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Missing Dog


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Small update for you all.

Took the dog to the vets tonight for a general check up and overall she seems OK. Got eyedrops as she has a bit of a cold and therefore gunky eyes in the morning and her left hip is a little sore.

Overall, most of the damage is psychological, she's regressed to being a very nervous dog again.

Better than any alternatives of damage.

Thanks to all of you for your kind words during and after the ordeal, really put a smile on my fiance's face when I told her, and mine of course. Always great to get those glimpses of people's good side.

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Dogs are awesome. Like them more than most people! So I was delighted this story had a happy end, no idea how you coped, one of my dogs went missing for a few hours years ago and I was in a real old panic. But that feeling when I saw his little bearded face come running towards me, incredible.

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On 21/11/2015, 17:21:42, Mostyn6 said:

this is actually better news than the Derby win. I'm buzzing for you, as someone who prefers dogs to most humans, I was gutted for you and can only imagine the horrific things going through your mind.

I bet Kitzi is getting lots of tummy rubs and ear tickles right now.


1 hour ago, BondJovi said:

Dogs are awesome. Like them more than most people! So I was delighted this story had a happy end, no idea how you coped, one of my dogs went missing for a few hours years ago and I was in a real old panic. But that feeling when I saw his little bearded face come running towards me, incredible.

Hmmm, cannot determine whether this is imitation and I should feel flattered, or likemindedness and I should feel affirmed!

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