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Cagliari racist abuse of Lukaku

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Serie A have ruled Cagliari have no case to answer for racist chants.

Surely Eufa and Fifa have to step in now and take action to demonstrate the ruling is unacceptable.

An immediate ban from European and World competition should apply to Italian clubs and the National team.

If this is ignored it shows the governing bodies have no interest in stamping racism out.


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Absolutely ridiculous this is, Italy almost seems archaic in its approach to racism, barely seems to care about it and just lets it happen. Disgraceful from the fans who need to be identified and banned for life. But the bigger picture lies in the fact that this happens multiple times from one club- clearly they can not control their fans and need punishing. Whether that’s playing in front of no fans or whatever, something needs to be done. 

Someone has to intervene over there, the more things like this are just let slide, the more people will keep doing it- they’re almost at this point saying it’s acceptable if there’s not too many people doing it! These idiots and the clubs they support need to be punished, or we’ll never get rid of racism from the sport- it’s an embarrassment on the game that it still exists within it. It’s the 21st century ffs, how thick are people these days!

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5 hours ago, David said:

Simple solution for this. UEFA ban all Italian clubs from their competitions until they start to take action in removing racism from Serie A.

Also if I was a BAME player, not a chance I would sign for any Italian club now.

Start off banning fans. See how serious the clubs take it. And I don't mean a Europa league game against Transylvania. I mean 5 games, 10 games. A season. 

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I lived in Italy for a year about twenty years ago. Had a lot of racist abuse (I was teaching English in a small city in the North and my Italian had a strong English (Derby) accent).

It was the time of Forza Italia when Berlusconi would send his henchmen (and women) into schools to teach them the Forza Italia songs

I did a lot of work translating for some of the immigration charities and that also earned me a couple of bricks through my windows

The issue is that I don't think that they realise that their racism is hateful, divisive and (let's face it) wrong


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13 hours ago, dog said:

I lived in Italy for a year about twenty years ago. Had a lot of racist abuse (I was teaching English in a small city in the North and my Italian had a strong English (Derby) accent).

It was the time of Forza Italia when Berlusconi would send his henchmen (and women) into schools to teach them the Forza Italia songs

I did a lot of work translating for some of the immigration charities and that also earned me a couple of bricks through my windows

The issue is that I don't think that they realise that their racism is hateful, divisive and (let's face it) wrong


I agree, many countries are much less sensitive to this (I am not justifying it).  In the Bahamas the N word was frequently used,. to my initial shock.  We had a helper who originated from Haiti who periodically was refused entry into our urbanization because she had 'dirty black skin'.  Our 'guards' were not white.  Many places are where the UK was in the 70's, could you imagine a prime tv prog that referred to 'n*g n@gs' now?   Although much of the blatant racial slurs have now been eliminated I don't think it has got rid of core racialist views.  It takes a few generations but the point is that we have to start somewhere and places like Italy haven't even got to the start line

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It's a tough one for me this, and I know my view will be unpopular, but why punish a football club for its mindless fans?

If racism is a crime in Italy then surely it is a police matter rather than a football club matter?

I mean if a fan is racist they are racist, banning them from a football ground won't stop them from being racist. Should they also be banned from the cinema? Restaurants? Shops?

This is a problem that society needs to deal with, not UEFA or FIFA.

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I’m not sure what UEFA or FIFA can/will do, they would have to launch their own investigation and overturn the result of the Italian authorities  investigation, .  Even if they did we have seen the pathetic punishments they give out when racist incidents have happened in both club and country competitions that they have full control over.

The problem is that Italy as a country has not accepted the problem, and they are not alone, until they do this will unfortunately continue to happen.

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2 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

It's a tough one for me this, and I know my view will be unpopular, but why punish a football club for its mindless fans?

If racism is a crime in Italy then surely it is a police matter rather than a football club matter?

I mean if a fan is racist they are racist, banning them from a football ground won't stop them from being racist. Should they also be banned from the cinema? Restaurants? Shops?

This is a problem that society needs to deal with, not UEFA or FIFA.

Maybe,  but eufa saw fit to ban ALL English clubs because of murdering Liverpool fans.

If you set a precedent of making clubs or countries responsible for some of their fans then you should not pick and choose when to do so.

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16 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Maybe,  but eufa saw fit to ban ALL English clubs because of murdering Liverpool fans.

If you set a precedent of making clubs or countries responsible for some of their fans then you should not pick and choose when to do so.

Where do you draw the line though?

Isnt foul and abusive language an arrestable offence?

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1 minute ago, G STAR RAM said:

Where do you draw the line though?

Isnt foul and abusive language an arrestable offence?

Yes would think so. Not sure what your point is.

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1 minute ago, Paul71 said:

Yes would think so. Not sure what your point is.

That football teams should not really be getting banned from things which are pretty much beyond their control and should be being sorted by the police.

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Just now, G STAR RAM said:

That football teams should not really be getting banned from things which are pretty much beyond their control and should be being sorted by the police.

Ok. But surely they have to be seen to be taking action rather than shrugging their shoulders? 

I suppose Liverpool fans murdering juventus fans was a police matter,  so no action should have been taken then?

Birmingham got fined for a fan attacking grealish, is it ok then for clubs just to go meh not my problem? 


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8 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Ok. But surely they have to be seen to be taking action rather than shrugging their shoulders? 

I suppose Liverpool fans murdering juventus fans was a police matter,  so no action should have been taken then?

Birmingham got fined for a fan attacking grealish, is it ok then for clubs just to go meh not my problem? 


No of course clubs do have a role to play but how do you stop a racist getting into a football match?


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1 minute ago, G STAR RAM said:

No of course clubs do have a role to play but how do you stop a racist getting into a football match?


So you can say that about anything a fan might do.

So if 2000 Millwall fans invade the pitch everytime they are losing and cause the game to be called off do the club just say 'what can we do?'

In my mind if the club is clearly failing to deal with a situation then that countries governing body should take action,  if they fail to do so as has clearly happened here then eufa etc should step in and say if you aren't dealing with it we will.

Im sorry i just cant buy that clubs or governing bodies can just go 'meh not our problem '


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15 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Ok. But surely they have to be seen to be taking action rather than shrugging their shoulders? 

I suppose Liverpool fans murdering juventus fans was a police matter,  so no action should have been taken then?

Birmingham got fined for a fan attacking grealish, is it ok then for clubs just to go meh not my problem? 


The Italian FA did take action, they investigated it and found it not to be a racist act. If they can’t see the problem then there is little hope of any action being taken against the club. This is not just limited to Italy, it happens in a lot of Eastern European countries, and banning these clubs from Europe is not going to educate them if their own society believe it is acceptable.

The banning of European clubs was taken after a lengthy period of hooliganism both at domestic and European level by all English clubs, that accumulated in the death of many fans. You may argue that it took this for the English game to clean up its act, but I think that it was more down to the actual incident itself rather than the punishment handed out, that lets be honest only came because it was a European competition.

Personally I agree that any club involved in racism chanting of any kind should be punished, luckily we have only a few people who still try to defend these actions in this country, Italy and other countries though, they are sometimes in the majority.

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4 minutes ago, AdamRam said:

The Italian FA did take action, they investigated it and found it not to be a racist act. If they can’t see the problem then there is little hope of any action being taken against the club. This is not just limited to Italy, it happens in a lot of Eastern European countries, and banning these clubs from Europe is not going to educate them if their own society believe it is acceptable.

The banning of European clubs was taken after a lengthy period of hooliganism both at domestic and European level by all English clubs, that accumulated in the death of many fans. You may argue that it took this for the English game to clean up its act, but I think that it was more down to the actual incident itself rather than the punishment handed out, that lets be honest only came because it was a European competition.

Personally I agree that any club involved in racism chanting of any kind should be punished, luckily we have only a few people who still try to defend these actions in this country, Italy and other countries though, they are sometimes in the majority.

They investigated but didn't take action. You are right they don't consider it racist and thats the problem.

Just because their society doesn't consider it racist should not mean it should be ignored. 

Eufa, fifa should ban them and any other countries until such time their soceity and clubs realise It us wrong.

They should simply be told you aren't welcome until such time people can play football safely in front if your fans.

It wouldn't be so bad if they had at least condemned it but its clear they don't see what the issue is.

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9 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

They investigated but didn't take action. You are right they don't consider it racist and thats the problem.

Just because their society doesn't consider it racist should not mean it should be ignored. 

Eufa, fifa should ban them and any other countries until such time their soceity and clubs realise It us wrong.

They should simply be told you aren't welcome until such time people can play football safely in front if your fans.

It wouldn't be so bad if they had at least condemned it but its clear they don't see what the issue is.

Don’t disagree with you, but there is no way that they will “police” domestic games. They would have to monitor every league game in every country, they would then up banning a lot of them. It just isn’t going to happen.

Just as a matter of interest, would you also be happy that if Derby got banned as the result of Chelsea songs about certain Tottenham fans as well ? 

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3 hours ago, AdamRam said:

Don’t disagree with you, but there is no way that they will “police” domestic games. They would have to monitor every league game in every country, they would then up banning a lot of them. It just isn’t going to happen.

Just as a matter of interest, would you also be happy that if Derby got banned as the result of Chelsea songs about certain Tottenham fans as well ? 

For me the difference is Chelsea have taken action against and condemned racist,  and anti semantic chants.

Our authorities do work to try and educate and punish those involved.

That doesn't mean any of its ok but it is a world away from the Italians view that nothing wrong has been done.

A starting point would be for the Italian football authorities would be to show some sort of evidence they take the matter seriously, which they clearly don't.

At least authorities in the UK are trying,  look at Beardsley.


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7 hours ago, Paul71 said:

For me the difference is Chelsea have taken action against and condemned racist,  and anti semantic chants.

Our authorities do work to try and educate and punish those involved.

That doesn't mean any of its ok but it is a world away from the Italians view that nothing wrong has been done.

A starting point would be for the Italian football authorities would be to show some sort of evidence they take the matter seriously, which they clearly don't.

At least authorities in the UK are trying,  look at Beardsley.


So have Cagliari.


The problem obviously needs to be tackled, but it’s a wider issue than handing out a blanket ban to all clubs of countries that have incidents of racism.

Rangers is another one, do we ban all Scottish clubs on the back of their actions. Chelsea may have condemned it, but why should that mean they are excluded from the country ban expected of UEFA if it is still happening ?

The FA fined Milwall 10k for racist chanting earlier this season, 50k to Huddersfield for wearing a shirt with an oversized betting logo, and Leeds 200k for spying, does that sound like our authorities are taking it serious or is it just a token effort ?


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