals where marked with heaps of stones, and the linesman’s flag was just a rabbit skin tied to a twig. 

you would need a powerful magnifying glass to be able to make out anything of our recent history. The width of a tiny dust particle suspended in the air would represent the 50 years since the glory days under Brian Clough. 

so I wouldn’t really worry about what happened this season or last week. It will barely register upon the face of the Earth. When we are all long gone those few games when we played well will be as irrelevant and meaningless as our last dying breath. 

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