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The Politics Thread 2020


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1 minute ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

I doubt you really need look any further than the vast weight of negative opinion on this forum. If you do need any further evidence, then the press, social media, pretty much anywhere really. Let's ask a different question maybe; can you provide any evidence at all that shows I'm wrong?

As for your second comment, I'd agree Trump supporters aren't fussed about what the rest of the world thinks, but if you assume that goes for all of the US I'm afraid you've rather misjudged the situation. Lumping all Americans into the same basket is not really the ticket. 

No I dont have any evidence but I could say that all of the sources that you have quoted are mainly the left that like to have their voice heard the most.

I think if you only read this forum, or the mainstream media, you would probably say the same thing about Boris and the Conservatives. At the end of the day it's the polls that count.

I dont think that my comment goes for all of the US, just the same as I dont think yours does.


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6 minutes ago, ramesses said:

So, to be clear, you don’t have much time for Trump and although it appears to everyone that you are usually defending Trump you’re not actually defending Trump at all.

Basically you just find it funny to consistently give the appearance of defending Trump so you can then observe those posters who you claim talk rubbish and who you claim have limited attention spans.

Thanks for being so honest.

Do you troll the forum on any other issues - or just about Trump?

In what way is that trolling?

Because I want the left to revert to offering decent opposition rather than just insults?

You do realise that it is this sort of behaviour that has led us to where we are now?

The left have been that busy slandering anyone with an opinion different to theirs that they have actually forgotten how to offer opposition.


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13 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

In what way is that trolling?

Because I want the left to revert to offering decent opposition rather than just insults?

You do realise that it is this sort of behaviour that has led us to where we are now?

The left have been that busy slandering anyone with an opinion different to theirs that they have actually forgotten how to offer opposition.


Check any dictionary.

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11 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

In what way is that trolling?

Because I want the left to revert to offering decent opposition rather than just insults?

You do realise that it is this sort of behaviour that has led us to where we are now?

The left have been that busy slandering anyone with an opinion different to theirs that they have actually forgotten how to offer opposition.


Says the man that only yesterday branded us hypocrites and stated that the reason he defencds Trump is for 'balance'. And when you say 'the left', all of us? Seriosuly?

I think you seem to have lost any form of self-awareness in recent days. The forum has been incredibly non-confrontational recently with very few exceptions yet here you are bashing an entire sector of your fellow fans simply because they don't share your views on Trump. Sorry G-Star, but right now I don't see why you feel you can take the moral high ground, especially where hypocrisy is concerned. I'll remove myself from this 'debate' while it still remains vaguely civil I think! 

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22 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

No I dont have any evidence but I could say that all of the sources that you have quoted are mainly the left that like to have their voice heard the most.

And yet you are by far and away the most prolific poster on this thread. How does that work?

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3 minutes ago, ramesses said:

Check any dictionary.

So you've chosen to ignore the rest of my post?

From the Cambridge English Dictionary:

the act of leaving an insulting message on the internet in order to annoy someone

Can you show me where I have left insulting messages please?

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4 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Says the man that only yesterday branded us hypocrites and stated that the reason he defencds Trump is for 'balance'. And when you say 'the left', all of us? Seriosuly?

I think you seem to have lost any form of self-awareness in recent days. The forum has been incredibly non-confrontational recently with very few exceptions yet here you are bashing an entire sector of your fellow fans simply because they don't share your views on Trump. Sorry G-Star, but right now I don't see why you feel you can take the moral high ground, especially where hypocrisy is concerned. I'll remove myself from this 'debate' while it still remains vaguely civil I think! 


1 minute ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

And yet you are by far and away the most prolific poster on this thread. How does that work?

No you're right, it probably was a bit of a generalisation.

Not sure where I am bashing anyone or taking the moral high ground?

Just my personal views on what politics has become.

And as with any of my views you are welcome to agree with them, disagree with them or whatever you feel like doing.

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3 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Not sure where I am bashing anyone or taking the moral high ground?

By your constant assertions that you're 'exposing hypocrisy' amongst your fellow Rams fans whilst vigorously defending the likes of Trump, in who you presumably see no such traits.

5 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Just my personal views on what politics has become.

Except you are talking about a group of individuals and their alleged behaviours and not the policies they want to see implemented.


6 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

And as with any of my views you are welcome to agree with them, disagree with them or whatever you feel like doing.

Good of you to grant me permission, but I think a long walk in the last of the sunshine for the foreseeable seems a preferable course of action right now.

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1 minute ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

By your constant assertions that you're 'exposing hypocrisy' amongst your fellow Rams fans whilst vigorously defending the likes of Trump, in who you presumably see no such traits.

Except you are talking about a group of individuals and their alleged behaviours and not the policies they want to see implemented.

Good of you to grant me permission, but I think a long walk in the last of the sunshine for the foreseeable seems a preferable course of action right now.

Ok enjoy

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1 hour ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

You do realise that you've just described Trump to a tee there, don't you, though I'd say 'creepy' was a bit weak given the comments about his own daughter, pussy grabbing, wet fun with Russian hookers, the friendship with Epstein and the couple of dozen reports of sexual assault. We'll let that slide though. I would however remove the words 'almost certainly some degree of' as there's clearly no doubt that he's both loony-tunes AND suffering from dementia.

You took my words about Biden and turned it into an attack on Trump - some of which I don't disagree with tbh. 

However there is a key difference, Trump still appeals to his base whereas Biden is wont unite the moderate and progressive Democrats.  As we get nearer to the election, Biden will have to come out of hiding and Trump will tear him to shreds - it won't be pretty no matter who you support.

I'm no fan of Trump but the best the opposition can muster won't unite the Democrats and will be exposed as a bumbling figurehead of those pulling his strings in the background.  I'll retract my original 'bizarre times' statement and change it to 'terrifying times'.

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1 hour ago, maxjam said:

You took my attack about Biden and turned it into an attack on Trump - some of which I don't disagree with tbh. 


Let's have it right please Mr Jam. A creepy old man suffering from dementia? I just took your words and showed them how easily they could be applied to Trump, then stuck a cherry on top. 

As for Mr Biden's credentials, I lay no claim to be an expert on US politics nor the demographics you cite. I have however, been tracking approval ratings and the weight of money in the political betting arena, which is huge these days.

I concede that if Biden is as hopeless and you seem to want to portray, then Trump may win by default though the democrats' secret weapon may be Michelle Obama who would absolutely destroy Trump, hands down.

As I said, it'll be interesting to see how things develop but if you're really as confident as you make out, have your mortgage on Trump as you can get odds against at time of writing which by your reckoning, is akin to printing money.

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31 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Let's have it right please Mr Jam. A creepy old man suffering from dementia? I just took your words and showed them how easily they could be applied to Trump, then stuck a cherry on top. 

As for Mr Biden's credentials, I lay no claim to be an expert on US politics nor the demographics you cite. I have however, been tracking approval ratings and the weight of money in the political betting arena, which is huge these days.

I concede that if Biden is as hopeless and you seem to want to portray, then Trump may win by default though the democrats' secret weapon may be Michelle Obama who would absolutely destroy Trump, hands down.

As I said, it'll be interesting to see how things develop but if you're really as confident as you make out, have your mortgage on Trump as you can get odds against at time of writing which by your reckoning, is akin to printing money.

Regardless of who Biden's running mate will be, Biden will still be running for President.  Currently the press are working overtime to excuse his gaffes whilst making the absolute most of Trump's.  Michelle Obama (or whoever) might be able to cover for Biden and deflect some flak but eventually as the election draws nearer Biden will have to become more public, face tougher interviews and debate Trump.  Its not going to be pretty.  They won't let him skip interviews or hide in a fridge like Boris ?

TBH I don't really care who wins, just pointing out that on one side you've got Trump and everything he brings to the office and the best the opposition can do is put forwards a puppet president.  Its a depressing choice for one of the most powerful nations on Earth.

Despite all thats happened recently I still heavily favour Trump to win but there are 6 months to go and he is more than capable of doing something that really will divide his base - I just don't think thats happened yet and he will catch up any lost ground as (I predict) Biden both gets exposed under pressure and fails to win over the progressive wing of the Democrats.

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3 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

Have to agree about Sturgeon. I normally have no time for her and her one policy but she has been brilliant in her briefings. Is the press pack up there trying to trip her up at every opportunity? I dunno. However she has Impressed me greatly during this period.

If you can beat one person with a stick...



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Trump is dumb. 

Seems to be a fact on here. I'm not going to argue. 

The leader of the opposition refuses to debate him. 

How ducking dumb must he be? And how dumb must the opposition party be to get into that position. 

Or Trump, although he has sounded dumb this week, isn't that dumb. And he knows how to run an economy without having a war. 

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3 minutes ago, Norman said:

Trump is dumb. 

Seems to be a fact on here. I'm not going to argue. 

The leader of the opposition refuses to debate him. 

How ducking dumb must he be? And how dumb must the opposition party be to get into that position. 

Or Trump, although he has sounded dumb this week, isn't that dumb. And he knows how to run an economy without having a war. 

Apart from World Wars III and IV that he caused remember?

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2 hours ago, maxjam said:

You took my words about Biden and turned it into an attack on Trump - some of which I don't disagree with tbh. 

However there is a key difference, Trump still appeals to his base whereas Biden is wont unite the moderate and progressive Democrats.  As we get nearer to the election, Biden will have to come out of hiding and Trump will tear him to shreds - it won't be pretty no matter who you support.

I'm no fan of Trump but the best the opposition can muster won't unite the Democrats and will be exposed as a bumbling figurehead of those pulling his strings in the background.  I'll retract my original 'bizarre times' statement and change it to 'terrifying times'.

I actually agree with you on Biden, he is a depressing choice for the Democratic nomination.  There were about12 candidates in the primary race who would have made a better president than Joe in my opinion.  But the Democratic party  feel that Biden had the best chance of beating Trump.  Maybe they are right, I don't know. 

It is ironic that you highlighted Biden's creepiness, given that he is running against probably the creepiest Presidential candidate in living memory in Trump. But you are also correct, Republican voters and Democratic voters (of the progressive variety) may well have completely different reactions to such allegations, and some of those who may have wished to vote against Trump may just sit it out instead.  Not a wise or forgivable move in my opinion, but it may happen.  That's why Biden must, above all else woo Sanders voters in this election campaign. He needs them. 

I agree Biden would generally be better off saying nothing at all, but I don't understand your view that Trump will 'tear him to shreds'.  You seem to be confusing Trump with a competent or logical debater.  Trump will repeat his catchphrase 'Sleepy Joe' and throw repeated insults no doubt and his base will lap it up.  However, anyone who is capable of being impressed by those sort of antics is surely already voting for Trump. He's not going to convince the undecided voter with that nonsense.  And Trump is not going to be able to debate Biden on policy, because that would actually necessitate Trump learning some details regarding Biden's, or indeed his own, policies.  Those debates, however they occur, will be ridiculous and depressing but they won't change many minds, unless one of the candidates says something incredibly stupid.  That's a possibility with both those candidates I suppose.

I would have liked to have seen a Warren, Harris, Brooker, Buttigieg or Sanders have the opportunity to debate Trump and forensically and logically take apart his record and policy.  All far more intelligent people than Trump is and he would only have his witless insults as a retort.  Sadly that's not to be, it's Trump v Biden, sad times indeed.  And yet, it's imperative that Biden wins. 

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