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George Thorne


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Thorne, I really want us to sign him and I think is an excellent player but he only had a run of about 8 odd games in a team that was pretty much flying at the time and full of confidence. Hughes to be fair to the young lad has played pretty most games in the last 2 seasons at a pretty consistent level and got voted by his peers in the champ team of the year and football league young player of the year and as people point out being only 18. That's why he is worth more in the transfer market.

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As you know, I've been following this thread and putting my views in every now and again and would like to do so again.  It was extremely disappointing what Thorne came out with and a lot of fans from our club feel let down.  Naturally, fans from your club will be elated.  As soon as I saw that article I thought silly boy. Did he not learn anything from the Odemwingie situation.  In your eyes our chairman is most probably a moron, but he will not bow down to player power.  Odemwingie tried this last January and he ended up not going to the club of his choice but to Cardiff on the last day of the transfer season and I can see the same happening to George.  Peace will now put a valuation on his (as he did on Peter O) and if this is not met, he will stay.  I think some of the comments were either ill thought out or a different spin has been put on them.  To say that he signed under duress when he was given an opportunity after a career threatening injury, which will know leave that leg much weakened (as we saw with Gera) is rubbish.  If a player doesn't want to play for a club, he will run down his contract which we know is what happens.  His twitter comments also don't reflect that he was signing under duress.  The problem is that we are rudderless at the moment but I am confident once a head coach has been identified and brought in, things will change.  It has been a challenging season for us, and it isn't helped by more turmoil that Thorne has now brought.  It wouldn't surprise me if you got your man, but you will have to meet Peace's valuation on his, however unrealistic it may be.

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I'm still getting over the shock that the internet has reached West Bromwich...!


I am surprised that you knock the West Midlands so much.  Being a Londonder and having suffered the East Mids for nigh on 10 years, there is not much difference between the East and West :(

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Is Brian Clough still rotting somewhere in Derbyshire.


No good you lot getting all mardy, just because you are still stuck in the Chumpionship.

Thought of deleting your comment but decided to keep this up as an embarrassment to your football club. Hope you're proud.



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As you know, I've been following this thread and putting my views in every now and again and would like to do so again.  It was extremely disappointing what Thorne came out with and a lot of fans from our club feel let down.  Naturally, fans from your club will be elated.  As soon as I saw that article I thought silly boy. Did he not learn anything from the Odemwingie situation.  In your eyes our chairman is most probably a moron, but he will not bow down to player power.  Odemwingie tried this last January and he ended up not going to the club of his choice but to Cardiff on the last day of the transfer season and I can see the same happening to George.  Peace will now put a valuation on his (as he did on Peter O) and if this is not met, he will stay.  I think some of the comments were either ill thought out or a different spin has been put on them.  To say that he signed under duress when he was given an opportunity after a career threatening injury, which will know leave that leg much weakened (as we saw with Gera) is rubbish.  If a player doesn't want to play for a club, he will run down his contract which we know is what happens.  His twitter comments also don't reflect that he was signing under duress.  The problem is that we are rudderless at the moment but I am confident once a head coach has been identified and brought in, things will change.  It has been a challenging season for us, and it isn't helped by more turmoil that Thorne has now brought.  It wouldn't surprise me if you got your man, but you will have to meet Peace's valuation on his, however unrealistic it may be.



I agree he should have just let the two clubs sort it out. I bet he was trying to be helpful.


You know what's happened I've had it at places I've worked you go on Secondment, make some friends, feel loved and want to stay then you worry you might have to go back to a job you don't enjoy or you don't like the people.


My worry is he won't come now, he might not have before this but I'm still hoping.

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The more I think about this the more I think that it will be little to do with what Thorne may have said, and everything about relations between Jeremy Peace & Sam Rush. If they are good who knows what might happen.

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The more I think about this the more I think that it will be little to do with what Thorne may have said, and everything about relations between Jeremy Peace & Sam Rush. If they are good who knows what might happen.

They played a friendly against each other last summer so they might like each other! Only time will tell though :D

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I am surprised that you knock the West Midlands so much.  Being a Londonder and having suffered the East Mids for nigh on 10 years, there is not much difference between the East and West :(



Its called Banter and I knock my Gump neighbores  (yes that is spelt how I wanted it to be) all the time.  I lived and worked in London, its a ******* **** hole hence I left, and you are quite welcome to leave the Midlands and go back.

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Just an opinion ..pertaining an obnoxious baggies fan ...  who im sure would be better off on his own forum

Uncalled for. If you don't like what they write, just don't read it. I don't think it is up to you to police the forum.

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wasn't trying to police the forum far from it ...   I,ll try to delete the J.A comment ..and in retrospect shouldn't have wrote it ..I apologise to all .....  but at least Zoltan has now gone ..especially after the appealing comment he made ...once again my upmost sincere apology to all

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I find it quite funny that some people think WBA will cut their nose off to spite their face. No person would look to ruin the career of a young professional for wanting to go and play first-team football, especially when they would be paid well for his services.


No idea of WBA's financial situation, but if I had enough money I would.

  We can't on the one hand bemoan the fact that money and lack of loyalty is ruining the game but on the other hand condone his actions. I think Thorne is a cracking player and I'd love us to sign him, but talking to the press in the way that he seems to have done is clearly wrong.


I blame the Mirror, but then I blame the Mirror for everything, up to and including HP sauce being made abroad.

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