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59 minutes ago, StringerBell said:

you complain about equality of outcome constantly

This is another of your Bellisms.

I’ve been quite explicit that what I’m concerned about is equality of opportunity; inequality of outcome is a generalised indicator of the former. 

I’m not so much in favour of the redistribution of wealth as the removal of the rigged system which gives the elites such an unfair advantage. There can be no meritocracy without a level playing field after all.

I’m not sure what the point is, when you consistently argue against what you want people to have said rather than what they actually said  


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54 minutes ago, Lambchop said:

This is another of your Bellisms.

I’ve been quite explicit that what I’m concerned about is equality of opportunity; inequality of outcome is a generalised indicator of the former. 

I’m not so much in favour of the redistribution of wealth as the removal of the rigged system which gives the elites such an unfair advantage. There can be no meritocracy without a level playing field after all.

I’m not sure what the point is, when you consistently argue against what you want people to have said rather than what they actually said  


Apart from that equality of outcome is not a satisfactory indicator of inequality of opportunity. Inequality of outcome is usually to be expected. Whether with race for associated reasons of history and class or with sex in relation to biological reality.

If the system is rigged it tends not to be rigged for the specific reasons that identity politics peddling progressives claim. And when it is it is often, dare I say usually, weighted in the opposite direction they would like us to believe. A great example I can think of that is when English feminists claim women in NI are discriminated against as they can’t have abortions, when the reality is they are asking for women in NI to have a ‘privilege’ that they already have (if they’re women). They just don’t see it as a privilege despite English men being in the same boat as NI women and having no reproductive rights. It’s simply men vs women to these people, and theyre on team women. I think any claims about equal opportunity are falsehoods to make their ideas seem more appealing.

You say you don’t want redistribution but as far as I can tell Intersectional feminism is Marxist in ideology. It appears to be Marxism applied to (insert characteristic).

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Just now, Lambchop said:

Ah, the biological inferiority of women, I knew that wouldn’t be far below the surface. Trollolol. 

Yeah not quite what I said though. If you want to deny that there are differences between men and women broadly speaking there’s one of your problems. And you wonder why I think you’re more interested in equality of outcome.

Im sorry a smaller number of women than men are insane enough to want to to undertake the work necessary to be a top CEO but as Ben Shapiro says, facts don’t care about your feelings.

Try and make your last word a bit less ‘you’re a bigot’y and I’ll leave it at that.

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50 minutes ago, Lambchop said:

Ah, the biological inferiority of women, I knew that wouldn’t be far below the surface.


43 minutes ago, StringerBell said:

If you want to deny that there are differences between men and women broadly speaking there’s one of your problems.

Ultimately it all comes down to testables. 

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15 hours ago, StringerBell said:

A great example I can think of that is when English feminists claim women in NI are discriminated against as they can’t have abortions, when the reality is they are asking for women in NI to have a ‘privilege’ that they already have

Hang on what - you just described the legal right to have an abortion as a "privilege"??

Would you say it's also a privilege for gay people in this country to not get stoned in public?



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1 hour ago, StivePesley said:

Hang on what - you just described the legal right to have an abortion as a "privilege"??

Would you say it's also a privilege for gay people in this country to not get stoned in public?



We’ve already had this conversation.

Men aren’t granted the equivalent reproductive rights that women are and are tied down to parental responsibility for the next 18 years. In social justice lingo that’s called a female privilege.

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13 minutes ago, StringerBell said:

We’ve already had this conversation.

Men aren’t granted the equivalent reproductive rights that women are and are tied down to parental responsibility for the next 18 years. In social justice lingo that’s called a female privilege.

Start a campaign if it bothers you mate - you've picked an example of a privilege that no decent man would ever want

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11 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

Start a campaign if it bothers you mate - you've picked an example of a privilege that no decent man would ever want

Right. Sure. Just ruin men’s lives because it doesn’t fit your moral code.

I’m quite sure you’re often outside abortion clinics saying the same thing to women. Why would any ‘decent woman’ want an abortion anyway?

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15 minutes ago, StringerBell said:

Right. Sure. Just ruin men’s lives because it doesn’t fit your moral code.

I’m quite sure you’re often outside abortion clinics saying the same thing to women. Why would any ‘decent woman’ want an abortion anyway?

OK - let's not drag yet another thread off-topic, but I agree that the fact a woman can choose to have an abortion without the father's rights being considered seems unfair. I don't agree that men should have the privilege of being able to walk away from parental responsibilities. That would be equally unfair. But it's just one of those daft arguments where you try to draw some sort of equivalence to make a point - even though the equivalnce bears no relevance to the real world. I'm surprised you can type it with a straight face

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21 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

OK - let's not drag yet another thread off-topic, but I agree that the fact a woman can choose to have an abortion without the father's rights being considered seems unfair. I don't agree that men should have the privilege of being able to walk away from parental responsibilities. That would be equally unfair. But it's just one of those daft arguments where you try to draw some sort of equivalence to make a point - even though the equivalnce bears no relevance to the real world. I'm surprised you can type it with a straight face

No if a woman can abort in a timely fashion then she should have a responsibility to inform the father (if he’s around). Then he should be able to sign his parental responsibility and rights away. The woman can then make a decision as to what she wants to do.

Thats not a privilege in the sense of it being unequal as women currently have this.

Its interesting you view sexual equality as something that other people should find funny.

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10 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

Not quite - I was suggesting that you weren't taking it seriously.

Yes I know what you were suggesting. But considering what I’m talking about is providing sexual equality and whay you want to do is stick with the status quo of the lack of sexual equality...

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On 18/04/2018 at 11:35, AndyinLiverpool said:

As David will know, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is coming on 25th May. The online world is about to change significantly. What companies do with other people's information is going to be much more stringently monitored and fines for losing it massively increased (4% of annual turnover). Some companies will find that it's just easier and cheaper to shut down all this social media **** than to have someone employed to keep it safe. Might be what Wetherspoons is doing.

Unless you’re Facebook, they will find ways round it.


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7 minutes ago, David said:

Unless you’re Facebook, they will find ways round it.


They will find that if they have European clients or partners or have a server within the EU (or the UK), they will have to comply or face the same penalties. Changing their Terms and Conditions is certainly not enough. Besides, the Irish Data Protection commissioner has them in their sights. 4% of Facebook's annual turnover must be a fair bit of bunce.

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