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Opting out of Royal Mail junk


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Getting a bit sick of our postman dumping nothing but leaflets through the door, this morning I had no post, nothing with my name but a bunch of Farmfoods and The Range crap through the door. I was going to save up a months worth then follow him home one day and push it through his door but he's only doing his job I guess. 

Went to the Royal Mail website and came across this



To opt out from deliveries from other unaddressed mail distributors you may wish to register with the 'Your Choice' preference scheme run by the Direct Marketing Association.

They can be contacted at:
'Your Choice' Preference Scheme
Direct Marketing Association (UK) Ltd
DMA House
70 Margaret Street

Telephone: 0207 291 3300
Fax: 0207 323 4165
Email: yourchoice@dma.org.uk


Anyone done it and does it work? Don't see how the Postman would know which houses to and not to post the junk into, unless theres only a few highly irritated individuals that try ask them to pack it in

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Dear Householder

Thank you for contacting Royal Mail regarding opting out of receiving Door to Door, unaddressed mail.

We are pleased to receive your request because we only wish to deliver unaddressed mail to recipients who are interested in receiving such items. This improves our service to advertisers and means that they only produce items for those who are interested, reducing the environmental impact of their mailings and making them more effective.

It’s extremely simple for you to opt out. All you need to do is to complete the form and return it to us at the address shown.


What opting out will mean for you

Before deciding to opt out you may like to be aware of the effect of doing so in relation to items you receive through your letterbox. There are a number of things that you may or may not be aware of and it is worth considering these before deciding to go ahead.

·        Our Opt Out service only relates to unaddressed mail delivered by Royal Mail.

·        We are still legally obliged to deliver all addressed mail, which includes mail that is addressed “To the Occupier” (or with any other generic recipient information), as well as mail that is personally addressed to you by name.

·        Some of the items that we deliver may contain important information issued by local and central Government departments, for example materials relating to elections. Because we cannot legally separate these items from the others we deliver - such as advertising offers or leaflets - you will not receive these if you choose to opt out.

·        Opting out means no one at the address will receive unaddressed mail items so you may wish to check whether this is acceptable to everyone living at the property.

·        Royal Mail delivers around 25% of unaddressed mail items in the UK. Therefore opting out of Royal Mail Door to Door deliveries will not eliminate the majority of items that you currently receive through your letterbox, as there are many other companies who deliver leaflets to whom this opt out will not apply.

Opting out from other unaddressed mail deliveries

To opt-out from deliveries from other unaddressed mail distributors you may wish to register with the 'Your Choice' preference scheme run by the Direct Marketing Association. They can be contacted at:

'Your Choice' Preference Scheme

Direct Marketing Association (UK) Ltd

DMA House

70 Margaret Street




Telephone: 0207 291 3300

Fax: 0207 323 4165

Email: yourchoice@dma.org.uk

If you would like to stop any other unwanted communications please visit The Mailing Preference Service www.mpsonline.org.uk, which provides details on all other preference services, or call the Mailing Preference Service on 0845 703 4599


How to opt out from Royal Mail Door to Door

If you still wish to opt out of receiving Door to Door mail items please complete the form in English or in Welsh and return it to us at the address shown. Upon receipt we will process your request and it will be implemented within 6 weeks.

Every effort will be made to prevent the delivery of Door to Door items by Royal Mail. Your Opt Out will last for a period of 2 years. At the end of the 2 year period, in order to continue with your opt out, you will simply need to repeat this process and complete a new application form to confirm that you are still resident at the address and wish to continue opting out of Door to Door deliveries.

Yours Sincerely

Royal Mail Door to Door Team

So don't bother emailing Royal Mail like the form says, just fill the form in and post it.

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10 minutes ago, mozza said:

...or get one of these..


Shouldn’t have to, if I started posting rubbish through someone’s letterbox, wouldn’t expect them to go out and buy a shredder to get rid of it. The hole on my door isn’t for waste disposal, it’s mail, with my name on.

Pretty sure Farmfoods would like to know that regardless of how many leaflets they shove through my door, I’m not going to drive past 2 Tesco’s, a Morrison’s and an Asda to buy their offers as they might be a penny cheaper. 

They don’t even have a car park, off the Main Street down near the docks where the undesirables live.

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Let us know if it works

I registered with TPS for the phone and I still get loads of PPI/Accident calls. Bit of a joke, but at least it's a good way to get rid when you answer with "where did you get my number I'm registered with TPS and you are breaking the law". Keeps the calls very short

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2 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

Let us know if it works

I registered with TPS for the phone and I still get loads of PPI/Accident calls. Bit of a joke, but at least it's a good way to get rid when you answer with "where did you get my number I'm registered with TPS and you are breaking the law". Keeps the calls very short

I just put them on speaker, put the phone down on my desk, go back to playing my game and say "yes" every 15 seconds - see how long they hang on for. ? 

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7 minutes ago, Steve How Hard? said:

Those leaflets are a big part of Royal Mails revenue stream. If everybody opts out you could very well end up with no delivery at all. 

No more bills?

Everybody sign up, free electricity, gas and water, you heard the man!

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1 hour ago, StivePesley said:

Let us know if it works

I registered with TPS for the phone and I still get loads of PPI/Accident calls. Bit of a joke, but at least it's a good way to get rid when you answer with "where did you get my number I'm registered with TPS and you are breaking the law". Keeps the calls very short

"Hello, Sahib - I mean Sir. This is Gerald...."

No it bloody isn't.

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2 hours ago, David said:

Shouldn’t have to, if I started posting rubbish through someone’s letterbox, wouldn’t expect them to go out and buy a shredder to get rid of it. The hole on my door isn’t for waste disposal, it’s mail, with my name on.

Pretty sure Farmfoods would like to know that regardless of how many leaflets they shove through my door, I’m not going to drive past 2 Tesco’s, a Morrison’s and an Asda to buy their offers as they might be a penny cheaper. 

They don’t even have a car park, off the Main Street down near the docks where the undesirables live.

Bit like ads on an Internet forum, keeps the cost of postage down. Keeps people in Gainful employment. Does anyone still post?

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Just now, Angry Ram said:

Bit like ads on an Internet forum, keeps the cost of postage down. Keeps people in Gainful employment. Does anyone still post?

Not really the same though is it, you make a choice to go on to a Internet forum which has ads on, other forums are available without ads.

I need a letterbox to receive mail addressed to myself.

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