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European Elections  

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What happens to the areas which are now in 'no overall control'?

It was inevitable that Ukip were going to walk this and the main parties have only themselves to blame.

I hear Farage getting slammed because he wants to sell off the NHS, but that's exactly what Cameron is doing now, only he's doing it by stealth.

The main parties have got their work cut out to win voters back, they have 12 months to change their policies because they don't have a choice now.

Something that he has been denying for weeks now.

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The last 30 odd years has seen a steady shift to the right in Britain. Selling off of national assets, creeping privatisation of the NHS, transfer of wealth from the poorest 10% to the wealthiest 10%, relaxing of rules governing the financial sector (the cause of the 2008 banking crash).......all this done by 18 years of the Tories, 13 years of Labour and now 4 years of the Tories again (ok, aided and abetted by the Lib Dems)......it is no wonder that ordinary working people are turning to extremist parties. 


The mainstream have blended into one great morass of snouts in the trough being controlled by vested interests. Cameron, as was Blair, is nothing but an apologist for the corporate elite. The tax burden on the rich has diminished while services to the poor have reduced accordingly.

The tax avoiding/dodging billionaires, who continue to get richer and richer the more austerity is bestowed on the rest of us, have won.

They control the media and channel the debate away from the real issues of inequality, poverty and fairness.


And the answer to all this is a protest vote for a far right party that wants to remove any protection that low paid workers have left and sell off anything that the other parties missed.


History repeats itself because the greedy bstards running the show are never satisfied, they want to squeeze every last penny out of the rest of us.


If we make the poorest a bit better off they will spend it in their local economy.


If we make the richest better off they will hide it in off shore tax havens.


The future, unless Labour move back towards the centre left, will be a harsh place of gated communities and extreme poverty in the UK with the middle scrabbling over each other to keep out of the latter.

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No Party wants to sell off the NHS. If you believe that then to be frank you are an idiot. The NHS has become bloated beyond belief and has falling standards. The idea behind any privatization is to get a better deal. The NHS effectively outsources a service via a contract to a private organisation who can offer a greater service at lower costs. There is no public fee and the deal is not permanent. This is still all paid for by the NHS, through national insurance. They pay the bill. You won't end up having to pay national insurance and then pay out of your back pocket for treatment and care at the privatized unit. 

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No Party wants to sell off the NHS. If you believe that then to be frank you are an idiot. The NHS has become bloated beyond belief and has falling standards. The idea behind any privatization is to get a better deal. The NHS effectively outsources a service via a contract to a private organisation who can offer a greater service at lower costs. There is no public fee and the deal is not permanent. This is still all paid for by the NHS, through national insurance. They pay the bill. You won't end up having to pay national insurance and then pay out of your back pocket for treatment and care at the privatized unit. 

You could not be more wrong my friend. The reason the NHS is suffering is because of market forces rather than patient care being the main driver.

The NHS will be broken up and sold off. The profitable bits run by private companies, the rest as a 2nd class semi-private mess.

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You could not be more wrong my friend. The reason the NHS is suffering is because of market forces rather than patient care being the main driver.

The NHS will be broken up and sold off. The profitable bits run by private companies, the rest as a 2nd class semi-private mess.


Market forces LOL. The NHS has a monopoly. Monopolies lead to consumers suffering. The privatization is healthy controlled competition. It will serve as research into how certain NHS departments and units can offer better care and cut costs. For a party to sell off the NHS all others would have to agree to it. Never going to happen. The NHS budget has peaked. We are about to enter a new paradigm of healthcare. Things are only going to get better. 

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Market forces LOL. The NHS has a monopoly. Monopolies lead to consumers suffering. The privatization is healthy controlled competition. It will serve as research into how certain NHS departments and units can offer better care and cut costs. For a party to sell off the NHS all others would have to agree to it. Never going to happen. The NHS budget has peaked. We are about to enter a new paradigm of healthcare. Things are only going to get better. 


That's a very idealistic assessment of privatisation - unfortunately in practise it doesn't really workout like that. Take the education sector as an example, which the government are currently doing their damnedest to privatise with the introduction of academies. 


By transforming a public-funded institute into a business, the focus shifts - from providing kids with the best education possible to turning over a profit. Money that should be reinvested back into schools instead ends up leaving the system and lining other's pockets. Ultimately it's the kids that miss out - the profit-making schools will have financial targets, which means certain, more  vulnerable children will be excluded (because they're more expensive to teach). It also increases the strain on teachers, who are being put under more and more pressure to deliver results and propel their school up the league tables - and monetary targets will only increase that pressure further. 


Access to a good education is something every child should be entitled too - not just the one's that represent 'the most attractive investment'. The same goes for NHS - if I was sick, I'd rather be treated by a doctor who's focus is giving me the best treatment possible rather than one trying to help his business hit the latest big financial target. 

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Want to vote Green but tempted to vote Conservative if it means derailing UKIP.


I did see UKIP as a party that's missed the point or was maybe a bit loopy, but after this, I've become downright disturbed. 




Unfortunately I can barely watch BBC news or read it these days, its reporting is probably the reason UKIP has done so well.




Barely reported outside of local press...

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