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Radio Derby and that moaning Baz. Tard.


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Jesus Christ. Hypnotised by Sky Sports and watching Man City.

The bunch of moaning cnuts don't have a clue what real football is. They want to compare us to Man City, who they watch on a "Super Sunday" instead of the 70+ clubs that are more comparable considering we play in the same fooking league system as them.

Honestly, nothing is ever good enough. We sit 3rd in the league and they do nothing but pick everything to bits. 10 Derby attacks are expected where 1 opposition attack is us not doing our jobs. They're so quick to wrist slash they make the old DET forum look like the B4 optimist gathering.

I'm fed up of the cnuts and I won't listen to them on the way home from games and I'd rather listen to away games I can't make on football focus where we actually get a proper idea of what's going on.

Then there's some **** called Baz ringing up, unhappy with the entertainment.

"They're supposed to be entertaining fans"

Fook off back infront of your telly you stupid, plastic glory hunting knobber. Entertainment. Have you ever kicked a ball in a competitive match? It's about finding a reliable system, a style that gives you the best chance of winning most the games you play. Not entertainment. Want entertainment? Get back infront of your sky box and watch Man City's £500m team play Chelsea's £500m team. Or for added entertainment you could watch one of them take on West Ham's £50m team.

You're wasted watching a bunch of freebies and kids.

"I want to be entertained"

Yeah, and the team want some atmosphere but no fooker listens when they ask for that. Half of you leave the ground before they finish their shift. Lazy, half arsed, **** support. The team deserve better.

"Ooooh, 3 games in a week. They work really hard"

Do you run yourself into the ground mate? Are you all blood sweat and tears after a days work?

You have no idea how stripped down these modern professionals are. They are conditioned and shaped to a high physical condition. They are fitter and faster than any player your nostalgic poisoned memory conjures up.

Yes they get paid well.

Does a labourer get paid the same as a bricklayer? Who's the fooker doing the running and fetching. The world isn't "fair". Here's a tissue

Get real. What a load of *****. You're a moron. A rubbish fan and I wish you'd buy yourself a Man City shirt and fook off.

"They were there for the taking."

"The only positive is we won 3-1"

Lemme guess, the magnificent Derby County support deserve better?

And Ramage says "we're 3rd, stop moaning"

Follow your own advice then. "Take the positives". Maybe Bas wasn't really there and just listened to you lot presumably making it sound like we got mauled.

22 lucky wins in 42 games. Should have got Jose in when he left Real.

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We should have shown more ambition.

Qpr improved their goal difference by 3 scoring two or three in the last 10 mins.

Huddersfield were on the ropes.

We needed to be more ruthless.

Steve mac was going spare on the touchline.

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We should have shown more ambition.

Qpr improved their goal difference by 3 scoring two or three in the last 10 mins.

Huddersfield were on the ropes.

We needed to be more ruthless.

Steve mac was going spare on the touchline.

Like at Birmingham?

I'm not calling it a complete performance. We were the better side. We CAN play better. We WILL play better. What's the big concern?

Maybe the fans could lift the tempo? Nah, only kidding. They couldn't lift an arm to celebrate.

We know how we can play. We know how Mac wants to play. Is that not good enough.

If folks don't like this then how will they feel about probably losing half our games next season? In the wonderful PL they use as a guide to judge all else.

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No-one is saying its a big concern.

We won 3-1.

But in the last 20 minutes we could have gone for it a bit more.

They only had 9 men and were out on their feet.

Why not put them to the sword?

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Jesus Christ. Hypnotised by Sky Sports and watching Man City.

The bunch of moaning cnuts don't have a clue what real football is. They want to compare us to Man City, who they watch on a "Super Sunday" instead of the 70+ clubs that are more comparable considering we play in the same fooking league system as them.

Honestly, nothing is ever good enough. We sit 3rd in the league and they do nothing but pick everything to bits. 10 Derby attacks are expected where 1 opposition attack is us not doing our jobs. They're so quick to wrist slash they make the old DET forum look like the B4 optimist gathering.

I'm fed up of the cnuts and I won't listen to them on the way home from games and I'd rather listen to away games I can't make on football focus where we actually get a proper idea of what's going on.

Then there's some **** called Baz ringing up, unhappy with the entertainment.

"They're supposed to be entertaining fans"

Fook off back infront of your telly you stupid, plastic glory hunting knobber. Entertainment. Have you ever kicked a ball in a competitive match? It's about finding a reliable system, a style that gives you the best chance of winning most the games you play. Not entertainment. Want entertainment? Get back infront of your sky box and watch Man City's £500m team play Chelsea's £500m team. Or for added entertainment you could watch one of them take on West Ham's £50m team.

You're wasted watching a bunch of freebies and kids.

"I want to be entertained"

Yeah, and the team want some atmosphere but no fooker listens when they ask for that. Half of you leave the ground before they finish their shift. Lazy, half arsed, **** support. The team deserve better.

"Ooooh, 3 games in a week. They work really hard"

Do you run yourself into the ground mate? Are you all blood sweat and tears after a days work?

You have no idea how stripped down these modern professionals are. They are conditioned and shaped to a high physical condition. They are fitter and faster than any player your nostalgic poisoned memory conjures up.

Yes they get paid well.

Does a labourer get paid the same as a bricklayer? Who's the fooker doing the running and fetching. The world isn't "fair". Here's a tissue

Get real. What a load of *****. You're a moron. A rubbish fan and I wish you'd buy yourself a Man City shirt and fook off.

"They were there for the taking."

"The only positive is we won 3-1"

Lemme guess, the magnificent Derby County support deserve better?

And Ramage says "we're 3rd, stop moaning"

Follow your own advice then. "Take the positives". Maybe Bas wasn't really there and just listened to you lot presumably making it sound like we got mauled.

22 lucky wins in 42 games. Should have got Jose in when he left Real.

Best post ever !

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No-one is saying its a big concern.

We won 3-1.

But in the last 20 minutes we could have gone for it a bit more.

They only had 9 men and were out on their feet.

Why not put them to the sword?


Or it could be the fact that they have played a lot of games lately, the game was won and they don't want to get injured by going balls out in a game they were never going to lose. They saw the game out well and macs subs showed he was thinking the same.


Big games coming up for us and we need everyone fit, to finish 3rd would be a tremendous feat after the dross we've had to watch for the last 5 years.

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Or it could be the fact that they have played a lot of games lately, the game was won and they don't want to get injured by going balls out in a game they were never going to lose. They saw the game out well and macs subs showed he was thinking the same.


Big games coming up for us and we need everyone fit, to finish 3rd would be a tremendous feat after the dross we've had to watch for the last 5 years.

Yes i think that was probably the reason.

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No-one is saying its a big concern.

We won 3-1.

But in the last 20 minutes we could have gone for it a bit more.

They only had 9 men and were out on their feet.

Why not put them to the sword?

We looked like we could have another 2/3 v Brum.

I agree btw, we could have taken them for a few more. But perhaps the players wanted to keep something in the tank, get home and dry with a 3-1 win. The job done and a comfortable finish.

It's great to see teams keep going for more but Baz and Ramage etc were straight to the negatives yet again.

"We've made it now. Even if we lose in the Play Offs at least..." What? That we are no better off really than if we'd finished 7th? I best most other fans would say we are favourites. Above even the London mercenaries.

If we don't go up it'll be a massive dissapointment because we are good enough to beat the other 3 sides.

It's like we're constantly lucky. 22 times.

During that amazing run we "rode our luck at times". At Bournemouth "we just edged it" even though we beat them quite well. At Barnsley and Huddersfield we were "below par". Below what? Just what is our expected level? You can't be at you're best every week. Impossible. So some of that run was lucky.

Since the New Year "we've not played that well" nearly every other week. We've had to scrap it out. But that's the sign of a good team apparently. Until we don't scrap it out and we win comfortably and then we're looking for faults again!!!


Are we sure this manager is good? I think we should go for Billy Davies again.

McClaren is either lucky or when we are the best side it's not really enough and at times we looked second best during the game.

We need someone where we can be awesome every week. Like Bayern Munich. They beat everyone with perfect performances. What's stopping us. Apart from money. Which they get paid too much of as it is. Ain't that right Baz?

(Not a rant at you RamNut. I'm having a day)

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I'm amazed by how many fans near me want to us to hoof the ball forward when we are passing it around the back 4

How do you know they want us to hoof it?

Maybe they just want us to go forward?

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Jesus Christ. Hypnotised by Sky Sports and watching Man City.

The bunch of moaning cnuts don't have a clue what real football is. They want to compare us to Man City, who they watch on a "Super Sunday" instead of the 70+ clubs that are more comparable considering we play in the same fooking league system as them.

Honestly, nothing is ever good enough. We sit 3rd in the league and they do nothing but pick everything to bits. 10 Derby attacks are expected where 1 opposition attack is us not doing our jobs. They're so quick to wrist slash they make the old DET forum look like the B4 optimist gathering.

I'm fed up of the cnuts and I won't listen to them on the way home from games and I'd rather listen to away games I can't make on football focus where we actually get a proper idea of what's going on.

Then there's some **** called Baz ringing up, unhappy with the entertainment.

"They're supposed to be entertaining fans"

Fook off back infront of your telly you stupid, plastic glory hunting knobber. Entertainment. Have you ever kicked a ball in a competitive match? It's about finding a reliable system, a style that gives you the best chance of winning most the games you play. Not entertainment. Want entertainment? Get back infront of your sky box and watch Man City's £500m team play Chelsea's £500m team. Or for added entertainment you could watch one of them take on West Ham's £50m team.

You're wasted watching a bunch of freebies and kids.

"I want to be entertained"

Yeah, and the team want some atmosphere but no fooker listens when they ask for that. Half of you leave the ground before they finish their shift. Lazy, half arsed, **** support. The team deserve better.

"Ooooh, 3 games in a week. They work really hard"

Do you run yourself into the ground mate? Are you all blood sweat and tears after a days work?

You have no idea how stripped down these modern professionals are. They are conditioned and shaped to a high physical condition. They are fitter and faster than any player your nostalgic poisoned memory conjures up.

Yes they get paid well.

Does a labourer get paid the same as a bricklayer? Who's the fooker doing the running and fetching. The world isn't "fair". Here's a tissue

Get real. What a load of *****. You're a moron. A rubbish fan and I wish you'd buy yourself a Man City shirt and fook off.

"They were there for the taking."

"The only positive is we won 3-1"

Lemme guess, the magnificent Derby County support deserve better?

And Ramage says "we're 3rd, stop moaning"

Follow your own advice then. "Take the positives". Maybe Bas wasn't really there and just listened to you lot presumably making it sound like we got mauled.

22 lucky wins in 42 games. Should have got Jose in when he left Real.


"http://i782.photobucket.com/albums/yy101/luckyeddie_photo/KeyboardFaceSmash_zps9984319b" alt="KeyboardFaceSmash_zps9984319b">



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Sorry but for what's it worth I thought we were generally ***** today. However 3 moments of sublime genius got us by.....Thorne's pass, Russell's finish and then their keeper's brain fart. Otherwise we were fairly mince. If they had a finisher like Russell they would have been 2 up. The last 20 minutes against only 9 men were sleep inducing.

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Sorry but for what's it worth I thought we were generally ***** today. However 3 moments of sublime genius got us by.....Thorne's pass, Russell's finish and then their keeper's brain fart. Otherwise we were fairly mince. If they had a finisher like Russell they would have been 2 up. The last 20 minutes against only 9 men were sleep inducing.


Don't give a toss.


3 points in the bag, move on.

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