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Surprised Shackell didn't get in the top 3, it's no coincidence that Keogh made less mistakes this year with Shackell babysitting him.

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16 minutes ago, mumblemumble said:

Surprised Shackell didn't get in the top 3, it's no coincidence that Keogh made less mistakes this year with Shackell babysitting him.

Shackell lost any chance of my vote after Rotherham.

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13 minutes ago, mumblemumble said:

Surprised Shackell didn't get in the top 3, it's no coincidence that Keogh made less mistakes this year with Shackell babysitting him.

Keogh has made less mistakes this year because there's a different man standing 30 yards away from him? Right…

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Can't argue with number 1, but Thorne and Russell haven't exactly set the world alight this year.

Martin, Carson, Shackell and Christie would all have been more worthy in my opinion.

No wonder we hear cries of "Martin's so lazy", "Ince has an attitude problem" etc at games, when people rate Thorne and Russell's contribution so highly.

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With regards to Thorne, I think one thing people seem to forget about him is that he's actually first and foremost our defensive midfielder. 

Of Championship midfielders with 23 or more appearances; only three win the ball (tackles and interceptions) more every 90 minutes than Thorne. Only two block more shots every 90 minutes and only three make more clearances per 90. 

Despite, for one reason or another not pulling the strings to quite the god-like level that he did whilst he was on loan, his passing stats are still great.

No other Championship midfielder makes more passes per game than Thorne. Only three championship midfielders make more accurate long passes than Thorne, though all three have a substantially lower long pass accuracy. Only one player actually has a higher long pass accuracy than Thorne. 

He's not been as amazing as he was the other year, but he's still been good.

I still voted Keogh mind.

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I wouldn't have had Thorne or Russell in the top 5 personally. I think it's purely because Thorne & Russell have been on good form just before the vote.

I'd have my top three as Keogh, Shackell & Carson. Christie and Martin close to the top 3.

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5 hours ago, cannable said:

With regards to Thorne, I think one thing people seem to forget about him is that he's actually first and foremost our defensive midfielder. 

Of Championship midfielders with 23 or more appearances; only three win the ball (tackles and interceptions) more every 90 minutes than Thorne. Only two block more shots every 90 minutes and only three make more clearances per 90. 

Despite, for one reason or another not pulling the strings to quite the god-like level that he did whilst he was on loan, his passing stats are still great.

No other Championship midfielder makes more passes per game than Thorne. Only three championship midfielders make more accurate long passes than Thorne, though all three have a substantially lower long pass accuracy. Only one player actually has a higher long pass accuracy than Thorne. 

He's not been as amazing as he was the other year, but he's still been good.

I still voted Keogh mind.

This post was a ******* jinx.

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