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Beer Thread


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Gone down-market for my second beer of the evening….


The beer equivalent of tramp juice - McEwan's Champion.


7.3% goodness, 4 bottles for £6 from Tesco.


Top stuff.

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"http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/content/http://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/media/2012/07/fire-eater" alt="fire-eater">Got this for my bday so cant drink it yet but looking forward to it,if you like Fireball i assume this is similar?


o yea baby nice not as smooth as fireball but if you swish it round mouth it delivers,bit like a medium curry not one for the neckers of shorts much more for the swill type loads of flavour.

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I love Owd Rodger. Haven't seen it here in years though. :(

Found a shop at the bottom of my road called the Real Ale Shop and i was like a kid in a sweet shop. 7.4% good stuff if you ask me. Brewed by Marstons too. The White Stout was weird a bit hoppy for me but stout meant strong beer back in the day.
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I had a couple of pints of Doom Bar the other day in a pub in Redcar. I'm really not sure about this beer - whether I like it or whether I hate it, because the grassy, earthy notes seem to overpower everything else. I'll have to try it again.


Anyway, today I've just ordered 24 bottles of Kasteelbier Donker from Kurt at Belgiuminabox.com


It has always been one of my favourites.

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Had a Kwak in my Kwak glass, yeeeeaaahhh... yesterday.


Had a Westmaale Tripel just now. Might have my other Kwak, might open a, a, a, cider instead though.

Coincidentally this Tripel had a little bit of a cidery tartness to it.


If you want to exercise your Kwak glass on a regular basis, Kurt's doing 24 bottles of Kwak for around £60 including postage to the UK. Shipping takes 3 or 4 days from Antwerp, and the packaging is nuclear bomb proof. Everything is insured through bPost too, so if anything goes amiss (e.g. someone drives a fork-lift truck over it) then there's no hassle, Kurt will re-ship.



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It's tempting, it really is.


Got 2 weeks off after the 18th so I'll perhaps order some to be delivered around then - there's noboby here to sign for anything before that, and the neighbours are always out -  bloody sick of going to the sorting office and constantly rearranging deliveries to the local post office!

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It's tempting, it really is.


Got 2 weeks off after the 18th so I'll perhaps order some to be delivered around then - there's noboby here to sign for anything before that, and the neighbours are always out -  bloody sick of going to the sorting office and constantly rearranging deliveries to the local post office!


They tend to come via courier service anyway once they get to the UK, and which one gets used tends to vary and doesn't always show up on the tracking service.


Best to wait until you know that you will be around. The quickest I've known is just 2 days, the slowest about 6 but that included a weekend and a beer that Kurt had to go and collect specially for me. I suppose delivery time also depends upon freight connections, lorries going to the port etc.

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