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46 minutes ago, Coconut said:

I hope you've stocked up eddie (a foolish notion that you would not have) because I'm out of this drinking business for another 14 days!

Unless you're taking Metronidazole, they're is no reason not to drink when taking antibiotics. 

The advice not to to drink while taking them stems from their early use, when doctors would prescribe them for std's, and intercourse while drunk with the local whores would impede their usefulness. 

* Obviously I'm not a doctor, I learnt this from QI, but if you can't trust Stephen Fry who can you trust?

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21 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

Unless you're taking Metronidazole, they're is no reason not to drink when taking antibiotics. 

The advice not to to drink while taking them stems from their early use, when doctors would prescribe them for std's, and intercourse while drunk with the local whores would impede their usefulness. 

* Obviously I'm not a doctor, I learnt this from QI, but if you can't trust Stephen Fry who can you trust?

Ditto on the metronidazole, when I was 23 went on a stag due to Blackpool ! Massive night ! Me and the lads had been planning it for months ! I had sick coming out of my eyes by 9 o'clock . It was awful .

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4 minutes ago, RiddingsRam said:

Ditto on the metronidazole, when I was 23 went on a stag due to Blackpool ! Massive night ! Me and the lads had been planning it for months ! I had sick coming out of my eyes by 9 o'clock . It was awful .

It's the same stuff they implant into alcoholics to prevent them drinking.

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Whilst there are no specific requirements to avoid alcohol using the ones I've been prescribed (Ciprofloxacin), I'd rather not risk anything. I think 9 days of epididymitis (yep!) is enough, I'd do anything not to prolong it!

I've not really struggled with the lack of alcohol, possibly because I've been off sick from work (in a pub) so not had the temptation.

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I thought I'd order some more beer from Kurt tonight.

The missus adores Duvel, and so I ordered her 24 bottles. For me, something a little different - a case of St Feuillien Grand Cru. I had a bottle in Brugge a couple of months ago, and I thought that it was the most wonderfully subtle and delicate beer I had tasted - and then the hops kicked in. Utterly fantastic.

£90 the lot.

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