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Socialism debate


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If all policies and plans could be driven from the viewpoint that life is completely f*cking pointless, the world would be a much better place.


If more people could appreciate this reality, everyone would be happy. 


It's close to some sort of libertarian socialism where everyone just get alongs. 

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If all policies and plans could be driven from the viewpoint that life is completely f*cking pointless, the world would be a much better place.


If more people could appreciate this reality, everyone would be happy. 


It's close to some sort of libertarian socialism where everyone just get alongs




"http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy101/luckyeddie_photo/imgmars20attacks3_zpsfc461274" alt="imgmars20attacks3_zpsfc461274">

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In a way yes.


Was at the Kent v Durham game on the Oranjeboom all day.


My favourite lager I reckon. 


Haven't had any of that since the Breda brewery closed down. They used to do a suicide-strength 12% beer many years ago. A bit sweet like Grolsch Cannon.



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Haven't had any of that since the Breda brewery closed down. They used to do a suicide-strength 12% beer many years ago. A bit sweet like Grolsch Cannon.


Sell super strength Oranjeboom in my local off licenece
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Sell super strength Oranjeboom in my local off licenece

I was only talking about Oranjeboom to someone in the pub a couple of days ago. I used to drink it in the 70/80's then it seemed to disappear apart from when I was working in Rotterdam. Nice beer!!

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I was only talking about Oranjeboom to someone in the pub a couple of days ago. I used to drink it in the 70/80's then it seemed to disappear apart from when I was working in Rotterdam. Nice beer!!

Yeah the 5% stuff I've drank... Got that too here
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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyway, back to socialism.......


This quote sums up what socialism means.....


"people don't live in isolation, people don't live in markets, people live in communities"


I understand that to mean that humans live and prosper better when they interact and help each other. The complete opposite of free market capitalism.


Believe it or not that was said by Gordon Brown, yet all he did as Chancellor and Prime Minister was to give taxpayers money to stock market gamblers and encourage privatisation of public services.

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And flog our gold to the lowest bidder.

I thought socialism meant share the wealth, not give it away?

I think the New Labour of Blair and Brown were so in awe of the big financial institutions, the hedge funds, the banks, the international tax avoiders that they forgot who they were meant to represent.

Labour was formed out of the early trade union movement to fight for a better life for ordinary working people. The bankers have already got the Tories to fight for them, which they do very well....its a pity that Labour won't fight for their own roots with the same zeal.

Blair might as well have been a Tory, he hasn;t got a socialist bone in his body. Brown was a socialist at heart but somehow got turned by the free marketeers. Maybe thats why he was so crap at it, deep down he didn't believe in what he was doing but was trapped by the slimy tentacles of power.

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 "but was trapped by the slimy tentacles of power."


Quite, and for me, Ed Balls is exactly the same. Knows all the answers to our financial problems now he is in opposition, but said f**k all when we were heading to financial meltdown in case it harmed his career prospects.


I won't be voting Labour until the party has got candidates that put the electorate before their own political ambitions and they start showing a genuine interest in representing the people that are the backbone of this country.


Yeah we need financial institutions and all that b******s but if it wasn't for the brickies, electricians, plumbers, plasterers, lorry drivers delivering the stuff the tradesmen need, they wouldn't have anywhere to conduct their underhand shenanigans from.


Without the working class man/woman, nothing get's done, so let's have a political party that's got our interests as their reason for their existence.


Rant over.


COYR.  :)



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Bloody hell - I anticipated there would soon be another socialist uprising but I would never of imagined it happening in East Herts! I bet they are boarding up the windows at the Waitrose at Bishops Stortford as I type. Come on you Reds

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Ha ha, I might live in a salubrious area but I never forget my roots i-Ram. 


Those roots are Regent Street, Parliament Street (with no bathroom and an outside toilet) and various other area's of Derby.


I work hard (as does my wife) to live where we do now, but do you know what, a season ticket for my club/travel to and fro is out of the question at the moment because we put our kids needs first, I've had my time (for the time being) going home and away following the greatest team the world will ever see.


It's great living in a

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Ha ha, I might live in a salubrious area but I never forget my roots i-Ram. 


Those roots are Regent Street, Parliament Street (with no bathroom and an outside toilet) and various other area's of Derby.


I work hard (as does my wife) to live where we do now, but do you know what, a season ticket for my club/travel to and fro is out of the question at the moment because we put our kids needs first, I've had my time (for the time being) going home and away following the greatest team the world will ever see.


It's great living in a

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Disagreeing with me is cool RMACML, I don't claim to be right or even intelligent, I drive lorry's for a living, I read some of the stuff Eddie, for example posts and think bloody hell, I wish I knew stuff like that, I bet he's had a good career.


I just have beliefs (which I don't analyse possibly as deeply as I should) and by and large they've served me well. Could do with a few more bob ( for the aforementioned season ticket/travel) but on the whole I'm happy with how things have panned out for my family.


But to get back on topic, rightly or wrongly I still believe Labour has let down the working man/woman badly. I wonder how things may have panned out had John Smith not sadly passed away but that's hypothetical obviously. I believe Tony Blair was the worst thing to happen to our country in recent years and I believe I loathe him even more than I do Billy Davies but that's only my opinion, If someone thinks otherwise, I'm like, ok, respect your opinion, he's not for me.


Anyway, that'll be it for me in this thread, there might be people reading it that think I might be thick, I don't  want to confirm it by posting further.  :D

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Pretty soon socialism will have to take a new form in Basic Income as the mass automation of jobs begins to take place. An Oxford research group has estimated that up to 50% of jobs could be automated within 20 years. The idea of basic income is simple. This is something the politicians will be talking about before the end of the decade. Once the debate begins and they start to see jobs disappear, they will all agree that it must be implemented. The difference between each party being the amount. 


I recently made a blog post about Basic Income.



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Ed Miliband will be getting my vote.


He might not be a great personality, as smooth as Cameron and certainly not as charismatic as Blair. But he has great policies.


Winston Churchill once made the jibe, "An empty taxi drew up outside 10 Downing Street and Clement Attlee got out of it."


Attlee turned out to be a great prime minister though. He oversaw the rebuilding of Britain after WW2 and the foundation of the NHS.

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Loved the whirlwind of the Labour landslide in 1997, did not like New Labour!


Believe firmly in the NHS and The Welfare State (to be used as a safety net and not a way of life) and that certain services should be nationalized (power, water, the postal service possibly the railways).


I voted for 'Red Ed' Milliband to become leader of the party and am slightly disappointed, but maybe he's biding his time.






Keep the Red Flag flying here

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