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Cigarette Plain Packaging


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Just leave adults alone. Cigarettes generate more tax than it costs the NHS. Considering how tax continues to increase and how cigarettes actually become less harmful every year there is less of a case to ban them all together. Adults are aware of the dangers. Plain packaging opens the market up to huge abuse. I don't smoke. Don't like it. But stop with being so damn regressive. Let's be more progressive. There are already great alternatives. While some very radical things are happening in the medical industry.  

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Cigarettes aren't advertised here anymore and in shops they are behind cupboard doors behind counters, so you can't even see the packaging.

I really do not know the point in this.

What are they expecting to happen? Go up to the counter, "can I have a pack of 20 Mayfair"... Get handed fags from in the cupboard... "Oh **** that packaging is disgusting, I don't want them."

Ah ok.I admit this premise seems somewhat unusual in its scope as far as hindering youth smoking,but I do think something needs to be done.

I do not smoke myself and never have.However,both my parents have for over 40+ years and some of my friends have for a while also.

That is their business of course,I just see no point to smoking.

Anyway,as I said earlier anti-smoking commercials/campaigns here in the States are quite clever imo...but from my perspective I do not think they are thwarting as it were,youth smoking as they should.

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Of course you can otherwise Chilcot's inquiry would out before May, can't have that out and have people doing a protest vote against Labour because of Blair's lies.



I think you'll find its the Tory government that's not prepared to release it before the election. They were both complicit, Cameron voted with Blair on the decision to go to war.


The election would be very interesting if it came out because it would push voters away from both Tory and Labour.


Couldn't have that! We might end up with something different.....

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it's just a rumour , but  no smoke without fire

Darn it!

Beat me to it.

Banning smoking would be too taxing on the sane majority who do not participate in this smelly, filthy, disgusting, life-limiting, malodorous and totally senseless, to say nothing about being costly and addictive habit.

And don't get me started on what I think about smoking!

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Being brought forward and in place before May.

Why not just ban them?.....oh yeah, silly me...tax but how come alcohol won't be forced to use plain packaging?

The idea is that prohibition doesn't work (which is why illegal drugs are slowly being decriminalised around the world). The key is to make sure that it's entirely up to the person to make their own mistakes.

Australia brought it plain packaging, oh the complaints from cigarette companies. It's funny to hear them whinge so loudly while saying "it won't change anything". Sure guys, if it won't change anything, that must be why you're trying desperately to stop it. This is what they tend to look like:


...that and tax. The UK loves a good tax though.

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