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Rooney's was best goal ever against Hammers.


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He looked up saw goalie out of position and hit it on the volley from half way line what could beat that.


Well it was a half volley for one, and the West Ham keeper made a **** of himself. Shocking goalkeeping. No where near the best goal, not even best of the weekend. Tettey's was better... hell Russell's was even better.

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For starters.



And this is better than both.


Thing is, I'd fancy myself to score a volley from the halfway line eventually if I stood and hit them all day but absolutely zero chance I could ever score an overhead kick like either of those no matter how long I tried. It's an even more difficult piece of skill and I don't mean to take anything away from Rooney's goal, it was special no doubt.

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For starters.



And this is better than both.


Thing is, I'd fancy myself to score a volley from the halfway line eventually if I stood and hit them all day but absolutely zero chance I could ever score an overhead kick like either of those no matter how long I tried. It's an even more difficult piece of skill and I don't mean to take anything away from Rooney's goal, it was special no doubt.


Rooney's volley came off his shin, could have gone anywhere. And no goal can be the best ever when there's not even a keeper in the goal to save it.

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Maradonna for me.

I don't really go for wonder shots.

I prefer the goals that take an awful lot of good touches instead of just one. And it has to be against a worthy opponent. So not say QPR scoring a 600 pass move against San Marino u8's.

Zlatan's goal was wonderful technique like Rooney v City. But how many bicycle kicks do you think are scored in league games every season? How many go in the top corner or in of the bar/post.

It's much harder to repeat a 30 pass goal or beat 7/8 players than to get one clean strike.

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Barcelona have scored the best goals ever... Or Messi


Name me another player in the world who could pick the ball up just inside Real's half and take the ball past four players before slotting past Iker Casillas.


Rooney wouldn't even get past the first man, and Ibra who probably lunge past one before firing a wild one over the bar.


I'm really not impressed with long ranges or pot shots which fly in the top coner - yes they look great but any pro footballer can do that.


But not any pro footballer can waltz past half the England team (Maradona) or cut a team open with 100mph passes along the floor.


One of the best Man Utd goals I ever saw was the Rooney/Ronaldo counterattack against Bolton



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Those are spesh there's no doubt. Feel a bit sorry for his teammates tho, sometimes they just look like spare parts at a wedding. Still, what can you say really?

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