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Missing Dog


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Was out with my brother and his dog for a few hours but no sign. Come to the conclusion someone has found her, just now have to sit and wait to hear something and hope it's the right kind of person (which I'm sure it will be, but you always worry) who did. 

2 hours ago, Ewe Ram said:

Have you tweeted it with the #dcfc tag? 

Some people have it set up to auto retweet the hash tag. 

Also get it all over Facebook, try the fan pages 

I've done this, if anyone could retweeet that would be great. I'm @ MikeSainty (without the space onv)

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She can be shy, but she must be tired now if she's still out and about. And she'd seek out dogs. A lot of vets are closed today and tomorrow, which is frustrating.

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2 hours ago, Ewe Ram said:

I'm assuming you've contacted the dog warden and the Rspca etc. 

When cats go missing the cats protection put them in their Facebook. 

Hope you don't think I'm suggesting you've not thought of everything  

Wish I could do more :( 

I have done all of that but I don't hold anything against you for saying it.

Also called the various vets in the area, had the local dog walkers take my number and a picture of the dog and share it about. Will probably go out flyering on Monday if we've still heard nothing, my folks are driving down from Scotland tomorrow so we'll have extra hands.

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Wonderful news for you all,

While Derby were winning I walked (well, ran) up to Companion Care in Pets At Home where Kitsi had been handed in. She's now safe and tired back at home.

They only found her about an hour ago, so she'd just been wandering all that time.

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8 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

Wonderful news for you all,

While Derby were winning I walked (well, ran) up to Companion Care in Pets At Home where Kitsi had been handed in. She's now safe and tired back at home.

They only found her about an hour ago, so she'd just been wandering all that time.

this is actually better news than the Derby win. I'm buzzing for you, as someone who prefers dogs to most humans, I was gutted for you and can only imagine the horrific things going through your mind.

I bet Kitzi is getting lots of tummy rubs and ear tickles right now.

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Just now, mozza said:

That's great news mate ,  tighter her collar up a notch , and give her an extra Bonio .. 

We bought her a harness while we were there :P

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