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Burnley and QPR attempts to sign Craig Bryson


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Would you rather the club just let him go then? I am all for loyalty in football, I just think this situation would only have been avoided had Derby got promoted.

We really have no idea what is actually going on behind the scenes. I know you hate people looking through your posts for some agenda, believe me I am not but what exactly do you mean by the old regime?


By the old regime I mean Nigel Clough and Tom Glick.


Under Clough, Bryson was indispensable. Under Clough he knew if he's fit he's going to be picked. Now suddenly after his best ever season, he gets left out in the biggest game of his life at Wembley.


I don't know which CEO was in charge when we re-negotiated but I do know the way NIgel does his dealings.


There was interest in Bryson, we wanted him to sign an extension, he wasn't 100% convinced we were going to challenge so Nigel would have said give us another year and if we don't go up or if someone comes in for you, we'll get the CEO to put a clause in.


I don't know who agreed the clause but I do understand why it was in.


Bryson has given his lot for us, we've been very good for him as well.


Now we've got two options, either we re-negotiate a deal that is acceptable for Bryson and pay him what he wants. Or we let him go as promised and as the clause suggested we would.


He gave us the extra year, we gave him the clause.


Now we want to play funny buggers with a lad who busted a gut for us?




No agenda by the way, I just preferred it when I was convinced the club was trying to do things the right way. To set an example to other clubs how it should be done.

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People have different perceptions of what constitutes humour. I have never deliberately intended to be nasty - oh, I'll use sarcasm, dramatic irony, bathos, puns etc, but with tongue firmly planted between in cheek - sometimes it misses the mark (FFS don't tell me we have a poster called Mark or he might take that the wrong way).


I've had a couple of bans from here (a week then a month I think), so I'm probably on my last strike now. Daveo's probably getting tired of fielding 'reports' on my posts every day, but if I get knocked on the head, that's tough. I'll miss this place, but I'll live. I doubt I could change my posting style if I wanted to though - but at least I'm not boring.


When I came back here after a 2 year absence and with a brand new username, it took Utch about 3 posts to realise who it was. If I'm that transparent, why don't people realise that I'm only taking the piss?



Fair enough Eddie, that's a really honest post and I appreciate it.


From my side, you might not believe it but I actually always liked you, then totally out of the blue you started calling me the village idiot of football.


Now, no matter whether it's a piss take or not, that's hard for me to take.


I'll certainly not be happy to see you kicked off or banned, I strongly beleive that all of us can look after ourselves and if we're adult enough to dish it out, we've got to be adult enough to take it as well.


I won't try to row with you anymore. I'd hate to be the one that pushed that ban hammer over the edge.

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Goodbye Craig lad.... Enjoy your new pastures.....

Long live Jeff Hendrick when he bashes in the same amount of goals....

Then we can all argue again when a 3 million pound bid comes in after this season from Aston Villa....

Wouldn't miss it for the world! ;)

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Loyalty works both ways. We brought him diem from Scotland, have him his chance in this country, paid him handsomely etc.

If he wants to play in the Premiership, fine. But he shouldn't shaft us as a club in doing so.

If we get offered what is a good fee for a player of his ability I'm sure we'd let him go. I hope he's not agitating to get out of the club on the cheap. Because that's the sort of thing an arse like Commons would do. I expect better off someone like Bryson.

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If Jake Livermore can go to Hull ableit being a Premiership player for 8 million or so. Then Bryso is worth at least 3.5- 4 million. Burnley can pay a premium for arguably the best goalscoring midfielder in the championship, or do one simple.

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The only way bryson will go to burnley is if the relationships are breaking down with management etc,,and i dont think that is so,, but who knows

We have the cash to keep him and the ship is steady at derby..

As an itelligent footballer he must see that burnley is a backward step... Now if someone like Everton, Villa or some team of that ilke came in for him then good luck to the lad

We are a steady buying club and protecing our assets... i thinks its Hughes we should worry about,,, one of the big clubs will come for him at the 12th hour and the price will be to good to resist

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I can't agree that Burnley is a step backwards for Bryson.

He's currently peaking and has probably another one maybe two at a push seasons like the last in him i think.

This means that any chance to play in the prem would be a step forward for him as we are not guaranteed promotion so no guarantees if he remains here. He'll probably see it as 'go to Burnley, they might be relegated but I'll get a nice pay rise and if I perform well another prem team may come in for me if Burnley go down' he probably has confidence in his ability to prove himself at the highest level meaning he'd believe he wouldn't spend just one season there.

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I can't agree that Burnley is a step backwards for Bryson.

He's currently peaking and has probably another one maybe two at a push seasons like the last in him i think.

This means that any chance to play in the prem would be a step forward for him as we are not guaranteed promotion so no guarantees if he remains here. He'll probably see it as 'go to Burnley, they might be relegated but I'll get a nice pay rise and if I perform well another prem team may come in for me if Burnley go down' he probably has confidence in his ability to prove himself at the highest level meaning he'd believe he wouldn't spend just one season there.


Wouldnt assume he will get a pay rise.

Derby are offering him a new deal here. May not be that much in it financially, who knows.


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Fair enough point and i can see your logic,,, however i believe a financial deal that derby could put to him would be similar to burnleys if we really want to keep him..

Footballers look at finance and maybe why not at his age, but comon,, Burnley,,, QPR would be a better move then he could fill his boots,, fair play to him

Why hasnt other prem teams come for him...? because hes not proven and it could all back fire...

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