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Style of play.


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I love our style of play. Even more so watching the Ipswich game, they keep trying to play it out from the back but are so bad. Makes me further appreciate how well we do it.


They look dire. It sounds like John Vicars was right, crowd sounds dire as well.


Terry Butcher said this morning on Talksport that tonight is the first time in 10 years that they've sold out  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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I wouldn't say we try to dominate possession though which is what the media say and how we are labeled. We just don't hoof and lose possession regularly

We only really keep it among the back line when trying to draw teams onto us. Otherwise we actually quite a minimal touches side. 6 passes is all McClaren thinks we need to gain control. After that it's all fast and forward and on the floor. Straight into Martin if possible.

Two standout performances are Forest and Wolves. In both games we stormed into the lead without having dominated the ball. We were so fast and direct. We did go on to control the ball but that's mostly because they were beaten.

You look at teams like Bournemouth and Swansea and it's much slower and more deliberate.

To call us direct sounds like we're a hoofball side but we're obviously not. The possession tends to be just a result of us playing on the deck and into feet. The possession in our own half is much more common this season I think because of the speed which teams get so many players behind the ball.

We take more risks with the ball than a lot of possession sides. We score some fantastic goals from it too.

We have had to be more patient this season though tbf. But ideally I don't think we want possession just for the sake of it unless we have something to defend.

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As I said on the other thread, Ipswich look the same against Southampton as they did against us.


The only football they play is when McGoldrick gets the ball and someone supports him - if there's no support he just shoots from 30 yards.


Aside from that it's not 'hoofball' (although sometimes it is), but long balls to the channels, then crosses, corners, free kicks... rinse and repeat.

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Over the season though you have to credit Ipswich for the defensive quality and how hard the forwards and wide players work the channels.

Even Mings was more of a hoofer than I imagined. But when he gets chance to support a long ball that's stuck he looks really good.

Ipswich would probably be sat with Sheffield Wednesday if they tried to differently. Wednesday when we played them were doing their best to control the ball. And they were so blunt it was unreal. Side to side and got stuck constantly when they reached to final 3rd.

We'd struggle if it was Sammon or Theo playing upfront.

Or say Luke Moore instead of Kuqi...

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