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Last night of the Proms


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The English middle class doing what it does best - living in the past. And doing it through rose-tinted glasses.

Or looking at it another way, celebrating our history, upholding our values and traditions. You know those ones the left wing namby pambys want to errdicate!

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Some of the worst TV id ever seen. That bloody woman making faces like she was constipated whilst playing the violin was excruciating. The sweaty Finnish conductor and his dreadfully boring speech. Not forgetting that Mary Poppins megamix.

Surprised I made match of the day.

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Because it takes a true blue Englishman to uphold the grand tradition of flag-waving and singing songs about ruling the offing waves.


Yeah, get rid of the Proms Andy. Its a once a year celebration of heritage and culture... its not like we're out parading Union flags in parks every weekend is it?


I do wonder if these people who want to deprive the British/English of any celebration of culture would be so quick to denounce the same demonstrations of tradition and culture the world over, be it African tribal dances, St Paddy's day, Chinese New Year or whatever. Be a bland world in that case.

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Yeah, get rid of the Proms Andy. Its a once a year celebration of heritage and culture... its not like we're out parading Union flags in parks every weekend is it?

I do wonder if these people who want to deprive the British/English of any celebration of culture would be so quick to denounce the same demonstrations of tradition and culture the world over, be it African tribal dances, St Paddy's day, Chinese New Year or whatever. Be a bland world in that case.

I don't believe I have ever, in my entire life, said we should get rid if the proms. But, hey, don't let truth get in the way of a quality but of finger pointing.

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