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The Derby Cathedral Peregrine Project , 2014


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yes it was me, I had a big male owl.

Yes I was holding my large cock in the Corn Market.

It's head turns 360 deg anorl.

Twit tawoo!

Nice to have met you. Yep, I saw him turn his head the 360. It was impressive. You have any footage ?

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when the new cycle track at the side of the new velodrome was granted permission, the twitchers were jumping up and down saying the birds and wild life would be disturbed by the noisy peddle bikes being ridden around the circuit

It is true though.

When i went for a cycle ride around Carsington i'm afraid i made quite a lot of noise.

Wheezing....whimpering.....hyper ventilating.....ovulating......

I was bright red, my legs turned to jelly........ i was as stiff as a vicar.


I hate to think how my unwelcome presence will have negatively impacted upon the breeding population around there.

Out of respect for nature i shalln't be doing that again.

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It is true though.

When i went for a cycle ride around Carsington i'm afraid i made quite a lot of noise.

Wheezing....whimpering.....hyper ventilating.....ovulating......

I was bright red, my legs turned to jelly........ i was as stiff as a vicar.


I hate to think how my unwelcome presence will have negatively impacted upon the breeding population around there.

Out of respect for nature i shalln't be doing that again.

well, you're not really helping my argument mate.

Plus, it sounds like you got your leg over half way round?

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Great to see them doing well again, and they don't sit on them until the full clutch are laid (generally) :D

Thanks froggy for staying on topic, I did not know that. How long does it generally take from first egg to last egg to be laid?

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Egg number three is laid

Thanks to our eager band of egg-watchers, egg number three was spotted just after 9 pm tonight (2nd April).

So just a final one to go (we hope) to complete the clutch and start full incubation. Given that the gap between numbers 2 and 3 was well over 48 hours, the last egg might be laid sometime on Saturday?

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